Support the anti-boycott campaign

Dear Friends of Israel,

Please read the important information below, sign the petition and share with your lists.
Thank you!

Join StandWithUs, ILC and ActforIsrael
and numerous other organizations

and stand up for Israel.

Please sign the petition against the
anti-Israel Boycott Movement!

Recently hundreds of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel organizations have joined forces and applied immense pressure on singer Stevie Wonder to cancel his scheduled performance at the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF) Gala on Thursday, December 6.

These organizations distributed a petition with anti-Israel propaganda and demanded that Stevie Wonder cancel the show. Thousands signed the boycott petition which is full of misinformation and hatred towards Israel, and as a result Stevie Wonder was coerced into canceling the performance.

Join us as we unite to stand up for the State of Israel, the Jewish people and the free world.  Join us as we will no longer sit idly by as anti-Israel and anti-Semitic activists attempt to bully others into boycotting Israel.

Please sign this petition to stand against the anti-Israel boycott movement by clicking here.

Thank you in advance for standing with Israel,


December 2, 2012 | 9 Comments »

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9 Comments / 9 Comments

  1. CR, I’ve heard more than enough of your NT-inspired condemnations of the Jews. And I think I speak for a lot of Jewish readers on this blog. STFU! You wouldn’t know “sound Torah/Tanakh principles” if they jumped up and bit you in the ass. Enough already.

  2. Sorry if I keep bringing this up, but the war against the Jews is facilitated by the Israeli government’s lack of assertiveness in affirming ownership of the land. When Israeli governments do little other than explain and apologize – and appease Arabs over and over – the uninformed public gets the idea that, indeed, Israel must be guilty of something. If there is going to be a campaign, it should be to demand the Israeli government to annex the ancient Jewish heartland.

    The heart of the problem in Israel and in Israel’s dealings with other nations–are the Jewish people themselves as most have turned away from sound Torah/Tanakh principles; Israel’s leadership problems are the problems of most of the Jewish population–as the Jewish leadership comes directly from the people.

  3. @ Canadian Otter:

    BB has almost as much power as a dictator.

    All of the MSM blamed BB for the UN vote claiming he was not forthcoming enough to bring Abbas to the table in-order to give him what he demanded.

    Most Israelis still get their news from same MSM.

    Israelis look around and for the most part see no credible alternative to BB especially on the right side of our political divide. No one is challenging BB so the people have no one to alley around.

    Israelis are not into mass protests and civil disobedience and when they do the police are brutal.

    Most Israelis are hard at work,studies raising kids and have no inclination or time for protest, our forte is complaining. Most vote when elections are held and expect that those they elect will do the right thing. Naive but that’s us.

    Our political and election process is flawed and past experimentation only made things worse. People feel powerless and are used to being powerless. Few want the responsibility either and those who do are mostly knaves at best and incompetents at worst.

    There are no real checks and balances here and the PM has inordinate Power which is wielded to shield the PM from internal political challenges.

    People have short memories and support (like the States) the politician who gives him or promises him the most. All democracies are populist and resort to political bribing as many of the electorate as possible in return for their votes. Then forget most of the promises.

  4. @ yamit82:
    BB is not a dictator – yet. There is much that Israeli Jews can do to stop the dismantling process. Someday they may ask themselves why they put their fate, that of their country, and that of future generations in their authorities’ hands. The real power lies with the people. BB and other MKs have been entrusted with administering the country, not with parceling out pieces to give them to Arab Nazis, or anyone else.

    I may appear a bit frantic these days, but I’m at a loss to explain the lack of reaction in Israel. Here is one theory.


    NORMALCY BIAS – a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This often results in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster …. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation (Wikipedia).

  5. @ Canadian Otter:
    Canadian Otter Said:

    Why not a campaign to annex the land?

    Yeah Right. Annexation is a dirty word with BB, he has already nearly completed most of the parameters for giving up the land.

    “You can’t support the establishment of a Palestinian state on the one hand, and on the other – wonder when the world takes action to establish it,” he said. “This is schizophrenic policymaking.” Naftali Bennett

    BB the cowardly traitor has painted himself and the rest of us into a corner with little or no wiggle room.


    Muhammad said:

    “Allah Mighty and Majestic sent me as a guidance and mercy to believers and commanded me to do away with musical instruments, flutes, strings, crucifixes, and the affair of the pre-Islamic period of ignorance.”

  7. And if there is going to be a campaign against the boycott, please highlight Islam’s persecution and even murder of Muslim artists – and the contempt and censure with which they regard western artists. And since so many popular artists are black, it would help to point out that Muslims are guilty of slavery to this day. Slavery thrives in Muslim Mali. Many Arab countries are involved in the slave trade, with the victims being mostly Africans.

    Egypt’s new constitution omits ban on slavery

  8. Why not a campaign to annex the land?

    Sorry if I keep bringing this up, but the war against the Jews is facilitated by the Israeli government’s lack of assertiveness in affirming ownership of the land. When Israeli governments do little other than explain and apologize – and appease Arabs over and over – the uninformed public gets the idea that, indeed, Israel must be guilty of something. If there is going to be a campaign, it should be to demand the Israeli government to annex the ancient Jewish heartland.

    Our sincere appreciation for this campaign against the boycott, but Israel’s friends need to get to the root of the problem. The 1967 victorious Israel was respected and admired – and Israel’s territory was much larger then. There was no PA, and no Quartet dictating policy to Israel. Only Jews who had fought with valor and sacrifice to recover their land.