Suella Braverman defends Israel’s ‘legitimate self-defence measures’ | LBC

Peloni:  It is a great misfortune and injustice that Braverman was removed from her post last year.  She is a voice of reality and reason, just as she remains a good friend to the Jewish people.

Suella Braverman, LBC    April 9, 2024

In conversation with Nick Ferrari at Breakfast, ex-Home Secretary Suella Braveman explained why she supports Israel’s attacks against Hamas, which she branded as ‘a death cult intent on destroying Israel’.

She added: ‘I’ve probed and I’ve tested – I’ve been very near to the border with Gaza, and I am convinced – and I say this as a former attorney general who dealt with matters of international law and military action – that I very strongly rebut suggestions that Israel is in breach of international law, that there’s a genocide, that there’s a forced starvation.’

Ms Braverman felt that the deaths of three British aid workers were “tragedy” – but should not stop the UK exporting arms for the IDF’s use.

April 9, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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  1. @keelie
    I don’t think I would classify Sunak as primarily a Hindu nor ethnic Indian, but as a Globalist. I sincerely believe that this is why he was appointed without a routine vote after his predescessor, Tusk, was unseated by the English Deep State elements who opposed her economic policies instead of enacting them, as was their duty.

    Meanwhile I would describe Braverman as an English nationalist. So while they have much in common ethnically, too much distinguished these two on the political field for him to have kept her on in his govt.

    I very much hope to see Braverman continue to rise in the party, however, and hopefully one day to lead it. She is a sincerely strong voice of national conscience which has been left dormant in England for far too long in my opinion.

  2. Peloni: It’s indeed truly odd that Braverman has been “cancelled” from the UK government… Especially as the Prime Minister of the UK is of indian (Hindu) origin and is no doubt well aware of what the muslims did to India a few centuries ago.