Strange bedfellows in the M.E.

Samson Blinded reports,

    The US, France, and Britain increased the intensity of their attacks on Libya and announced that they would not stop the air strikes until Gadhafi relinquishes power. Sixty Libyans were injured in such recent strike on Gadhafi’s compound in Tripoli.

    The West’s actions are pure terrorism: attacking another country without declaring war and without allowing it the right for reprisal attacks. It is also a case of illegal collective punishment, a military crime Britain and France accused Israel of in Gaza: pounding non-combatants to force government concessions.

    The West openly ignores the UNSC resolution which limited the air strikes to protection of Libyan civilians.

Now if they would only let us pound the shit out of Gaza until Hamas relinquished power.

‘Small emirates jammed between anvil and hammer’

After withdrawing its meager six planes from the NATO operation in Libya, Kuwait pledged $177 mil to Libyan rebels. That places Kuwait in a curious de facto coalition of the United States and Iran which support anti-Gadhafi forces.

In Bahrain, Kuwaitis joined Saudi Arabia against the US and Iran.

In Yemen, Kuwaitis and Saudis brokered a partial deal acceptable both to Iran and Saudi Arabia.

April 25, 2011 | 9 Comments »

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9 Comments / 9 Comments

  1. “…recommending that you be banned from Israpundit for making world Jewry look so bad.”

    How do Laura’s posts make world Jewry look ‘bad,’ Sir?

  2. dan friedman says:
    April 26, 2011 at 6:58 pm
    . I am recommending that you be banned from Israpundit for making world Jewry look so bad.

    World Jewry needs no help in looking bad. They do it all by themselves.

    Laura: your posts are becoming increasingly more rediculous and just a bit more stupid each succeeding day

    You seem to be the only troll who thinks so. You show classic symptoms of a misogynist. I think your misogyny is rooted in gynophobia.

    I am recommending that you be banned from Israpundit in the interest of cleansing away the stench you radiate when you comment here.

  3. Laura: your posts are becoming increasingly more rediculous and just a bit more stupid each succeeding day. I am recommending that you be banned from Israpundit for making world Jewry look so bad. Have a good day.

  4. Israel should just go ahead and pound the crap out of Gaza and if Obama and the EU dare protest, just point out their hypocrisy over Libya and continue pounding Gaza.