Stolen Elections: A Tale of Two D.C. Courtrooms

Regardless of the verdicts for Sussmann and Hale, it’s increasingly clear Americans continue to live in two separate and unequal systems of government.


The Elijah Barrett Prettyman Courthouse in Washington, D.C. is center stage this month to two competing tales of stolen presidential elections.

In the courtroom of U.S. District Court Judge Christopher Cooper, federal prosecutors have presented a detailed account of the greatest scandal in U.S. political history: the conspiracy of the country’s most powerful interests to fabricate the Trump-Russia collusion hoax in order to sabotage Donald Trump before the 2016 election.

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Michael Sussmann, a lawyer formerly employed at Perkins Coie, the influential law firm that funded the infamous Steele dossier on behalf of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, is on trial for lying to the FBI. Sussmann is accused of presenting phony data alleged to prove a connection between Trump and a Russian bank to the department just weeks before Election Day 2016.

The sinister collaboration, exposed years ago by reporters and bloggers on the Right but now confirmed by Special Counsel John Durham’s investigation, involved Democratic Party honchos including the candidate herself; top officials at the Department of Justice, who used the dossier as evidence for a warrant to spy on Trump’s campaign; FBI officials and informants; the Central Intelligence Agency; and of course, the national news media.

Russia’s interference in the 2016 election to rig the outcome in favor of Trump was accepted as truth not just by the same interests responsible for the hoax but by tens of millions of Americans. Roughly half the country openly refused to accept the fact that Trump won fair and square. Media-fueled accusations that the new president and Russian President Vladimir Putin “stole” the election prompted the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller in May 2017, a move supported by most Republicans in Washington.

Trump’s first two years in office were severely hobbled by the nonstop collusion drama as Mueller’s team systematically rounded up Trump allies on unrelated charges to produce breaking headlines and speculation that Trump would be the next one in handcuffs. Even after Mueller in 2019 finally admitted his prosecutors found no evidence of election-altering collusion, 84 percent of Democrats still believed Trump had been in cahoots with the Russians. For four years, Democrats proudly displayed #NotMyPresident hashtags on social media platforms.

And to this day, Hillary Clinton insists the 2016 election “was not on the level.”

But that sort of talk has not been designated the “Big Lie” by the news media or criminalized by the Justice Department. Any suggestion that the 2016 election was “rigged” or “stolen” remains safely under the purview of protected speech and in many quarters, is still considered an indisputable fact.

Not so for those who doubt the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Which is why, just a few floors below Judge Cooper’s courtroom, Timothy Hale is on trial for his participation in the protest at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

While the wheels of justice turn excruciatingly slow for Trump-Russian collusion schemers such as Sussmann, the government has moved at lightning speed to round up dissidents of the Biden regime. More than 800 Americans who protested Biden’s election on January 6 face criminal charges; the Justice Department announces new arrests every week.

Unlike Michael Sussmann, who walked free for five years following the commission of his alleged crime, Tim Hale has been in jail under pre-trial detention orders for more than 16 months.

Yet Hale’s alleged offenses were far less damaging to the country than the crimes Sussmann and his accomplices are accused of committing. On January 6, Hale, an Army reservist, drove to Washington after working the night shift at a New Jersey Naval station to hear President Trump speak. Later that afternoon, Hale walked to Capitol Hill. He entered the Capitol building around 2:14 p.m. through a set of open doors; Hale carried no weapon and didn’t assault anyone. On at least two occasions, Hale is seen interacting with police officers, who did not attempt to arrest either him or those around him.

After 40 minutes, Hale exited the building and drove back to New Jersey in time to start his night shift again. One week later, after his roommate agreed to secretly record a conversation for NCIS, Hale was arrested by at least a dozen armed FBI agents. (His roommate subsequently was paid $4,000 by NCIS for producing the two-hour recording.)

Since then, Biden’s Justice Department has devoted untold human and financial resources to prosecute Hale, who was indicted on four misdemeanors and one obstruction felony. Federal taxpayers have paid to keep Hale, who has no criminal record, incarcerated at a D.C. gulag set aside for Trump supporters. Numerous prosecutors, assistants, law enforcement officers, tech experts, private contractors, and witnesses spent over a year building the case against Hale.

A jury this week finally heard all the evidence in the courtroom of Judge Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee responsible for keeping Hale behind bars since last spring. But prosecutors spent more time litigating Hale’s political views than arguing his guilt related to his nonviolent excursion through a public building on January 6.

During testimony Wednesday by an FBI agent, prosecutors asked the witness to identify Hale in a clip of video taken inside the building. The agent pointed out that Hale was one of the men carrying a Trump flag. With that, the prosecutor handed the agent a large box containing a government exhibit. The agent pulled the item from the box and showed it to the jury.

It was a Trump 2020 flag.

There was no reason to show jurors, residents of a city that voted nearly 94 percent for Joe Biden, the flag. It wasn’t used as a weapon and didn’t even belong to Hale; he picked it up off the ground on his way out. The government’s only purpose was to dramatically remind the D.C.-based jury that the defendant supported Donald Trump.

Prosecutors then grilled Hale’s roommate, who used the pseudonym “Mike Jacobs” at trial, about Hale’s political views. Jacobs told the jury that Hale believed the election was stolen. The threat to America, Hale believed, was “inward not outward,” Jacobs explained. Big Tech, the Republican Party, and “Jewish” interests also earned Hale’s enmity.

But this testimony, just like the Trump flag, had nothing to do with Hale’s alleged criminal conduct on January 6. Prosecutors weren’t attempting to convince the jury Hale was guilty of trespassing or obstructing an “official proceeding.” Hale, in the eyes of Biden’s Justice Department, is guilty of the unforgivable crime of voting for Trump.

Jurors in both cases are expected to begin deliberations on Friday. Unfortunately for Hale, D.C. juries have returned unanimous guilty verdicts on all counts in record time for January 6 protesters.

Regardless of the verdicts for Sussmann and Hale, it’s increasingly clear Americans continue to live in two separate and unequal systems of government. One side enjoys a protracted legal process that ultimately results in a slap on the wrist, favorable—or buried—news coverage, and a sympathetic jury pool among other benefits. The opposite side is hunted, incarcerated, and humiliated, left to the nonexistent mercies of a ruling class that views them with palpable contempt.

A “stolen” election for thee but not for me.

May 29, 2022 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. @Edgar
    I fully share your conflicting concerns here, but a change is about to take place in a particularly potent and public manner which will either see things quite corrected or see them dashed to hell.

    It is true that the abuses have been too long tolerated and the protesting public have been too harshly abused for no other reason than to demonstrate that the tyrants can wield their authority over the innocent, while fixing their corruptions into every aspect of society and govt. In simple fact, the Republic has fallen, and may never be seen to rise again. Truly, the degree by which they have breached the public’s confidence and the abuse they have forced upon the general public has been for no purpose more substantive than that of the most banal desires of Romes long fallen Emperors, but herein is where I believe these rogues have committed their most serious blunder. I am reminded of a line from one of the most crucial of documents ever written, the Declaration of Independence, which states that

    Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes, and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

    By this I mean to suggest that a tenth of the abuse that has been discovered might have been possibly acceptable by these tyrants, but as the abuses have become ever more extreme and also terribly less legitimate in nature, these ruling brigands have set themselves up for a contest in which they fail to realize that the stronger they hold their prize of power, the faster is slips from their control. The potential of what comes next may be difficult to predict, but I think the people will not accept a fraudulent govt, well exposed to have been placed upon the throne by a foreign power. People will find such things as too toxic to accept for themselves, and far too damaging to bequeath to their children, or so I do believe.

    I also think that, should the predictions made by Gregg Phillips and confirmed by Catherine Englebrect, of clear evidence of foreign involvement in perpetuating this abuse upon the people, many cooperating accomplices will be less cooperative in the tasks of enacting the rule of a foreign power, any foreign power, over the nation. Indeed, this foreign junta would be a very different burden to bear for many to pass on to the next generation as compared to the continued corruption long parried back and forth between the two corrupted parties in the American body politic.

    I think such a thing would be characterized as an evil too insufferable to bear and that the agencies that have long failed us may even be shaken to the point of some action, and among these is the most local of authorities, and least controlled from above, that have thus far failed to act, even as they have the authority to do so, and by this I am referencing the Sheriffs. They have the power but not the will to prosecute the election theft that has thus far been ignored by all other levels of authority. The Sherrifs also have the greatest connection to the people who are suffering and still they have withstood the calls for them to act, save just a very few. I do, however, believe this is changing even now with the revelations of the 2000 Mules. Once the next shoe drops, that of a foreign coup, this entire subject becomes a completely different conversation, and many things will likely become more easily supported by the general public, to whom the Sherrifs are the most intimately associated authority. Additionally, the judiciary may want to distance themselves from any connection to such an event as toxic as treason, and may actually perform the duties they have been empowered to do to prevent themselves being considered as accomplices. Any who is not completely implicated will likewise be motivated to act as the innocent, recall how there were suddenly no Nazi’s in Germany at the end of the WW2.

    Hence, I believe there is a great potential for a great change in the public perception and govt prosecution of these events, which is why Phillips and Englebrect have chosen to make this latest revelation in stages, and cautioned people of the potential chaos that might result as some will clearly desire a more rapid response than others. It is going to be a very difficult summer I believe, and I am not certain if the better nature of our angels will successfully prevail or not, but I do not believe the tempered acceptance of the false justice that has stood as certified these past 18 months will easily withstand the trials of what is coming.

  2. @PELONI-

    I can’t imagine that anyone who listens to Pulitzer could have any doubts as to his absolute integrity and expertise. We’ve had many details from him and a multitude of almost equally skilled technicans,’s now 18 months after the outrageous, barely disguised fraudulent election, and nothing materially effective has been done, or completed which alters the present corrupt, inept, highly dangerous administration.

    They are still squandering multi-millions on hunting down innocent tourists who entered the Capitol Building, THEIR OWN building, to have a look around, ofen by invitation from the Capitol police.

  3. Below is a video of Nick Moseder relating a conversation with David Lara about Voter Fraud and how it was exposed in AZ, nearly 4 months before the 2020 General Election and how the investigation was mismanaged and mischaracterized by the AZ AG.

    David Lara and Jerry Snyder collected evidence of the ballot trafficking in AZ going back 22yrs. In the 2022 Primary Election they put together a sting operation with cameras on the ballot drop boxes and could identify the ballot trafficking mules…and they gave all of this evidence to Mark Brnovitch(AZ AG) and the Election Integrity Unit on August 6, 2020. So they had sworn testimony and written statements as of 2 days after the primary on August 6, 2020. So Brnovitch had all the evidence that he needed to go after the criminals and the ballot harvesters before the general election and stop the fraud before it happened. Instead he did absolutely nothing and allowed the fraud to happen. And one week after the General Election, he went to the Associated Press and said
    “Even though we haven’t seen any evidence of any sort of fraud or any people being disenfranchised, it’s important that everyone have trust in the process, faith in the process”

    So Mark Brnovitch had all the evidence on August 6 and after the General Election said we haven’t seen any evidence of fraud.

    At that point David Lara and Jerry Snyder contacted Brnovitch…Brnovitch and the Election Integrity Unit responded by saying that “well, we didn’t do anything about it, because we wanted to compare the fraud that happened in the primaries with the fraud that happened in the General Election”.

    Following this Lara and Snyder threatened to publish all of their evidence online. So at that point the AZ AG Office indicted two people Gyerma Fuentes and Alma Jorges. Fuentes is a Gadson Elementary School Board member and ex-Mayor of San Louis, AZ. On May 12, Fuentes, while advised by DNC paid attornies, pled Not-Guilty to 2 Class 4 Felonies and Conspiracy, as well as 2 counts of Felony Ballot Abuse. Fuentes expected to beat the charges, but that expectation changed after it was revealed that there was video footage of the crime. So she has changed her mind and will plead guilty on June 2, and is cooperating significantly (implicating 3 dozen others in the NGOs per Gregg Phillips).

    Moeseder’s conversation with David Lara then moved into discussing the NGOs implicated in the voter fraud, inquiring which NGO was the “top dog”. Lara stated there is no top dog, and that the NGOs are not working together, but rather, they are all in competition to be the top producer to gain the funding from the DNC donors.

  4. Here is a much better description of where things stand related to the election systems:

    “there is no way we can ever trust a computer system built with components made overseas, particularlly in China, or assembled in China, let alone both, and that’s what we have in our voting system, unfortunately.”

    3min. video

    Watch this three-minute powerful testimony from Shawn Smith about why our electronic voting systems cannot be trusted. Colonel Shawn Smith (USAF, Ret.) is a 25 year Air Force veteran and the former director and test manager for the operational testing of complex, computer-based weapon systems. He is a subject matter expert on the security of computer-based election systems.

  5. CNN finally reporting on potential of fraud via machines, while still quickly dismissing it.

    Federal cybersecurity officials have verified there are software vulnerabilities in certain ballot-marking devices made by Dominion Voting Systems, discovered during a controversial Georgia court case, which could in theory allow a malicious actor to tamper with the devices, according to a draft analysis reviewed by CNN.

    The vulnerabilities have never been exploited in an election and doing so would require physical access to voting equipment or other extraordinary criteria standard election security practices prevent, according to the analysis from the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

    But because the subject is Dominion voting equipment, which has been the target of conspiracy theorists who falsely claim there was large-scale fraud in the 2020 election, federal and state and local officials are bracing for election deniers to try to weaponize news of the vulnerabilities ahead of midterm elections.

    “While these vulnerabilities present risks that should be promptly mitigated, CISA has no evidence that these vulnerabilities have been exploited in any elections,” reads the draft CISA advisory, which the agency shared in a briefing with state and local officials on Friday.

    This is because the Halderman Declaration, which has been released for several weeks now by Tore Maras, will be released officially next week. I believe this is CNN’s attempt to cloud the reality that the findings in the report reveal.

  6. What do you think? It seems Obama never intended to leave the White House, as he ran it in the shadow government when Trump was in office. He is too pompous and narcistic to give it up. He is running it now using Biden, as Obama is seen at times when Biden goes on his trips to another nation. He did dirty sneaky deals with the Palestinians the day Trump was inaugurated. He and the others (Soros, Clinton, etc.) have their plans along with the WEF and the WHO.
    They did not want Trump around then and they do not want him around politics in the future. ( and the aforementioned are enemies of Israel)