Steve Bannon | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union


May 28, 2019 | 10 Comments »

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  1. This whole thing has a whole stink about it. It came up on Israpundit.blogspot in 2006 by a “JR” contributor. That is why I hate false names on the net…you can never tack them down or hold them accountable.

    This quote is false. Only somebody who is an ignoramus and who has no knowledge of Engels could claim it is true.

    Marx and Engels did make a mistake in that they did not give enough weight to nation. The opposite you will understand.

    Tom is right. Fascism is a tool of the ruling class in society which in this case is Capitalism.

    But Tom and Yonason are so weak on actual historical facts it is hard to argue,and they do not. They eschew historical facts.

    As I have often thought the youth of today need to be educated into the real truths of history.

    Surely real Jews will agree with me on this since lies have cost them so dearly.

    Trotsky wrote in some detail about how Hitler USED the word “socialist” in a very cunning and calculated way.

    But the first into the camps were in 1933 the left.

    Get it! It was a trick! How hard is that to comprehend especially if you are Jewish. Considering specifically all the subterfuge concerning the Shoah.

    Why can people not grasp that simple idea that emerges out of these dreadful Nazis. They were extreme liars.

    As to Bannon. Bannon is clearly a liar. A practised liar.

    He comes on in his baggy jeans and a black overcoat. It is another piece of fakery.

    But he says early on that the 2008 crisis was caused by an “elite”. No it was not, it was caused by the contradictions in the capitalist WORLD system, and the “elite” Bannon talks about is the leaders of the system. Hitler talked exactly like that!!!

    Nor do these leaders know the repercussions of what they are doing. Bush did not know the repercussions of the 2003 War and the removal of Saddam. Nixon did not understand in 1971 what the eventual repercussions of ending the basis of the Bretton Woods Agreement and gold backing of the dollar.

    Fascism certainly awaits America. There are two dangerous mas movements and on the streets. The mass movements of the Me Toos! The mass movement of the commie hating hicks on Breitbart (Yonason here for sure by what I read) and Jones.

    But not Fascism. Not yet.

    And the most signs of Fascism today, as we write, comes enormously more from those like McCain who would not ACCEPT THE RESULT OF THE DEMOCRATIC ELECTION…SHADES OF HITLER TOWARDS WEIMAR.

  2. Elections were held in December 2018 and the resulting Assembly formed the Governemnt in February 2019. Formed in the town of Weimar this was called the Weimar Republic.

    In short the Weimar Republic had a democratic type Constitution but contained one fatal clause which it has to be emphasised is found in many such “democratic” constitutions. This was Article 48:

    “Article 48 allows the President to suspend civil rights and operate independently in an emergency.”

    There is a good record for you to read of the full articles in which Article 48 is lodged here:

    Demands for payment of reparations from Britain and France, runaway inflation in Germany, eventually out of that but on the basis of American lending help, however America hiding its own problems ending in the 1929 Wall Street Crash. In those conditions the Wall Street Crash in America meant crash as well in Germany. Hence the masses lost confidence in parliament and take to the streets.

    This is the key to understanding 1933. The German working class were capable of destroying the Nazis but as in Spain 1936 to 1939 STALIN BETRAYED THE WORKERS.

    Basically as simple as that. As with all these things first understand the simple basics, then add the details.

    Fascism arose in THOSE conditions. Should not talk about Fascism loosely without dealing with those facts.

  3. What is Fascism? This is the ABC of political theory. Fascism is a method of rule which is called in by the ruling class when parliament no longer suffices, or when parliament can no longer rule, or when the parliament loses its respect int he eyes of the populace in ANY country. It involves ALWAYS a mass movement and gangs on the streets. It has often but not always used Jew Hatred. It is painful to say that Jews have been badly effected by Fascism but did not then and still do not understand it. Comments on these issues please!

  4. @ Tom W Harris:

    “Fascism is RIGHT wing” – TWHarris

    No. Please note that the S in NSDAP (the acronym for the Nazi Party) stands for “Socialist,” as in “National Socialist German Workers Party.”

    Now let me get this straight. You want people here to believe that Bannon is a Right Wing Fascist because of an alleged “intimate moment of friendship” between himself and a far Left Wing anti-Semite? Seriously?

    “…everybody knows it.” is never a proof of anything being true. If anything, given how much “everybody” knows that just ain’t so, it is more often good reason to suspect the opposite.

    If you want to show something is wrong with Mr. Bannon, you’ll need more reliable references and to tighten up your logic, more than just a tad.

  5. @ Tom W Harris:

    “Fascism is RIGHT wing” – TWHarris

    Yeah, that’s why the S in NSDAP (the acronym for the Nazi Party) stands for “Socialist,” as in “National Socialist German Workers Party.”

    OK, so you aren’t going to read the link I provided, but those who do might learn something useful; if nothing other than that leftists invented the “fascist = right wing” deflection to protect themselves from scrutiny and denigrate conservatives.

  6. Bannoin’s friendly encounter with Galloway happened – no matter where it was published.

    And no, fascism is RIGHT wing. Consult your local history book.

    “How stupid do you think Israpundit’s readers are?”

    Not stupid at all – most of them.

  7. No, fascism is right wing, and everybody knows it. Those who profess otherwise are lying.

    What happened between Bannon and Galloway, happened – regardless of where it was published.

    How stupid do you think Israpundit’s readers are?

    Not stupid at all – most of them.

  8. @ Tom W Harris:

    You are quoting from Haaretz, the “Palestinian” propaganda for Jews??? Seriously??? How stupid do you think Israpundit’s readers are?

    And, speaking of stupid, please note that Fascism is LEFT WING, not Right!!!
    see here…and please make a note of it.