Atlas Shrugs has the full story.
By their fruits we shall know them and so we know them. As desperate as State is for translators, that won’t hire Jews that speak Arabic. And now this. YidwithLid has the full story. Throughout history State has abetted evil and abandoned American interests. Who the hell are those traitors working for? State is wrong on every issue. What will it take to change the permanent bureaucracy over there? They refuse tom stop working for their client states and start working for America. They too will go the way of the UN.
U.S. State Dept Funded “No Jews Allowed” Program
I was just watching a movie about Capone and Elliot Ness.
What was remarkable about Ness was that he was entirely unremarkable; he was simply an honest, incorruptible individual swimming in a sea of utter corruption. Nothing magical.
What we see all around us at this point in time, from the likes of Walt and Mearsheimer as well as our media and our academia, is nothing less than moral gangsterism; gansterism no less effective and no less disgusting than that of Capone. The State Department is simply a den of moral gangsters; a place of corruption, some of it born of arrogance, and some of greed… and of course, some of a combination of both.
Looking at the actions of those who have had dealings with them – Rice, for example – this den of moral gangsters corrupts all those who have entered its doors.
We need an Elliot Ness.
I was just watching a movie about Capone and Elliot Ness.
What was remarkable about Ness was that he was entirely unremarkable; he was simply an honest, incorruptible individual swimming in a sea of utter corruption. Nothing magical.
What we see all around us at this point in time, from the likes of Walt and Mearsheimer as well as our media and our academia, is nothing less than moral gangsterism; gansterism no less effective and no less disgusting than that of Capone. The State Department is simply a den of moral gangsters; a place of corruption, some of it born of arrogance, and some of greed… and of course, some of a combination of both.
Looking at the actions of those who have had dealings with them – Rice, for example – this den of moral gangsters corrupts all those who have entered its doors.
We need an Elliot Ness.