Something’s Wrong

Tierney’s Real News   June 18/24

Pope Francis met with 100 left-wing comedians like Whoopi Goldberg, Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert and thanked them for their wisdom.

“I look with esteem at you artists who express yourselves in the language of comedy, humor, irony. How much wisdom is there! How much we need to learn from you! Your jokes make God smile.”

Whoopi Goldberg, who calls herself a polyamorous bisexual, says she’s fine with late-term abortion because killing babies in the womb is “not mentioned” in the Ten Commandments.

Whoopi said she didn’t understand why she was invited by the Pope to the Vatican at the butt-crack of dawn!

Stephen Colbert calls Republicans “tweaked out unicycle chimps” for opposing abortion & transgenderism.


June 19, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Adam,

    I think American Catholics stopped looking at the Pope as a “leader”. long ago — and I say this as one who was raised Catholic. He is very much a follower of the latest trends. Many Catholics flat-out despise him.

  2. I think it is fair to describw Pope Francis as the de facto leader of the Europen Left. he denies he is a marxist, but his public statements and even written paplal”bulls”
    ( formal declarations and advice to the faithful) sound Marxist in tone. Because he writes and disseminates these proclamations in the Latin language, in accordance with Vatican tradition. One of these Latin proclamations is said to condemn “trickle-down economics,” a favorite leftist meme. But I wonder how you reneder the phrase “trickle-down economics” in Latin.