By Gil Ronen, INN
In a short documentary released this week, William “Bill” Langfan, a World War II veteran and witness to the Nazi death camps, warns that U.S. President Barack Obama’s pressuring Israel to retreat to 1948 Armistice lines is another version of the 1938 Munich appeasement of Adolf Hitler.
In the 15-minute-long film, Langfan, who participated in the 1944 Normandy landings and the Battle of the Bulge, remembers reading about the shameful sellout of Czechoslovakia by Britain’s Neville Chamberlain as a 16-year-old growing up in New York.
By making it impossible for Czechoslovakia to defend itself and forcing it to relinquish the Sudetenland to Hitler, the West sealed Czechoslovakia’s fate: The Nazis conquered the country the following spring.
Langfan, who has spent decades studying Israel’s security situation, warns that Obama, aided by England France and the European Union, is pressuring Israel to weaken itself by ceding territory to a terrorist Palestinian Authority that remains virulently anti-Semitic and depicts Israelis in terms reminiscent of Nazi propagandist Josef Goebbels.
Unfortunately for the sake of Israel, the presenters remarks are right on the mark. The putative “two-state” solution is a prescription for a two-state disaster, which will in the short or long term befall Israel.
@ rongrand:
Americans do not like it when we bash Americans and not their government. But if you are all too stupid to keep voting and arrive at these democrat or Republican conventions with badges as round as your heads and have orgasmic vibrations when your leader talks, what are we to think??
BTW, American sites continually bash countries not making any distinction between the govt and the people.
@ Canadian Otter: Europeans, namely the French, English, Spanish and Portuguese invaded the New World and lands to be called Australia and New Zealand, raped the native women for bottles of cheap whisky and trinkets, built Forts where they chose, exposed them to European viruses with the intention that they die asap and finally drove them into poverty.
They destroyed their entire way of life ( although they accomplished very little in terms of science, despite giving us names such as cocoa, tomatoe and calamari.
Is there a country the USA has not bombed and left men to die? Is there a race of man the Europeans have not attempted to rape or completely eliminate??
“Aaron Gaven” how many different names have you used here? Notice “Sam Goldblatt” suddenly stopped posting.
@ Canadian Otter:
I apologize for the error. I guess I am not paying attention.
Many moons ago fished at Lake Gananoque and it was beautiful and great fishing. Course I am not a big fish fan, with the exceptions of the hard shell (clams, oysters, mussels, crabs, all the good stuff) type, we didn’t keep any, put them back.
@ rongrand:
Point taken. You’re correct. By the way, it’s not Mr Otter, but Ms Otter. I’m a girl otter.
Although it’s not my own blog, this one is worth looking at –
@ Canadian Otter:
Mr. otter please do me a favor.
It’s the US administration and not the Americans. I know a majority (including the dead) voted for Ovomit but as a whole a majority of Americans support Israel as the only state, the Jewish Nation of Israel.
And I promise not to refer to all Canadians (our good neighbors to the North) if I have a beef with a government official.
The problem and not the solution, indeed. Just look at the mess the US-supported and instigated Arab Spring, the arming of governments and rebels, and all their Middle East meddling have brought to the region. Sadam Hussein used to keep the Iranians in check. And before that, the Shah was moving Iran forward. He was removed at US instigation, ushering the way for the Ayatollahs and their nukes. Americans can’t even manage their own affairs nowadays. Their economy is in shambles, a house of cards that will eventually collapse.
@ Keelie:
Keelie, some people can’t be helped.
William “Bill” Langfan doesn’t want to see history repeat itself, and you can’t blame him.
Obama is giving permission and making it possible for Iran to carry on with its nuclear program. Obama is making it possible for the Muslim Brotherhood to get advanced war planes even though the MB is virulently anti-Jew and threatening to tear up the peace plan for which Israel sacrificed the entire Sinai. Obama wants Israel to be shrunk to an indefensible sliver of land. Obama sympathizes with Palestinian terrorists. Obama has hand-chosen leftist Jews (who see the world through the Islamist narrative) rather than Israeli parliamentarians to address even though Obama is presently a guest of the government of Israel. Obama has no understanding and no sensitivity to the history of Jewish people in the Middle East. Why should he be expected to understand? He grew up as a Muslim in an Islamic environment; he showed leftist tendencies inimical to Israel during his formative years. All of his friends and colleagues were antisemites and were working against the freedoms and law and order of the West. His “church” was a hotbed of hate for the USA and yet he remained there for a couple dozen years. He supports and respects an anti-Israel UN. I could go on but readers of Israpundit know the long rap sheet.
@ Aaron Gaven:
I’m sure there’s a live psychiatrist near you…
Hysteria. Calling Dr. Freud!