The Hassidic Belz community, one of the largest Hassidic courts in the country, is threatening to leave Israel if the proposed military draft law is passed by the Knesset, Maariv reports.
@ yamit82:
“Cerebral”? — no, just not very bright — which is no crime, of itself, but most tiresome in one who thinks he IS bright (let alone, knowledgeable). Very Hollywood.
More importantly though, you overlook the fact that I don’t have sound; so I use the subtitling. Sometimes that gives me a certain advantage, oddly enough, in that it gives me the option to just watch.
— You can learn a lot about a standup or a speech-giver from just watching him without sound. All this guy’s ‘humor’ is in his gestures & facial expressions. And it’s quite evident from watching them that he clearly has an overbloated opinion of his own intelligence. Try just watching sometime with the sound off. Can be quite an education.
I wouldn’t know about that. As I said, I gave him a few minutes, and he hadn’t yet gotten to any part about “jeezus.” I’d seen enough, however.
— I cleaned the slime off the screen, washed my hands, and got back to writing.
Neither do I — but once again, you overlooked something in your reply. See the bolded word just above. A good comic may WELL poke fun at somebody but his humor is honest. Marx Bros were honest. Larry, Curly & Mo were honest.
— Black isn’t. He’s disingenuous. He gives a listener to understand that he knows something about his target[s] which he really doesn’t, in fact, KNOW.
Obviously PresentCompany has never worked as an actor. You surely comprehend NOTHING of an actor’s process — or you would know that if the actor is any good, then what he does has nothing WHATSOEVER to do with ‘parroting.’
Quite the contrary, in fact, his job is to find the truth of the text and let it pass thru him in the moment, without interference or ‘commentary’ from his ego. That’s not parroting. It is a different species of creativity from that of the writer, TBS, but it is no less creative.
— And sometimes the writing itself is anything BUT creative. (I’ve been given scripts to perform that were so poorly rendered, I had to offer constructive doctorings of my own to make them workable in performance.)
yamit82 Said:
Every day may be for the women, but the night belongs to the men!!!!!
@ yamit82:
a very immature response
@ yamit82:
There is a country song for every occasion. Off to the flea market to find a treasure and some toothpaste and give my friend his Hamentashen.
dweller Said:
Well they certainly can’t be yours you don’t even know what they said…..You can’t even recognize biblical parable from the christian literal reading of our texts. 🙂
dweller Said:
I understand he’s too cerebral for you and made fun of your jeezus. Sour grapes AH?
Marx Bros and 3 stooges not your cup of tea either!!!!!! Don’t know many successful comedians who don’t poke fun at someone else but they are creative unlike like actors parroting someone else’s creativity.
Your critical reading of genesis is old hat and explained by all of our commentators and so did Schroder but you didn’t watch his clip and if by chance you did it must have been too complicated for your little brain to digest. (See from 20:00 mark for Talmudic explanation) I love it when ignoramuses pretend to knowledge they don’t have, least you could do is learn Hebrew and read it for your self in the original rather to read our scriptures through christian lens and christian interpretation. Black got that right.
@ honeybee:
@ yamit82:
Anothere song ” your my kind of woman and I’m your kind of man”, wish I could figure out how this computer works.
honeybee Said:
I have her or one like her in my clinic next-door.
@ yamit82:
“By the way,” our sages DO NOT KNOW that
— they CERTAINLY don’t know that for every day (let alone, every week or every month).
And neither does Schroeder.
The opening lines of Breisheet [Genesis] indicate that God created the earth on Day One; that the earth was formless, not even spherical at that juncture in time.
Then He commanded Light into existence — but the light itself was ALSO formless, it was scattered light; then He separated the light from the darkness.
All on Day One.
However, when WE speak of a “day,” we typically mean not only daytime & night, but also the amount of time it takes the earth to complete a single rotation about its axis in the presence of the sun.
But Breisheet goes on to say that the sun, moon, stars were not created till Day FOUR.
— Obviously, then, the first three days were not solar days. So how long were they? — could’ve been 20 billion years; could’ve been 20 minutes. I don’t know.
And you don’t know; the sages don’t know; Schroeder doesn’t know; Einstein didn’t know. So far, only the Most High knows. And He doesn’t seem to be in any hurry to disgorge the details.
We don’t know that the earth would even rotate on its axis in the absence of the sun (or if it did so before there was a sun, whether its speed of rotation was the same as it is in the presence of the sun); we don’t even know that it had an axis — and won’t know THAT till we know when it became spherical.
And once there WAS a sun — and the earth began to revolve about it, and to rotate on its own axis — how do we know that its speeds of axial rotation and orbital revolution respectively were the SAME rates that we know today?
— Maybe they were, maybe they weren’t.
Breisheet notes that the Flood precipitated the condensation of the vapor canopy, the “waters above the firmament,” which had been put there on the Second Day. [Gen 1:6-8].
During the course of the Flood, “All the fountains of the great deep [were] broken up and the windows of heaven were opened.” [Gen 7:11].
Perhaps this, in turn, altered the specific gravity of the planet, thus establishing, as well, altered rates of axial rotation and orbital revolution thereafter.
Sheer speculation obviously. However, what we do know — from the scripture only (so far) — is that henceforth, per promise, the principle of uniformity — day/nite cycle, seasonal cycles, etc. — would prevail in perpetuity. [Gen 8:22]
No; what you KNOW is that I don’t have the SAME sense of ‘humor’ as Lewis Black
— or as anybody else who disingenuously derives his sense of ‘humor’ at somebody else’s expense.
yamit82 Said:
TX say this year is the best year ever, I baked them crispy like little pie tarts. Mail some off and have a bag for my friend at the flea market. Another batch is in the fridg. TX bought me a glass top range, it is easy to clean
In spit of every thing Providence does a damn good job at landscaping cacti, darger bush, yucca and long grass tha waves in the wind, as the Indians say “hair of the earth.” .
yamit82 Said:
Believe it or not but Deer are very picky grazers unlike cattle and especially sheep and goats.
yamit82 Said:
I imagine you have had enough pen cilium in you day ,,,,soldier!!!
yamit82 Said:
You need Nurse Kratchet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ the phoenix:
Your theory being******what!!!!!
honeybee Said:
Droughts, tornadoes, hurricanes and dust storms do a good job of natural landscaping.
How are your cacti doing?
@ yamit82:
@ yamit82:
Good! We’re on the right track. 🙂
But not completely out of the woods yet… 🙁
Try courvoisier… 😉
honeybee Said:
Don’t know any Frenchies here in the Israeli outback
I’m on my third day with Moxipen. Seems to be working.
Hope my germs are not becoming immune. I change types of antibiotics each time to fool em.
honeybee Said:
You should have invited them in for Pizza or milk and Hamentashen.
Recipe looks good I’ll give it a go and let you know how they come out. Until my infection is gone I’m on a liquid diet. Vodka, Rum and before bed Scotch. I’m out of Jack Daniels.
Wise guys finish last
the phoenix Said:
Thanks, swelling almost gone just pain with sensitivity to touch.
honeybee Said:
Harvesting the grain offering
What the Torah Says
The Torah says, in the context of introducing the commandment of “Sefirat HaOmer,” the following: (Vayikra 23:9-14)
“And G-d gave this instruction to Moshe, to communicate: Speak to the Children of Israel and say to them, ‘When you enter the Land which I Am giving to you, and you harvest its crops, you shall bring the “Omer,” (the Omer is a dry measure, containing the volume of 43.2 average eggs. It is the amount of barley flour that had to be brought, and is also the name of the offering) the first of the harvest, to the Kohen. And he shall move the Omer forward, backward, right, left and up-and-down, before G-d, as an expression of your free will, on the day after the ‘Shabbat,’ shall the Kohen move it in the manner described.”
“And you shall make, on the day of the ritual movement of the Omer, a lamb, unblemished, in its first year, as a burnt offering to G-d. And its associated grain offering should be two tenth-”ephahs” (another dry measure) of fine barley-flour mixed with oil, a burnt offering to G-d, with a pleasant aroma, and its libation of wine, one fourth of a “hin” (a liquid measure). And you shall not eat bread, nor roasted kernels, nor full kernels, until this very same day, until you bring the offering to your G-d; an eternal statute for all of your generations, wherever you may live.”
honeybee Said:
Let’s just say I have a theory….
Which actually has to do with your hamentashen ingredients…..
@ the phoenix:
@ honeybee:
Honestly I did not know it either. I just googled and here is the result:
I think it is a very safe bet that yamit could provide you more on this .
@ the phoenix:
Need an answer posed by a friend,” what is a waving offering”?
the phoenix Said:
We depend on Providence to maintain our landscaping.
@ honeybee:
Trying to perfect the ephemeral “polar tomato”… 🙂
Just dabbling in moving rocks, clearing the forest and plain landscaping…
And reading the IP (mandatory!… 🙂 )
What to you grow??? Not Tomatoes up there in the north
@ honeybee:
Now a country gardener…
yamit82 Said:
French Kissing!!!! You need penicillin.
@ the phoenix:
Are you a dentist?????
@ yamit82:
I really hope that to be the case. BUT, facial swelling is not a case of ‘take two aspirins and call me in the morning’….
Hopefully, it is still in the realm of treatment by the periodontist.
Refuah shlemah!
@ yamit82:
Very appropriately have two bucks in the garden by the house,lookin in through the doors.
yamit82 Said:
I like a man with a good appetite makes cookin worth while, thanks for the Etta James.
yamit82 Said:
You told me Jesus Greenberg!!! Should I trust your word! Left off yesterday to get a haircut, it was so late I talk TX into buy me a pizza at your Italian/Mexican restaurant.
honeybee Said:
Now you’re talkin my language.
yamit82 Said:
we better let CA know: he’s back 😛
@ honeybee:
You have your methods I have mine 😛
Still feverish this time gum infection can’t do anything till the infection is gone. Whole right side of my face is a balloon was was semi-comatose for over 24 hours.
I always bounce back. 🙂
honeybee Said:
” I just want to make love to you”
bernard ross Said:
Jesus Cohen
yamit82 Said:
You have a mexican gardener/handyman in Israel?
Off Topic: 100 Ukrainian Jews Want to Make Aliyah, Settle in Judea and Samaria
A strike made in Heaven: Pope cancels trip to Israel
yamit82 Said:
Perhaps I should have said carnal;;;;
yamit82 Said:
I don’t how to bring up the song but Etta James’s song ” I just want to make love to you” ,on YouTube, sums up my thought on how to treat a man.
bernard ross Said:
No that’s Jesus, my Mexican Gardner/handyman.
honeybee Said:
What do you suppose my fangs are for, bird seed?
yamit82 Said:
Loveable???????????? I was hoping for carnivorous.!!!!!
yamit82 Said:
the kid
yamit82 Said:
the kid (again)
yamit82 Said:
Miguel 😛
dove Said:
No I just misread your comment on 2nd reading I caught myself but too late to correct.
I was about to make a comment on you saying I was overweight but then I read overwrought correctly and I scrapped my original thought. 🙂
Without an international mens day I refuse to acknowledge women’s day. For me every day is women’s day but we want equal recognition. Without us who will take out the garbage, walk the dog and fix stuff around the house?
@ yamit82:
Say what?? I know he’s a comedian, and he is very funny. Did I not say that? I can add my 2 cents worth if I want (especially today – its international womans day) I think you are a little overraught!! Shabbat Shalom 🙂 I’m outta here for awhile. 🙂
honeybee Said:
No, a loveable dove with fangs the size of a Wolf.
@ dove:
He’s a F*** comedian not Rabbi Goldberg. I posted because I thought it was funny not to poke holes in his monologue. I know dweller has no sense of humor but you too?
By the way even our sages concede a day is 24 hrs and a week is a week and a month is a month: just see our Jewish calendar. How would the Jews know when Shabbat or any Jewish holiday is?? Our Jewish calendar is the most precise calendar eve invented. Margin of error according to NASA is .00001 margin of error.
Actually Einstein gave us an answer but so did the Ramban.
The Age of the Universe