So filled with fraud: The green agenda and the rich who benefit from it

By Jack Hellner, AM THINKER

The federal government essentially has ordered electric car companies to commit fraud.

Here’s the headline:

The Electric-Vehicle Cheating Scandal

A government rule makes them look nearly seven times as efficient as they are.

Here’s what’s from the article:

“When carmakers test gasoline powered vehicles for compliance with the Transportation Department’s fuel efficiency rules, they must use real values measured in a laboratory. By contrast, under an Energy Department rule, carmakers can arbitrarily multiply the efficiency of electric cars by 6.67. This means that although a 2022 Tesla Model Y tests at the equivalent of 65 miles per gallon in a laboratory (roughly the same as a hybrid). It is counted as an absurdly high compliance value of 430 mpg. That number has no basis in reality or law. 

For exaggerating electric car efficiency, the government rewards the carmakers with compliance credits which the can trade for cash, Economists estimate these credits could be worth billions, a vast cross-subsidy invented by bureaucrats and paid for by every person who buys a gasoline powered car.”

These are the worthless carbon credits that companies such as Tesla got rich selling to companies like GM and Ford so they could pretend to reduce the carbon from their highly profitable gas guzzling trucks and SUVs.

Democrats claim they care about the poor and middle class but the poor have been screwed for years to pay more for their gas-powered vehicles to cover the massive losses from selling inefficient, expensive, impractical vehicles powered by the highly flammable pollutant lithium that the green pushers want to force all of us to buy.

“Until recently, this subsidy was a government secret. Carmakers and regulators liked it that way.. Regulators could announce what sounded like stringent targets and carmakers would nod along, knowing they could comply by making cars with arbitrarily boosted compliance values, Consumers would unknowingly foot the bill.”

In other words, the government, the carmakers and the green pushers knew this was a massive fraud but they didn’t care. They were greedy and the radical green agenda was all that mattered. The people are irrelevant, especially the poor and middle class. And of course, Democrat campaign workers posing as journalists, have participated in perpetuating the fraud by just repeating talking points without doing research or asking questions.

How many of them show up at the gabfests to pretend they are worried about their carbon footprint and heading towards net zero?

How many buy worthless pieces of paper called carbon credits to pretend they offset the carbon from their private jets?

Mark Zuckerburg, who spent $400 million to manipulate the 2020 election to defeat Trump, says he has to use the private jet because he can’t be safe otherwise. His company says he takes “guests” on these flights, which doesn’t exactly sound like security.

John Kerry says he has to use a private jet because it allows him to do more good as he chews out everyone else about their carbon footprint.

According to the New York Post:

Personal use of corporate jets has soared 50% as companies spend $65M on perk for execs

Executives using corporate jets for personal travel has soared 50% since the pandemic — a free perk that has cost their companies millions of dollars.

Among the companies spending big bucks on corporate jets, Meta Platforms topped the list in 2022, spending $6.6 million on the perk for personal flights for its chief executive Mark Zuckerberg and his then-lieutenant, Sheryl Sandberg, The Journal found.

The figure marks a 55% increase from 2019.

Zuckerberg has been criticized for his company jet’s carbon footprint, though Meta has said that the private plane is necessary for “maintaining Mark’s safety while enabling him to go about his life with minimal disruption.”

In addition, public utility company Exelon — owner of Chicago’s Commonwealth Edison utility — more than tripled its spending on freebie flights for executives since 2019.

The fraud in this green agenda dwarfs any other fraud we have ever seen and there is not one piece of scientific data that shows the radical green policies will change temperatures or limit storms and maintain sea levels where they are.

Isn’t it time that the media stopped pretending that Democrats are transparent and that their policies on the climate, COVID, and electric cars are based on the truth or science?

It is a massive fraud and most of the media is as guilty as perpetuating the fraud on the American people as the government and the carmakers. It is no wonder they seek to shut up those of us who have continually told the truth that the climate has always changed cyclically and naturally and pointed out the fraud for what it is, by calling us climate change deniers and anti-science.

January 19, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. Raphael

    Biden or Labour in UK cannot solve this issue but that doesn’t mean global warming is not the biggest issue.

    Attack them okay but not the facts of the issue itself.

    We have to base ourselves as a species on scientific facts.

    What scientific fact do you disagree with. Start there not prejudice.

  2. The grift worked so well with Covid that they have to try it again with Climate Change. First you create an existential fear amount the people, then you rake in the cash by selling them something they don’t really need. Oh, Yes, that “something” may actually be harmful to people and society, but who cares? It might provide an opportunity to make more money.