Sha! Shtil!… Hagar And The Temple Mount Controversy 

by Gerald A. Honigman

A report by Avi Abelow at the Israel Unwired website on September 25, 2018 about Jews on the Temple Mount arrested for singing Hatikvah caused me to take a few extra blood pressure pills that day Let’s check out some excerpts…

“A surreal scene took place near the holiest place for the Jewish People…After a few words of Torah in memory of Ari Fuld, who was murdered by a Muslim terrorist, a group of people sang Hatikvah…the Israeli national anthem. The reason police arrested them was because they sang it on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem…Thanks to appeasement to the intolerant, violent, terror-laden Muslim world, Israel now has strict laws against Jews. It forbids Jews from any Jewish activities on the holiest site to the Jewish people, the Temple Mount…After we were released…when we went back to the entrance to ask what was happening, the policeman yelled at us again and pushed us out. When I told him I was not used to a policeman shouting at me and pushing me, without explaining what I had done, he shouted at me: ‘Get used to it!’ ”

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Violence at the Temple Mount and Western (“Wailing”) Wall–the former’s western retaining wall which remained after Rome destroyed the Second Temple in 70 C.E. during the first major revolt of the Jews for freedom and independence against the conqueror of much of the known world in 66-73 C.E.–is nothing new. Open to see one of the Judea Capta coins Rome minted to commemorate this conquest. Previous incidents of violence make this episode at the Temple Mount appear as child’s play–except perhaps for its much deeper and even more troublesome significance.

Besides Arabs shooting at, throwing stones, and such at Jews; Orthodox assaulting non-Orthodox Jews; and so forth, in July 2017, three Arab-Israelis left the Temple Mount and attacked Israeli border police. Two were killed and two more injured.

Frequently, such violence occurs because of rumors that Jews have plans to damage or eliminate the Muslim structures of conquest placed atop what Arabs renamed the Haram al-Sharif–the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque–at or near the site where the sacred Holy of Holies was located in both the Temple of Solomon and its successor built after the return of the Jews from the Babylonian Captivity, courtesy of ancient Iran’s Cyrus the Great. See what the Persian king had to say about this himself……..r-could-be/.

The Temple Mount is located on the Hebrew Bible’s Mount Moriah. And the Holy of Holies is said to sit over the site of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son with Sarah, Isaac, to show his devotion to G_d.

As Arabs would do with many other stories they only learned via the Hebrew Bible (regardless of whatever recitation–“Qur’an”–they say Muhammad heard from Allah via the Angel Gabriel, whom they also only learned of via that same Bible), which pre-date Muhammad’s sojourn with the Jews of Medina who hosted him during his Hijra (flight from enemies in Mecca) by millennia, they later replaced Isaac in this account with their own alleged ancestor, Ishmael.

Numerous, similar, thumb in the eye Islamic religious structures of victory were erected elsewhere as lands of the Dar al-Harb (Realm of War–lands of the “Infidel”) became part of the Dar ul-Islam via successive imperial Arab, Turk, and other Muslim colonizing invasions from the 7th century C.E. onwards.

Besides the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque erected atop the Temple Mount, the magnificent Hagia Sophia Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey–built on the site of the former Byzantine Greek Orthodox patriarchal cathedral after the Turks’ conquest–is another prime example, as is The Grand Masjid (Mosque) of Córdoba, built on the site of a Visigoth church in Spain (aka the invading North African Moors’ al-Andalus). Regarding that last example, and on this same wavelength, the plan to name a new proposed fifteen-story mosque near 911’s Ground Zero “Cordoba House,” rankled more than a few folks in the know.

Okay, now we’re ready to return to the Arab/Muslim alleged connection to Ishmael (Ismail) and thus also to Abraham (Ibrahim), the Temple Mount (Haram al-Sharif), the Western wall (al-Buraq’s Wall), and so forth…

My wife, Elisabeth, has amazed me for four decades now–for many reasons. How time flies when you’re having so much fun (please don’t shoot, Dear).

Some years ago, however, she raised a question I had thought about before but was then shoved onto the front burner of my brain by her inquiry. The recent arrest of Jews on the Temple Mount, that I opened this essay with, then told me that those earlier comments had to be resurrected and expanded upon for new readers. We’ll return to this shortly.

During the 19th century, European scholars of the Middle East–German Jews in particular–were prone to paint a picture of a tolerant Muslim world which treated non-Muslims admirably.

While it is true that live dhimmi Christians and Jews (later, Zoroastrians as well) could be a better source of continuous revenue for various imperial Muslim conquerors via special taxes and such than dead ones (but forget about non-“Peoples of the Book”–Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and so forth, who either converted or were slaughtered); and that there was no Holocaust, per se, of Jews under Muslim domination…it is nevertheless also true that such Ahl al-Kitab populations never knew what the morrow would bring.

Massacres, forced conversions, enslavement, subjugation, and so forth were no strangers in the realm of Islam. A reading of Middle Eastern Jewish scholars such as Tunisia’s Albert Memmi and Egypt’s Bat Ye’or, and Western Jewish scholars such as the late Bernard Lewis and Norman Stillman, are musts on this subject.

It seems that the early whitewash–which still continues in too many sources–was largely done to contrast an allegedly tolerant Arab/Muslim East (where Jews have been commonly known as kilab yahud “Jew dogs,” “sons of apes and pigs,” and “killers of prophets”) to a historically intolerant Christian West, complete with its inquisitions, crusades, blood libels, forced ghettoization, demonization, forced conversions, massacres, Holocaust, and branding of the Jew as the perpetually wandering deicide (G_d-killing) people.

So…what does all the above have to do with Abraham’s concubine, Sarah’s servant, Hagar?

Firstly, to reiterate, all that we know of Abraham, in general, and of Hagar and Ishmael in particular, comes via the Hebrew Bible…not Arab sources. The Torah is our one and only original source–whether transmitted to pagan Arabs via Jews or Christians whom Muhammad encountered.

Since he spent his formative years with many of the Jewish founders of the date palm oasis of Medina (earlier refugees from the Roman wars with Judea), Jews, undoubtedly, had the greatest impact.

It’s no accident that Muhammad had his followers pray facing Jerusalem at this time, and that reading the Qur’an is in many ways like reading an Arabized version of the Hebrew Bible. Jews were indeed influential in the Arabian Peninsula practically up to the dawn of Islam. Yemen even had a series of Jewish kings.

Much earlier, we have good corroborative evidence from contemporary, non-Hebraic sources that Asiatic Semitic Habiru/‘Apiru were on the move, causing headaches for Canaanites, Egyptian Pharaohs, and so forth about three and a half to four millennia ago–right around the time of Abraham.

We also know that around that same time Semitic Hyksos “Shepherd Kings” (the 15th Dynasty) conquered Egypt…probably neighbors, possibly kin to the Hebrews, who, in turn, were likely a branch of the Habiru discussed repeatedly in the treasure trove found in late 19th century Egypt–correspondence between Pharaohs Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV (Ahkenaten) and their officers and vassals in the region contained in some 400 cuneiform Tel el-Amarna tablets, and elsewhere as well.

One of the names mentioned in Hyksos’ (native Egyptians were not Semitic) records was Yacub… Jacob, the earlier name of Israel–who asked permission of Pharaoh to bring his people into the fertile Nile Delta (“Land of Goshen”) during famine in Canaan.

Recall, much later, Hebrews would fall into much harsher times when “a Pharaoh who knew not Joseph” arose (Exodus 1:. Some scholars say this occurred after the hated Hyksos rulers were defeated by native Egyptians. If the Hyksos looked favorably upon the growing numbers of fellow Semitic Hebrews in their midst, it’s no big stretch to see how native Egyptians would soon turn on the overthrown foreign leaders’ allies as well.

For Bible readers, recall the moving Joseph story–especially when, as an adult and a top Egyptian official, he first hides his true Hebrew identity and challenges his brethren, many of whom, out of jealousy, sold him into slavery.

After an amazing, emotional tale of reunion and forgiveness, involving his younger fullbrother, Benjamin (Rachel was both of their mothers), as well, Joseph breaks down and reveals himself. He next assists his elderly father, Jacob (who for years had mourned him as dead), and their extended Hebrew family, and allows them to enter the land…perhaps G_d’s plan to save the future Tribes of Jacob/Israel via the enslavement of a young Joseph in Pharaoh’s realm.

There is indeed much corroboration that such events quite possibly occurred…certainly more than is found in most–if not all–other religious histories.

As just one example, long-haired, bearded Semites are depicted on Pyramid walls bringing their flocks into Egypt. And there are multiple accounts of an official with a Semitic name who occupies a position very much like Joseph in ancient Egyptian records–even coins with the name “Joseph” on it (!!!). The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), is the ultimate reliable source for this particular account… And there are others as well, such as…http://www.biblicalchronologis…..Joseph.php 

So, the Biblical story of the Hebrew patriarch, Jacob/Israel, gaining permission to enter the Nile Valley, most likely occurred and happened during this time. And he was the grandson of the original Hebrew patriarch, Abraham.

Yes, you say, but others will claim that Arabs and other Muslims have their own version of all of this as well. 

True, but, once again, keep the following in mind…

After Muhammad fled pagan Arab Mecca to Medina in 622 C.E., he undoubtedly learned much from the Jews. He listened to their prayers, discussions, Biblical stories, and so forth. And while the actual timing of his decision on the direction of prayer (qibla) for his followers may never be known, during his sojourn in Medina, they were instructed to pray towards Jerusalem. Early prominent Arab historians such as Jalaluddin came right out and stated that this was done primarily as an attempt to win support among the influential Jewish tribes for Muhammad’s own religio-political claims. Medina was a mixed Jewish-pagan town. Not a few modern historians have reached that same conclusion.

It is from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem where Muslims believe Muhammad ascended to Heaven on his winged horse, al-Buraq. As we’ve seen, an Islamic shrine, the Dome of the Rock, would later be erected on this Jewish holy site after the Arab colonizing, imperial conquest of the land.

Not only do many, if not most, Arabs now deny that a Jewish Temple ever existed there, they call the Western Wall “al-Buraq’s wall”– where Muhammad rested his horse (with the head of a woman) before his ascent to Heaven from the Temple Mount.

There is no doubt among objective scholars that Jews had an enormous impact on both Muhammad and the religion he founded… Period.

Hebraic Biblical stories are prominent in the Quran, and the holy sites for Muslims in Jerusalem (i.e. the shrine and mosque of conquest erected on the Temple Mount of the Jews) are now deemed “holy” precisely because of the critical years Muhammad spent in Medina with the Jews.

Not mincing words, the Temple Mount, Biblical stories of Abraham, Ishmael, the Angel Gabriel, Moses, Zakariah, etc. and so forth had no prior meaning to 7th century C.E. pagan Arabs worshipping stone idols in Mecca’s Kaaba.

While there was some early Christian influence, intense scholarship has shown that the Holy Law (Halakha) and Holy Scriptures of the Jews had a much greater influence on the Qur’an, Islamic Holy Law (Shari’a), and the like.

Muhammad’s “Jerusalem connection” was most likely not established until after his extended stay with his Jewish hosts. And, again, as we’ve already discussed, this was no mere coincidence.

As with Jerusalem, so with Islam’s subsequent supplanting of the Hebrew son of the Hebrew Patriarch Abraham and the Hebrew Matriarch Sarah–Isaac–with the allegedly “Arab” son of Abraham’s concubine, the handmaiden of Sarah, Hagar… Ishmael.

When the Jews refused to recognize Muhammad as the Seal of the Prophets and chief political honcho, he turned on them with a vengeance. He decapitated the men and enslaved their women and children…So much for the rebirth of Israel in 1948 on about one quarter of one percent of the region as being the cause of Arab-Jewish strife.

Before long, with the exception of Yemen, there were virtually no Jews left on the Arabian Peninsula. And the direction of prayer was changed away from Jerusalem and towards an Islamized Kaaba in Mecca instead.

For far too long, such issues have lied dormant.

Jews have historically been trained to not rock the boat in the lands of their non-Jewish hosts–whether in the Christian West or in the Muslim East…

ShaShtil! (Hush! Quiet!) became the modus operandi of survival.

But this has taken a huge toll in many ways–some of the latest occurring in that den of hypocrites and numerous anti-Semites masking themselves as “anti-Zionists” (after Auschwitz, the latter term is a bit more acceptable in many circles) known as the United Nations.

Among many other travesties, one of its agencies, UNESCO, recently sided with Arabs in referring to the Temple Mount as solely a Muslim Holy site, the Haram al-Sharif, not a Jewish one… It also referred to the Jews’ age-old “Wailing” (Western) Wall area simply as “al-Buraq’s Plaza.”

For folks and organizations like the United Nations, flying horses with heads of women evidently have more historical value and corroboration to back up such beliefs than accounts of nations and peoples for millennia from all around the world for the historical claims of the Jews. Try reading the ancient accounts of Roman and Roman-sponsored contemporary historians such as Pliny, Tacitus, Dio Cassius, and Josephus for starters…. not to mention the Christian Gospels. Question: Does Matthew 2:1 say that Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea or in Bethlehem of the West Bank?

Finally, we’re now ready to deal with the notion that Arabs are the Jews’ more-deserving cousins since they’re allegedly descendants of Abraham’s son with Hagar–Ishmael/Ismail–and that, in Muslim reality, both Jews and Christians corrupted their earlier Scriptures.

For the sake of historical accuracy, we need to be very precise. The Bible clearly states that Ishmael is the son of an Egyptian woman.

Above, while we’ve seen that Semitic culture entered Egypt as a foreign implant, it’s still an extremely far stretch to say that Hagar and Ishmael were thus Semitic Arabs and not,at least partially (in Ishmael’s case), of native Hamitic Egyptian stock instead.

It seems, just like some Jews wanted to contrast Western Christian and Eastern Muslim treatment of their brethren to make a point earlier, that later–to try to sing Kumbayatogether and ease the strife between Jewish and Arab nationalisms–other Jews quite possibly (if not probably) stretched the identity of Hagar from Egyptian to Arab as well.

By the way, dear readers, do you know of anyone else discussing this stuff? Please let me know if you do. As with the Kurds (at least until recently), for quite some time, I’ve often felt very lonely…

As just one nasty example of how this is now manifesting itself, think of the large numbers of Jews on campus–“Progressive” professors and indoctrinated students–who jump at the opportunity to join groups like Students for Justice in Palestine, the BDS movement, Arab Student Union, J Street U, and so forth in one-sided bashings of Israel and Zionism…with Hillel sometimes hopping aboard as well, either directly or indirectly.

This is where a combination of ignorance and bending over backwards in the appeasement we’ve been discussing has led to.

While Arabs from the Arabian Peninsula traveled to Egypt and elsewhere, the bulk of Semites coming into Egypt were not of that origin–regardless of wishful thinking by the Arabs themselves and espousers of the Winckler-Caetani Theory…which, among other things, makes Babylonians, Canaanites, Phoenicians, Assyrians, Hebrews, and so forth all Arabs.

Ergo, the actual claim by Arabs that, after all, the whole region is really just “purely Arab patrimony” anyway.

Given that Abraham (son of a Babylonian Chaldean Semite), surfaced in history when he did, coincidental with the Semitic Hyksos conquest of Egypt, Hagar was most likely a native non-Semitic–or Semitic Hyksos–Egyptian. She was not likely Arab–so neither was Ishmael.

When the Jews mentioned Arabs–in the few places where they did–they were not shy to call them just that.

So, Geshem the Arab appears in Nehemiah 2:19 and 6:1-6 as one of the three leaders opposing the Jews rebuilding the Temple after their return from Babylonian exile. If Hagar was Arab instead of Egyptian, the Jews would have no reason not to say so.

After the Arab imperial conquest of Egypt and much of the region some twenty-four centuries later, with the spread of Islam via its Jewish-tutored, Arab Prophet and his Caliphal successors, it was beyond convenient for Arabs to hijack and write themselves into the original Hebraic stories.

My point here has not been to argue about the validity of particular religious beliefs. That’s between people and G_d.

But when Jews themselves, in the City of David, have to cave to such nauseating consequences of others confiscating their own history and beliefs–such as those Jews recently arrested for singing Hatikvah on the site of the ancient Temple of Solomon, King David’s son–the facts need to not only be revealed and proclaimed loudly for all to hear, but also effectively acted upon.

Whatever agreement/reasonable compromise may or may not be reached regarding Jerusalem and the whole of land of Israel (including Judea and Samaria), the current sickening situation where Jews must consent to being virtual strangers to their own original most holy of sites in their own land must come to an end.

A much more reasonable solution, addressing the needs of both parties to the conflict, must be worked out if possible…meaning that Israel can actually find a true partner for a real peace which does not see negotiations merely as a Trojan Horse to help further the Arabs’ destruction-in-stages, post-’67 War agenda that the latter day Arafatians still openly espouse. Listen to what they tell their own people in Arabic (MEMRI, referred to above, will help here)–not what they sometimes say to a frequently all-too-willingly gullible West.

Regardless, it must be understood–especially by Jews themselves–that Israel was not finally reborn only to have the same old, same old nastiness continue in their resurrected nation as they had to endure for millennia in the Diaspora.

September 29, 2018 | 16 Comments »

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16 Comments / 16 Comments

  1. Okay…Now to try to redeem my rambling alter-ego, below is an editorial from a while back comparing the Kurds’ PKK with Hamas–exposing Ankara’s nauseating hypocrisy, which Israel has too often allowed it to get away with.

    Even worse, it now looks like Bibi is about to continue appeasing the new Sultan again for the sake of restored better relations with the subjugators of some 23 million of Turkey’s own, pre-Turk invasion, natives–renamed “Mountain Turks” (guess why?)–about 40 million truly stateless people in the region–our much used and abused Kurdish friends…

    As a teacher by decades of profession, you will find repetition of key points throughout my work. That’s no accident. My aim is for certain validly well-documented–if too often ignored–crucial facts to become ingrained in readers’ minds.

  2. @ Honigman:

    It’s almost embarrassng to be singled out as being the only one who could see the depth of feeling and sincere emotion in that article. It was perfectly written for the particular purpose and the fact that it wasn’t a polished, glittering textually sophisticated effort, made it all the more credible.

    To me, a sentimentalist myself, it was obvious. If I had the knowledge and skills to give a drasha of that sort I believe I would have been almost in the same vein. I have much experience in textual matter of almost ALL varieties, and considering the content, it was first class and needs to be published periodically.

  3. @ Honigman: Thanks, Jerry, H., for explaining the background of your work concerning Jewish and Middle Eastern history. It is indeed impressive. Regards, Adam.

  4. Hi Edgar and Adam (and others)… thanks for your comments.

    As Edgar saw, I am passionate when real passion arises, not the phony stuff–but that passion is backed up by my own extensive doctoral studies, years of academic and other professional work as a specialist consultant for the Middle East which, among many other things, led to dozens of lectures on leading universities, radio and tv interviews, numerous op-ed columns in leading print newspapers, hundreds of other articles covering key issues in Nobel laureate-sponsored academic journals, print and web publications, etc. and so forth. My work and perpetually timely book can be found as well in numerous major universities all over the world–Georgetown, Cornell, UC-Irvine, on the recommended reference list for Kurds in Paris’s acclaimed Insitut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po), Wesleyan, Kobe U.-Japan, UF, NYU, Penn State, ERAU, Univ.of Alberta, Bethlehem Univ.-Israel/”PA,” Rutgers, Univ. of Wyoming, etc. and so forth.

    While I can to try to supply a bit too much supporting detail at times in my work (as Ted know only too well), I believe the combination of un-suppressed natural passion–when warranted–and knowledge gained in over a half century of deep involvement and study allows at least most folks to get past whatever alleged “rambling” may exist in my work.

    Since I mentioned our 38 million TRULY stateless, used and abused Kurdish friends above, you may be interested in this potentially groundbreaking piece as well. Please also open the links–if you don’t find them too distractingly rambling.

    Thanks again for reading my work, and I do appreciate all comments. I often find things I would have done differently myself after re-reading by material…

    All my best, Jerry H.

  5. @ Michael S:
    Michael religious beliefs are not documented history they are just religious beliefs. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs and certainly many believe passionately in their religion.

    However unless they can be documented by historians of the time or archeological corroboration they are just that beliefs.

    I have zero interest in getting into a debate with you on your religious beliefs. I have no interest in changing them. Perhaps you may wish to reflect on polite discourse with Jews and not zoom in on religious matters. Normally you do not do that occasionally you get close to the line in my view.

    Just a friendly comment!

  6. @ Edgar G.: On second thought, you are right that this essay reminds people of many important matters that are relevant to the rival claims of both Jews and Arabs to nthe Land of Israel . I wish that the author organized and focused his article better , so that readers will have a clearer idea of what his main point is. Still , probably readers will grasp his main idea. At a time when people spend about 5 seconds to read an article, it helps for public relations purposes to keep things simple and get to the point quickly. But Mr. Honigman’s article is very helpful to more thou ghtful readers such as yourself. Regards, Adam.

  7. @ Michael S:

    Don’t make me laugh any more than you usually do. It hurts…..!!

    Manson of course was a devout Christian,and could rattle off Revelations like clockwork, eerily reminiscent of someone I dispute with on these pages. When that person winds himself up, I can hear the dead bones rattling……..

    In the wind of course,
    Of the windy discourse……..Quite poetic…..!

  8. @ adamdalgliesh:

    I nearly always agree with you Adam but not this time. It’s obviously written with heartfelt emotion. And accurate in most details.It’s not put together the way you would, not as concise or language command, but in my opinion very relevant. We need to be reminded of all these matters, and it touched me very deeply..

  9. @ Michael S:

    I think Michael that it is about time, in fact past time, for you to stop misrepresenting matters. .
    .Really ruled from Rome by Roman governors whether in Jerusalem or Damascus. Local autonomy. No independence. What do you think the Wars were all about , And at their last gasp, seeing everything falling in destruction around them, is it surprising that the internal opposing factions, each with it’s own ideas and leaders, would become mad with rage and frustrated goals, and turn on one another..

    The “thousands of Jews crucified by the High Priest”….must mean the reputed 800 Pharisees, “crucified” by Johan Hyrcanus, who was both ruler (not king, but de facto) and High Priest This was against all previous precedent and sanctified Tradition. The High Priest was ALWAYS a descendant of Zadok, the high priest of Solomon, and a direct descendant of Aaron. The Hashmonaim were not. So it began a dissenting group which many years later became the Pharisees.

    Hyrcanus and the Pharisees were supposed to have been bitter opponents because of this and his looting of David’s tomb. But experts say that the Pharisees didn’t become noticeable until the at least 2 generations later, under Queen Salome Alexandra, whose rule was regarded as a “Golden Age of Peace”… Her brother was reputed to have been the famous sage. Shimon Ben Shetach, the head of thee Sanhedrin. .So this “crucifixion of 800 Pharisees” is regarded with doubt by some historians.

    I have a few books on “crucifixion”, and there are several methods. In Jewish Law, Capital Punishment always was by…… ” the sword, stoning, by hanging on a tree, or by the Hand of G-D”. The “hanging on a tree was sometimes after death by lapidation. There are inconclusive opinions as to whether “hanging on a tree” actually means hanging by the neck, or crucifixion, Roman style. Several opinions are that the Jews described Roman crucifixion, as “hanging on a tree” because it involved a wooden tree-like form, and they had no specific other word. .

    Josephus refers to Roman crucifixion as “hanging on a tree” which confuses the issue a bit. But it seems clear that crucifixion was introduced by the Romans. Augustus, in his reign as Emperor, is reputed to have crucified over 35,000.

    So in this case Michael, you have everything just a little bit wrong. (like being ONLY a little bit pregnant)………………..Just my opinion.

  10. When the Jewish religious authorities last held the Temple Mount, they squabbled endlessly with one another on it. At one time, the High priest had thousands of his fellow Jews crucified, because they misbehaved during a Sukkot observance. Not too many years later, when the Romans encircled the place in preparation to end the squabbling (and the Jews) there once for all, the Jews used the occasion to massacre one another.

    I am in favor of the Jews rebuilding the Temple on the Mount, as it has been commanded them in Torah. I do not, however, expect it to bring world peace.

  11. @ Edgar G.:
    I fully agree with your final statement. We do need a resolute government that will put an end to the nonsense. At the end of the day, we all know that if we retake control of the temple mount and the other sites holy to us, there will be no significant opposition. Any other story is just that. The EU will continue their nonsense and allow the continued influx of Moslems while screaming at us. The rest will follow suit, as always. If we are lucky, the US may just not torpedo us while we’re busy.

  12. This is a wonderful article, there is no other word to describe it. To read it is to be enthralled…In many places it’s enough to make a man sit down and cry. In others, just to bow his head in shame. It should be permanently posted at regular intervals for we who are still here, and others who have yet to discover Israpundit.

    I differ in 2 minor details. Hagia Sophia was not taken over and rebuilt by the Islamic conqueror (although it goes with the flow of the narrative) . According to it’s documented history, they merely destroyed or plastered over the Christian mosaics, and built a few minarets to a building which even in this modern age would be a most tremendous undertaking to erect. I have read books which explained the technical aspects of the great difficulties there would be to build such an edifice today-or at least 50 years ago.

    The second point is that we DO NOT need a partner to deal with the chaos on the Temple Mount, out most Holy Place; and especially not the squatter YESHA Arabs…which basically, and for all intents and purposes, excludes Jews from everything except a minute begrudging well-policed “permission” to walk up and down again..

    All we need is a resolute Government, or even a Minister in Charge, kick out (literally if desired) the arrogant, illegitimate “lords of the world”, and begin to use it for the benefit of the Jewish People, first. If feeling an attack of that unfortunately misunderstood and misused, “Tikkun Olam”, then open it to all races and religions, PROVIDED that they behave in a discreet and humble manner whilst on Jewish sacred ground.

  13. The Arabs think in falsehood and believe their own fictitious lies. The Temple. Mount needs to be cleansed of the idolatrous mosques and they not the Jews kept out. Our government and the thugs in police uniforms side with the Arabs instead of the Jews.