Sen. Warren’s Bill Proposes Congress Turn Over Legislative Power to Bureaucrats

Taking power from Congress, the courts and people, giving it to bureaucrats.

Daniel Greenfield | July 25, 2024

People already complain that Congress doesn’t actually legislate. Sen. Elizabeth Warren has a solution, just get rid of the Supreme Court decision striking down ‘Chevron deference’ and just turn over legislative power to the administrative state.

Warren in typical fashion rants about “corporations” and the “far right” while using random buzzwords like “transparency and efficiency”, but eliminate that nonsense and the core of her argument is that “expert agencies”, which translated into English means government bureaucrats who always maximize the interpretation of their powers, should be able to define the limits of their authority, not judges.

The right name for the Warren/Sanders proposal would be “Put Foxes Back in Charge of Henhouses Act.’

Usually, fake populist lefties cloak their government power grabs in class warfare, designated victim groups, and some sob story, but there’s nothing like that here. Just paeans to the “efficiency” of government experts deciding how much power they have just like in every dictatorship.

Congress should be giving up its power to legislate and just turn it back to a whole bunch of agencies that were never envisioned or would have been deemed acceptable in the era of the Constitution. And, along the way, Warren and Sanders, would also like to seize power from judges to review what bureaucrats do.

The idea would be to prevent people from being able to sue the government and win. You could also call it the “You Can’t Fight City Hall Act of 2024”.

Warren wants to redistribute power from Congress and the judiciary to the bureaucracy. She wants to tear down any checks and balances holding back the power of the administrative state. And she wants to leave the people helpless in the face of alphabet soup ‘expert’ agencies to maximize “efficiency” so the proverbial trains run on time. And all of this is advocated by politicians and media who yammer about “authoritarians” while having a purely authoritarian agenda.

The underlying question is simple, do people want to invest more authority in…

  1. Themselves
  2. The courts
  3. Congress
  4. The bureaucracy

You really have to admire the media for making it seem like anyone, if the question were put to them, would choose door number four.

July 25, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. What is this “judicial reform” or “court” reform that Biden and Harris are always talking about? What exactly and specifically are there plans to destroy our judicial branch of government? This is a real, not a rhetorical, question. Can any of Israppundit’s readers or commentators tell us what their scheme is?

  2. Aside from being completely unconstitutional, this would be an insanely bad idea. But what else should we expect from Elizabeth Warren, a Leftist psychopath who makes Stalin look conservative.