Scott Ritter: Yemen, Iran JOIN WAR & US Military is NOT READY for Israel Middle East Powder Keg

T. Belman. Ritter shows himself as antisemitic and pro-Palestinian. That aside he paints a very bleak picture for Israel and the US. Neither can sustain a regional war economically. The US can’t defeat the Houthies backed by Iran and Israel can’t defeat Hezbollah. If Israel attacks Lebanon, she may lose the Galilee to Hezbollah. China and Russia are lurking in the background, looking to take advantage of any opportunites that may arise.

Whether you agree with him or not, you should be aware of his arguments, Macgregor also paints a bleak picture for Israel and even said Israel will not exist in 20 years. In his last video he also claims that Eliminating the US Military from the ME is inevitable. Glick says Eisenkop wants Israel to accept defeat and cut her losses. So who is gas-lighting whom?

January 16, 2024 | 20 Comments »

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20 Comments / 20 Comments

  1. Scott Ritter the perv is a modern day Lord Haw Haw or Tokyo Rose.
    He pretty well repeats the same bullshit time after time. He’s a contributor to RT and Sputnik.

  2. @ Laura, @ Tanna,
    I would not want Trump as a lunch or coffee friend. I couldn’t put up with his ego. And he wouldn’t put up for my lack of awe for his material wealth. That set aside, I voted for him twice, think he was a good prez (especially considering that Ryan,Mitch, & the media ensured his hands were usually tied) and will vote for him again if he’s on the ballot.(Though IMHO Desantis would probably be a more effective prez.)
    Laura, the 2020 election WAS a rigjob.I followed it intently during Nov 3-4 and in the aftermath of several weeks. It was a confluence and perfect storm of multiple actions, often by people and groups who would be natural enemies except for the fact that they all wanted Trump to lose.
    One of the key things that did it for me was reading of the numerical returns of various precincts around Philadelphia the night of the 3rd into late morning of the 4th. Vote ratios that were nearly constant for a few hours in a few precincts then duplicating themselves in several new precincts a few hours later and so on. Snowball’s chance in hell of that stuff happening without manipulation.
    Plus the illegal voting changes at the state levels in several states.
    Just for starters.

  3. @Tanna Yes, remember how Trump was winning by a landslide and then they reported that the vote count was disrupted because of water main breaks and when it resumed he was losing?

  4. At the election in Nov. 2020, I went to bed before 11pm, looking at the data that had come in told me Trump would beat biden by with at least as much or more spread than it took to destroy hillarys political career. 6am the next morning I woke the house up screaming that it was a statistical impossibility for the votes to pour in the way they did. The wife, with the advanced degrees in statistical math, looked at the numbers and quickly agree, the only way for that ball game to do that is somebody cheated.
    They talk about Trump and retribution…… I hope to God, Trump redefines the word and makes it great again. Hell yea! it’s a law of the universe, what goes around comes around!

  5. Hello, Laura

    January 17, 2024 at 3:35 am


    You’re still falling for that bullshit?

    I agree with everything Peloni said here, but I will let him off the hook on one point — He was actually quoting ME, in saying the current US government was installed illegitimately — for the same reasons, it turns out, that he stated.

  6. @Laura

    You’re still falling for that bullshit?

    I do not mean to insult you by stating this, but I fail to believe that any rationally intelligent individual can honestly make the claim which you are making here. It is not actually Trump who has actually exposed and demonstrated the fraud which took place in 2020 and was also observed taking place in 2022. The political show trials which have been pursued against people who gathered at the capital with the support of both the Uniparty Dems and their faithful Uniparty Reps should be as great an offense to the reasonable sensibilities of any rational individual as should the certification of a rigged presidential election. Yet you suggest this is all just something which Trump said.

    The fraud was substantive, material, and extensive. Only a chronic yet severe case of Trump Derangement sickness could possibly explain why you might relate the evidence which has been demonstrated of the election fraud by experts in the field of forensic auditing and election interference to something which Trump said.

    The evidence of clearly bizarre and serious breaches in election protocols and norms, in combination with the obtuse effort made to avoid any review of that evidence by those who are most responsible for pursuing such claims of election fraud, demonstrate that these gross irregularities are not unknown, not incidental, and not accidental.

    They also have nothing to do with anything Trump did or could say.

  7. You’re still falling for that bullshit? Trump needed his followers to believe it was rigged in order for him to be a viable candidate this year.

    It means the 2020 election was rigged to steal the election for the Dems, and the Rep congress certified it with Pence at the lead. The Uniparty elements of Washington conspired together to plan a faux insurrection on January 6 to coverup the very real insurrection which took place on November 3. This is what is meant by the use of the term ‘illegitimate’.

  8. @Laura

    what do you mean by “illegitimate government”.

    It means the 2020 election was rigged to steal the election for the Dems, and the Rep congress certified it with Pence at the lead. The Uniparty elements of Washington conspired together to plan a faux insurrection on January 6 to coverup the very real insurrection which took place on November 3. This is what is meant by the use of the term ‘illegitimate’.

  9. I think Biden is an awful president but what do you mean by “illegitimate government”.

    You could be MUCH clearer, by saying, “the USA” or “US”, referring to the current illegitimate government. “America” has always referred to the land and the people.

  10. Ted, do not panic over the “predictions” of those who wish Israel ill. They want us demoralized.

    I think it’s time we, Israel and America, launch a war against Iran, which is inevitable anyway. Let’s just get on with it while we still have the advantage.

    If anything, the claims of ritter, McGregor et al only convince me we need to wage war on Iran. The problem with America, Israel and the west is the lack of WILL, not the lack of ability to decisively win a war against the axis of evil. Even conservatives in America have become squeamish about military confrontation, which never used to be the case. Ignore the isolationists, attack Iran BEFORE they get nukes.

  11. Ritter is a POS. Iran didn’t suddenly join the war, they started the war on October 7 with their hamas proxies.

    The anti-Israel scum are the ones gaslighting. Israel is not going anywhere even if it has to directly attack Iran. It’s the iranian regime, hamas, hezbollah et al which won’t be around in 20 years.

    The claims of ritter, McGregor, Eisenkop is all wishful thinking on their part.

  12. Peloni,

    You could be MUCH clearer, by saying, “the USA” or “US”, referring to the current illegitimate government. “America” has always referred to the land and the people.

    There is nothing “bizarre” in this. Right now, hundreds of AMERICANS are being held as political prisoners by the US GOVERNMENT (namely, Biden); our legitimate president has been hounded for nine years by that government’s legal, police, military and intelligence services, and America’s MAGA majority is the #1 target of the CIA, which is tasked with undermining FOREIGN governments. It’s a cruel fiction, to speak about these two entities as one and the same.

  13. @Michael
    I wrote

    America has no interest in destroying the Houthi’s which is why their initial attack was literally announced in the New York Times prior to the attack.

    Did you think I was suggesting that you announced the attack in the NYT? You have a bizarre desire to defend what is indefensible by adopting an obtuse context to what I have written, and not for the first time. No, I didn’t intend to indicate you or your neighbor or the lady down the street from you. Let us drop this charade. As I said, my meaning is quite clear, yet you seem to be once again playing a very contrarian role by suggesting my meaning was something other than was intended.

  14. Peloni,

    It would help, if you clarified your “perfectly clear” meaning. I have no doubt that I am an American, and have been one all my life. If you’re accusing me, as part of “America”, of being interested in the Houtis, or of being a military threat to anyone, you’re off base. If you’re talking about Joe Biden, then say so.

  15. Peloni,

    America has no interest in…

    The Iowa Caucus results pretty strongly indicate that “America” is MAGA. As usual, I don’t know what you mean by “America”.

  16. Scott Ritter the AIEA nuclear watchdog who turned coat , after being caught in a pedo-criminal affair ; he has sold his soul to Iran…to puke .
    Anyway , yhe problem is located at a much higher level than this joke . Globalists run the show, their puppet the Biden and Obama heirs are willfully tryig to create chaos in central europe since 2010-2014 Euro-Maidan and in the Mid East since April 2009 Obama grotesque Cairo speech , his facebook uprinsing against Moubarak , a 30 years ally of the US etc…his rebalancing favoring shiites ;10% of the muslim world vs 90% Sunis + JCPOA = free license for Iranian nuclear arms, outline how treacherous are the US Deep state and their Globalists backers .That in Israel so many dudes have swallowed the Obama hook and line including people who think themselves as Churchill demonstrates how deep is their naivity. Another 9 months to endure under Biden then Trump will wipe the stench .

  17. The truth is that if America can not defeat the Houthi’s, they would not be much of a military threat to anyone. Likewise, if Israel can not efficiently destroy Hamas, they would be the paper spider which Iran describes them to be. The truth is that we are today witnessing the replay of the war against Isis, where the US military purposefully was used in such a way to keep the war going without any intention of defeating the enemy. Do recall that Trump destroyed Isis in the course of a month, and that the result was deadly, harsh and effective. Robert E. Lee once said that ‘it is good that war is so terrible less we grow too fond of it” but the truth is that when we try to ameliorate the terrible aspects of war, we only serve to defeat the purpose for which war was intended, namely to defeat the enemy and restore a deterrence to future wars.

    America has no interest in destroying the Houthi’s which is why their initial attack was literally announced in the New York Times prior to the attack. It doesn’t matter how many empty buildings you destroy, as it doesn’t impress anyone that such impressive explosions killed no one. War is hell, and when it isn’t, well, you just aren’t doing it right.

    Likewise, if Israel is to accept the American imposed defeat by Hamas, this folly will spell her doom. Rather than building any deterrence of future wars, such ignorant policies will entice future wars. It is time to recognize that war is a serious business, and that only serious warriors should be allowed to pursue such wars. Obama’s pro-Iranian cohorts in the White House have no interest in destroying the Houthi’s just as they have no interest in Israel destroying Hamas, much less Hezbollah or Iran. The devastation which could be wrought down on these enemies of the civilized world should be unleashed and demonstrate to the world why war with a military super power is not in anyone’s interest. Doing so will not only restore a sense of stability to the world, it will ultimately save lives by preventing future conflicts. If such practices are not pursued, there really is no purpose in pursuing war at all.

    Hence, what we are witnessing is not the failure of American and Israeli power to achieve their existential goals, but the failure of the will to actually employ that power to achieve these goals. America and Israel should either go big or stay home.

  18. Hi, Ted

    Current US-Russian relations are water under the bridge; and they doubtless will change greatly once President Trump is properly instated. Meanwhile, back in the Middle East,

    Denys Davydov
    11 hours ago
    The US consulate in Iraq is reported to have been completely destroyed. There were also strikes near the airport in Erbil

  19. The US and Israel are the authors of their own misfortune. Had the US not goaded Russia into war which so far has cost the US $85 billion and has strengthened BRICS at its expense and had Israel not lowered her guard in many respects which brought about the Gaza War, both would be much stronger today.