Scott Ritter: The TRUTH is Out on Alexei Navalny. Andrei Martyanov

T.Belman. Ritter has shown himself to be very anti-Israel and antisemetic. Nevertheless he is very informed about Russia and Navalny.

February 24, 2024 | 24 Comments »

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24 Comments / 24 Comments

  1. Exactly. I’ve made this very point and have told folks here to look through the pro-Russia accounts on Twitter/X.

    Israpundit commenters need to understand that pro Hamas and pro Putin come from the same place, and are promoted by the same people.

  2. @Harris We’ve all known about Ritter for quite some time. The problem is that he and the other creeps who hate Israel also shill for Putin. So the Putin fan club on this blog compartmentalize. They’ll approvingly quote Ritter, McGregor and the other antisemites when they’re spouting Russian propaganda. Then they can ignore their Hamas propaganda. If it’s not posted here, it’s not a problem!

    Israpundit commenters need to understand that pro Hamas and pro Putin come from the same place, and are promoted by the same people. The world situation is more complicated than, Western Media bad, therefore alternative media good. It’s not! We have to work to understand what’s going on. Sometimes the only real information we can get is, this isn’t true, but I don’t know what is. That’s all we have. 50% of Scott Ritter = 0.

  3. Ritter is on record (speaking to Andrew Nepolitano) saying that he sides with Hamas and that what Hamas did on Oct 7 is like what the Americans did in 1776. (In reality, it’s more like what the comanches pulled off in Texas in the 1830s and 40s.) He’s also a perv 2x pedophile sex offender who has never even denied it. Even if one wishes to side with Putin or at least go easy on him, I suspect there are better people to give space to.

  4. @Ted Putin poisoned him a few years ago. Putin had him put into an extremely harsh prison, even though his health was probably weakened from being poisoned, even though he recovered. He posed a threat because he was alive and had followers. Now, the opposition is damaged because people who put flowers on his memorials are drafted and sent to the front. If they don’t sign the papers, the police threaten to break their fingers. This is why most of the people who are still bringing flowers are women, because they don’t have to worry about being drafted.

    There is not one person who comments on this blog or reads it, who would survive one year in that prison. Of course Putin is responsible. And you, Ted, are covering for this. Shame!

  5. The western press is unanimous in blaming Putin for Navalny;s death. But why would Putin do this, Navalny was imprisoned in the Artic. He no longer posed a threat. What did Putin gain by killing him?

  6. One may conclude that fucker Carlson’s lapdog “interview” may have given Putin the confidence to murder Navalny. I don’t think its a coincidence that he was murdered days after that interview and Carlson’s subsequent fawning video on the virtues of the Russian system. Such useful idiots had a role during the cold war, but they were on the left. Now the Kremlin is cultivating useful idiots on the right these days.

    Killing Navalny
    The murder of his most popular political opponent is a sign of Putin’s confidence, not weakness

  7. Sure, no one in Putin’s family is fighting in Ukraine. What does he care how many Russians are dying there. Would it ever occur to you that he’s confident because many useful idiot “conservatives” in the west are on his side and influencing their governments to stop aiding Ukraine? Particularly here in America which is really all that matters. You seem to be in admiration over his being an assassin and thug. What the hell is wrong with you?

    The murder of his most popular political opponent is a sign of Putin’s confidence, not weakness

  8. I’m reading the comments under the article Laura posted, here’s an interesting one.

    I know 8 Russians (Born and Raised) and they are working in Arizona and for an Aerospace Company. 7 of the 8 approved of the invasion and the 8th I couldn’t get an answer from. I would call them friends but their Elitist attitude and pride for their country makes me think twice on how they can work on Security projects here in this country (DOD/NASA Projects). He** with their allegiance to a Dictator- They (most of the Russians) that support Putin want Power and feel they lead the world- THEY DON’T and Never Will. Go Ukraine not great but better than Russia

  9. @ketzel2

    Could it be possible that the US government has been taken over by enemies

    I would posit that this is actually true if you consider China to be the enemies in question, but it would take a great deal more imagination than I can muster to support the notion that US policy is pursued to support any goals of Russia.

    The entire US foreign policy going back to the end of the Soviet Union was directed towards penalizing, enslaving and isolating Russia. Even during Trump’s term, he was maneuvered to become a Russia Hawk due to the claim he was a Russian asset.

    So, yes it is possible that enemies have infiltrated the US govt to satisfy the interests of foreign nations, but it would be difficult to make the case that Russia is to be counted amongst them. China and Iran, definitely, but not Russia.

  10. @Peloni, it’s not one or the other, it’s both. Could it be possible that the US government has been taken over by enemies, and those are the very same entities that are represented by people who make some of the videos posted here?

    I’ve bookmarked the Russian spy’s blog. A cursory reading of the most recent posts shows one black pill after another. Why did this person immigrate to the United States?

  11. Logic tells me that if he’s lying about Israel and he’s antisemitic, then why would he somehow be telling the truth about Russia/Ukraine? I hate to say this but you’re becoming unhinged in your support of Russia and hatred of Ukraine, twisting yourself into knots to defend the madman Putin, even trashing a man murdered simply because he opposed Putin. Yet at the same time you hysterically claim free speech in America is being shut-down while defending the real suppression of free speech occurring in Russia. I don’t know what motivates your love of putin, but its without reason or logic. Unfortunately, there are many confused people on the right who share your irrational love of Putin. Just stop and think instead of being knee-jerk and taking a position you think is in opposition to the left.

    Ritter has shown himself to be very anti-Israel and antisemetic. Nevertheless he is very informed about Russia and Navalny.

  12. @ketzel2

    if I were a Hollywood scriptwriter and wanted to write a movie about commies infiltrating high tech and giving American technology to commies, I wouldn’t have to make anything up, I’d just base the spy on Martynov.

    Or you could just base it on the open book evidence surrounding the Biden crime family as it sold US tech to the Chinese who are the real enemy of the US, not Russia. You wouldn’t even need the slightest fabrication or imagination while preparing the script, and you could even use actual quotes from documented emails, text messages and under oath testimonies.

  13. After reading Martynov’s snipped bio, I wonder why this person was allowed to work in the American aerospace industry. Some will say, but it’s a private company. It’s not possible to know what contact he had with his old colleagues, but if I were a Hollywood scriptwriter and wanted to write a movie about commies infiltrating high tech and giving American technology to commies, I wouldn’t have to make anything up, I’d just base the spy on Martynov.

    And Scott Ritter. You can’t make this up.

    Work harder, folks. Youtube and Twitter have so many good sources without the baggage of blackmailed sex offenders, antisemites and ex-Soviet infiltrators.

  14. @Sebastien

    ANDREI MARTYANOV is an expert on Russian military and naval issues. He was born in Baku, USSR in 1963. He graduated from the Kirov Naval Red Banner Academy and served as an officer on the ships and staff position of Soviet Coast Guard through 1990. In mid-1990s he moved to the United States where he worked as Laboratory Director in a commercial aerospace group. He is a frequent blogger on the US Naval Institute Blog and his own blog, Reminiscence of the Future. He is author of Losing Military Supremacy, The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs and Disintegration: Indicators of the Coming American Collapse.

    This is his bio from Clarion Press which published the three books listed.