Scott Ritter Reveals: Russia’s Relentless Attack Destroys Ukraine’s Defenses at Kursk!

Peloni:  The Kursk offensive will come to be seen as harmful to Ukraine as Operation Michael was to Germany during WWI, even as Operation Michael had a strategic potential which the Kursk offensive has always lacked.  Indeed, the sliding objectives and consumption of men and resources to support an infiltration which depleted an army with no potential force generation against an opponent, whose force generation is not only substantial but increasing with time, would seem to be little more than another pyrrhic victory in Ukraine’s campaign to kill as many Russians with little to no regard for the sanctity, security or survival of her own people and nation.  A good lesson from which all other nations should watch and learn.

September 17, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. Pretty foolish when a n apologist for the Russian military huffs and puffs about the failure of the Ukrainians to respect the sanctity of human life. How much respect for the sanctity of human life has the Russian military shown by its relentless bombing shelling and rocketing of Ukrainian cities heavily populated by civilians, their targeting of hospitals and residential housing complexes, their murder and toture of prisoners of war, of prisoners of war, their mass rapes of women in areas that they have occupied, etc. Peloni, it does not sit well with me when an apologist for the Russian agression talks about the sanctity of human lives. It reminds me of those people who describe themselves as crusaders against rape who in the same breath criticize women who are raped for wearing too short skirts.

    There I go, breaking into a rant again. Again, I apoloogize. can’t seem to control my temper when the subject of Ukraine comes up. I just don’t get it when so many people whom I know to bne decent, civilized and humane still support an agressive war against an innocent and harmless people.

  2. Scott Ritter is full of mishigas. Maybe he should stick to olesting small children. He is more “qualified for that kind of “work’ than reporting on the Russo-Ukraine war.