Schussel nails Palin

By Ted Belman

Debbie Sclussel is no fan of Sarah Palin’s. That’s putting it mildly. After I posted my article Sarah Palin is on a Roll,, Schlussel sent me an email complaining about my rosy view of her (my words) and in particular showed displeasure in Palin’s endorsent of McCain.

But now that Palin has endorsed Carla Fiorina, she went ballistic.

That’s Conservative?: Palinmessiah Endorses Jesse Jackson Pal/Fan of Islam, Iran, Amnesty for US Senate
By Debbie Schlussel

Sarah Palin’s endorsement of liberal, pro-abortion, pro-illegal alien amnesty, Iran-enabling Republican Carly Fiorina should be a wake up call for the blind Palinmessiahteapartybots. Sadly, it won’t be. As nothing will.

They won’t care that the empty vesselette in a skirt suit endorsed a close friend of race merchant/shakedown king Jesse Jackson, which Fiorina is. They couldn’t care less that Fiorina, just days after 9/11, gave a drooling speech about Islam. I’ve written about both of these things, exposed by conservative Republican and Orthodox Rabbi Dov Fischer, in a MUST-READ article on Fiorina, which documents Fiorina’s expansion of HP into Iran and how she violated embargo laws to sell ink to the country. Watch this video, below, and you’ll hear more from Sarah Palin’s latest “great American”:

BTW, this should be a lesson for you regarding frauds like Scamela Geller, the car loan fraud scammer, who takes money from Sarah Palin’s PAC for ads and who repeatedly gush over this vapidette. They claim to be against Iran and Ahmadinejad, against Jesse Jackson, and against illegal alien amnesty. But the bottom line is–like Sarah Palin–they really aren’t.

Talk is cheap.

The trouble with Schlussel is she backs everything up that she writes. She can’t be ignored.

May 9, 2010 | 60 Comments »

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50 Comments / 60 Comments

  1. I am now experiencing the same problem.

    Here is my theory

    That could be it but it might also be the Romulan curse against anything logical, so they fucked up DJ’s software and us. They are also most

    likely antisemitic Romulans as well. Give me a Klingon anyday over a stupid Romulan.

  2. I’m a lost joke! 🙁

    Yes you are, expected more from you like how to get the damn thing to work.

  3. Palin picked Fiorina because DeVore has no chance and Tom Campbell has ties tro so many Muslim groups

  4. I am now experiencing the same problem.

    Here is my theory.

    The system worked like a well oiled machine for a very long time.

    It flawlessly served millions of people worldwide, bringing joy to those who were otherwise joyless.

    From widows in Cambodia to orphans in Sudan, the one pleasure available to the destitute and the despondent was access to Gravatar.

    Then, you came along and totally fucked it up.

  5. I had a gravatar but replaced it and now am locked out.

    So for the time being at least, I remain Uncle Fester in outline.

    Need help with applying my avatar!! Help?

    Just click on the Get A Gravatar entry in the upper right hand corner of the front page and it will walk you through the process.

  6. May 7, 2010
    Five Bloggers explain how the mainstream media smears America’s friends and excuses our enemies…and what you can do about it.

    “SPUN OUT Five Bloggers explain how the mainstream media smears America’s friends and excuses our enemies…and what you can do about it. Panelists include Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit), Daniel Greenfield (Sultan Knish), J.E. Dyer (Optmistic Conservative), Rick Richman (Jewish Current Issues) and Omri Ceren (Mere Rhetoric).

    Interesting forum worth a watch!!

    Sponsored by Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors.

  7. By the way, looking at the new avatar makes me wonder how Ted knew that when posed in silhouette I am a dead ringer for Frosty the Snowman.

  8. Why is Goldman Sachs so successful?

    Cheating helps:

    Notable Calls Network (NCN): A call from the Goldman Equity Trading desk
    It never seizes to amaze me, the type of flow we sometimes get at Notable Calls Network (NCN).

    Here’s an example:

    – Around 12:56 PM ET on Friday, an old-time NCN member pinged me with the following:

    ‘… Just listened to a call from the Goldman Equity Trading desk. They think this panic will be short lived. EU may do a $1T liquidity injection next week…’

    Knowing how well plugged-in the Goldman people usually are, I immediately blasted the call to other Notable Calls Network members.

    The rest, of course is history. A giant European Bailout plan was unveiled over the weekend and markets around the world responded in a very positive manner.

  9. A day after endorsing Fiorina, Palin updated her reasons

    Carly has been endorsed by the National Right to Life, the California Pro-Life Council, and the Susan B. Anthony List. She is pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, pro-military, and pro-strict border security and against amnesty. She is against Obamacare and will vote to repeal it and prevent the government takeover of private companies and industries. Carly is also a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. Like me, she is a member of the NRA, has a 100% NRA rating, and she and her husband are gun owners. She is pro-energy development and believes as I do in an all-of-the-above approach to energy independence. She is against cap and tax. And most importantly, Carly is the only conservative in the race who can beat Barbara Boxer. That’s no RINO. That’s a winner.

  10. Ted you and most conservatives came down hard on Obama because initially over their associations.

    Comment by yamit82 — May 10, 2010 @ 5:24 pm

    How do you compare an expedient one-time candidate endorsement with a 20-year membership and attendance in a divine whorehouse of hate?

  11. Ted you and most conservatives came down hard on Obama because initially over their associations. Well Palin endorsements do’t exactly fit

    the definition of associations but endorsements are endorsements and she didn’t have to endorse anyone did she. If she vetted her

    endorsements beforehand the fact that she did endorse them without publicly stating any qualifications means de-facto she supports the


    If she didn’t vet them and supported them for some political gain that is also serious in that she has no depth of judgment. Maybe her

    advisors are at the bottom of it but then she picked her advisors.

    Personally I don’t have a dog in this race and have no agenda other than to point out that I think your early bandwagon support for her is

    overly enthusiastic and very premature. While it may be fun speculating like a ball game the stakes are too serious to waste too much time

    on a non candidate.

    Groupies of any variety drive me to cover.

  12. And you would be wise to remember the last guy who pissed off rongrand.

    Comment by ayn reagan — May 10, 2010 @ 2:39 pm using Firefox 3.6.3 Firefox 3.6.3 on Windows XP Windows XP

    I thought it was this guy

    I thought it was this guy, no I thought it was this guy

  13. And you would be wise to remember the last guy who pissed off rongrand.

    Yea, I remember Yankee Stadium.

  14. I stand by Palin. Her endorsement of McCain didn’t bother me. Her endorsement of Rand Paul bothered me a bit because she was for an aggressive foreign policy whereas Paul is for non-interference. I have taken the position that the US can’t be too aggressive or it will go bankrupt. She must choose her battles wisely. It would be nice to just walk away from Pakistan Afghanistan but what about the Paki bomb. What about their terroroism in America. What if that continues to increase. In any event Paul is not an enemy of Israel. he is just not a supporter of Israel. American people will stand by Israel whether Paul does or not.

    Vut most troubling is Palin’s endorsement of Fiorin bothers me a lot. After reading the Rabbi’s weiil researched and written condemnation of Fiorina, I wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole. She is terribly niave with regard to Islam and is more interested in doing business with Muslim’s then confronting them. Fiorina seems to be in favour of amnesty. What business leader in the south western states isn’t.

    Having said that I do not believe for a second that Palin shares her views. Palin stressed her experience in business. Schussel said she was a failure. Maybe at HP but she was a success up until then or she would nave never been offered the job.

    So it comes down to a contest between DeGore and Fiorina. DeGore has his negatives also. But foremost is his reputed unelectability. If this is in fact the case, then Fiorina by elimination.

    Would love to hear how Palin feels about the negatives. Did she know them? What was her calculus?

    Bottom line for me though, I still support Palin even though she endorsed Fiorina,

  15. I don’t know what to think of Palin now……. Schlussel speaks Arabic fluently and has been instrumental in exposing jihadist hives here in America.

    Comment by gungfusifu — May 10, 2010 @ 3:59 pm

    Apples and oranges.

    I’m a Schlussel fan but I don’t agree with everything she says, with every one of her conclusions, or her measurement of the severity of various events.

    And I’m not a big Palin fan but Palin’s no bimbo. Far from it.

  16. Ted,

    I don’t know what to think of Palin now……. Schlussel speaks Arabic fluently and has been instrumental in exposing jihadist hives here in America.

  17. And you would be wise to remember the last guy who pissed off rongrand.

    Comment by ayn reagan — May 10, 2010 @ 2:39 pm using Firefox 3.6.3 Firefox 3.6.3 on Windows XP Windows XP

    I thought it was this guy!

  18. Some things don’t lend themselves to attenuated replies.

    Listen, Chatty Cathy…Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address in 256 words.

    Feel free to exceed that number whenever you have something more profound to say.

    And you would be wise to remember the last guy who pissed off rongrand.

  19. If I go past your limit of attention just skip it.

    Uncle, shame on you. By now you must know my attention span is about |from here to here | any more than that, I am lost.

  20. I don’t know where it says I have to refute anyone’s contentions and or arguments. When someone goes out and personally attacks an individual I get turned off and my common sense tells me the writer has a personal agenda and it’s not about her politics


    That’s exactly what the liberals said when the right attacked Obama. So I ask again why are you any different. They supported and then voted

    blindly for their POP ICON and you and others here seem to be doing the same thing with yours. I too can rationalize anything but is it truth

    and the right thing? In hindsight most of the lefts criticism of Bush was on the mark and I too would have voted for him instead of Gore or

    Kerry but that does not negate the truth of much of the lefts attacks on Bush. At least when I voted for Bush I knew I was getting an imbecile.

    someone probably easily manipulated by whoever controls him. We knew about his indebtedness to the Saudis who bailed him out of Bankruptcy

    as one example. He wasn’t a conservative, not the kind of Born Again Christian, that many claim to support Israel but the expectations of

    many especially supporters of Israel pinned hopes and beliefs that bush would be that pro Israel President.

    His record speaks for itself he will go down in history as a President as bad if not worse than Carter relative to Israel.

    I trust none of them. Waiting to be pleasantly surprised and proved wrong.

    Ron is this attenuated enough for you? 🙂

    Uncle it’s fine. Listen my comment was of a constructive nature. You do provide a wealth of information and analysis we all enjoy and learn from. Sometimes too much information buries the intended subject matter.

    Some things don’t lend themselves to attenuated replies. If I go past your limit of attention just skip it.

  21. Smart people support her and smart people atack her. So judging Palin is not a matter of how smart you are, it is a matter of what qualities you think important.

    Ted, that’s it in a nutshell.

    You can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you can’t please all of the people all of the time?

  22. I always keep an open mind. All new facts must be factored in. I have read too many negative stories on her and would be foolish to ignore them all.

    Smart people support her and smart people attack her. So judging Palin is not a matter of how smart you are, it is a matter of what qualities you think important.

  23. Ron is this attenuated enough for you? 🙂

    Uncle it’s fine. Listen my comment was of a constructive nature. You do provide a wealth of information and analysis we all enjoy and learn from. Sometimes too much information buries the intended subject matter.

    ron if you disagree with Schlussel, then refute her contentions and her arguments.

    I don’t know where it says I have to refute anyone’s contentions and or arguments. When someone goes out and personally attacks an individual I get turned off and my common sense tells me the writer has a personal agenda and it’s not about her politics.

  24. You disagree with me? How and where?


    In totality.


    Palin is doing what Nixon did in 1964 and 1966, seeking to endorse GOP candidates who will a) win; and b) return the favor at an unspecified future date.

    I am also seeking to shorten my comments, thereby setting a positive example for our youth.

  25. In Alaska, Palin sought allies on both sides of the house. Is she building support among divese powerful groups.

    Maybe? diverse yes! Powerful? Or is it your rationalization for not having to face the truth of the matter; that your blooming Lily is

    beginning to wilt under scrutiny and behavior not fitting with what you believed are her personal ethical principles? That being the case

    then she is no better or worse than any other American politician and since after a year and a half her poll numbers are wilting as well

    why not be rational and wait for the Republican Pack to declare themselves then decide who has the best chance and support them?

    Palin is becoming a cult icon with you and others and it unbefitting for otherwise intelligent and politically aware people to follow such

    a course, especially when it’s done blindly.

  26. From my minimal understanding of what’s going down in the California election, conservative Chuck Devore doesn’t have a chance against Dem Campell and therefore Fiorina is the much lesser of 2 evils.

    Palin isn’t suicidal and anything leaning right in California is of general important and a bit more.

  27. In 1976, Reagan named liberal Republican Senator Richard Schweiker as his potential running mate.

    Politics is not conducive to maintaining ideological purity.

    If a potential candidate can sell out their professed principles this early what might it portend later on? I agree politics and politicians

    must be able to compromise but So early? So blatantly? So Publicly?

    I vaguely recall Sen Schweiker and recall he was not bad looking and seemed pretty smart. Liberal or not if Reagan had chosen him it would

    have saved us from 12 years of the Bushes and though liberal could hardly have been worse than having the Bushes run the country. 😉

  28. ayn It doesn’t matter whether Schlussel likes Palin or not or uses ad hominem in her rants against her. If her disclosures and arguments are

    valid then they must stand against what you believed of her before. As I recall you gave her strike one when she supported and donated funds

    to Rand Paul and said “We will see” I would say we have already strike two and a case might be made for strike 3 as well.

    You disagree with me? How and where?

    Ron is this attenuated enough for you? 🙂

  29. ron if you disagree with Schlussel, then refute her contentions and her arguments. If you can’t then her arguments stand and you and others intentionally ignore that which destroys the whole basis of your blind support for Palin.

    ayn touts instincts and judgment as attributes more important than familiarity with issues believing that she will do the right thing when the time comes. This may be true if in fact she has good instincts and judgment. In view of the disclosures by Schlussel I again raise my doubts about her instincts and good judgment.

    By ignoring Schlussels and others disclosures and contentions I ask again why are you any different to those who supported Obama, ignoring all of the negative information and all the credibility negatives that we and many others publicized before the election?

    To ignore Schlussels disclosures is an exercise in the most base intellectual and moral dishonesty. If your expectations are so low that you choose Palin as no worse or better than any other politician or conclude she is the best of the worst, fine but then what does that say about you at a stage when we even don’t know who will vie for the Republican nomination or even if Palin wants to compete for it?

  30. Schlussel’s rantings make her increasingly resemble Keith Olbermann.

    Ayn what gives with Schlussel? I thought at first she was a conservative, now she appears to be the attack dog for the liberals.

    Do I sense some jealousy?

    One Olbermann is enough.

    Mark Simone says Keith screens all his guest to be sure they all agree with him and they appear to be bobble heads.

  31. Schlussel:

    Nope, the gushing followers of Sarah Palin won’t care about any of this. Because everything Sarah Palin–America’s most selfish and piggish woman (not to mention, likely the most airheaded)–does is magical and genius. She turns our streets into cotton candy and lollipops.

    The trouble with Schlussel is she backs everything up that she writes. She can’t be ignored.

    Yet she must be ignored.

    Sarah Palin is America’s most selfish and most piggish and most airheaded?

    Not while I’m still around, Debbie.

    Schlussel’s rantings make her increasingly resemble Keith Olbermann.

    And I’ve been ignoring him for a long time.

  32. In 1976, Reagan named liberal Republican Senator Richard Schweiker as his potential running mate.

    Politics is not conducive to maintaining ideological purity.

    Schlussel seems to be concentrating her fire on conservatives like Hannity and Palin and Geller.

    Somehow I doubt that a Palin presidency would be to the liking of Jesse Jackson and al Qaeda.