Sarkozy leads that attack against Iran

DEBKAfile reports: Accusations from Paris that Iran is building new clandestine military nuclear plant south of Natanz

The latest round of the international campaign against Iran’s covert nuclear activities is coming out of Paris, DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources report. A statement by President Nicolas Sarkozy Thursday, Sept. 27 that he does not believe Iran’s program is peaceful was followed by a press conference at which the National Council of Resistance of Iran’s chairman, Mehdi Abrishamchi, reported Iran was constructing a new site for a secret military project 5 km south of the Natanz nuclear complex.

Sarkozy’s spokesman David Martinon said: “Ahmadinejad claims his country’s nuclear activities are peaceful. Ultimately, we do not believe him. Everyone knows that the program has military goals. We have a string of clues leading us to that conclusion. The question is not settled.”

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DEBKAfile notes that, five years ago, the Americans used the same roundabout technique for making their first disclosures of Iran’s nuclear violations.

They fed the revelation that uranium enrichment was taking place at Natanz to the same resistance group, NCRI (Mujahideen Qalq), which then called a press conference in Washington and laid it before the public.

Surprisingly, this time, Tehran made its own contribution to the disclosures. The local newspaper Kayhan stated on Sept. 25: “The intelligence that the West currently has on Iran’s nuclear program is limited to sites accessible to IAEA inspectors – and more than that they do not know.”

Two days later, the NCRI went before the press in Paris with the little information he had, which nonetheless substantiated Tehran’s admission.

Iran is apparently bracing for a fresh spate of international allegations and disclosures from intelligence sources about its most secret nuclear activities for military purposes.

Abrishamchi’s seeming first installment did not specify what was going on at the new site or the nature of its contribution to Iran’s weapons program.

He located it near the small village of Abbas-Abad 5 km south of Natanz in the Siah mountain. The site, he said, consisted of a sprawling underground area with two tunnels which run under two mountains connected to Natanz. The tunnel entrance is six meters wide. Building began in 2006 and is scheduled to end in March 2008. Revolutionary Guards Brig. Gen. Tabatabi monitors progress of the work every week; it is overseen by his deputy Brig. Gen. Daneshjo.

To preserve the project’s secrecy, the NCRI chairman reported, its various sections were assigned to different agencies and units of the defense ministry and Revolutionary Guards, none of which has the whole picture.

DEBKAfile’s sources believe that just enough data were rationed out to Abrishamchi to let the Iranians know that US and French intelligence has a lot more. How much more is released will depend on Tehran’s reaction. If the clerical rulers continue to maintain like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that their program is purely for peaceful purposes and the issue is closed, more solid information on Iranian illicit undertakings is likely to be laid bare.

September 28, 2007 | 7 Comments »

7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. Charles

    Just yesterday I spoke with Jerry Gordon on the extent to which November was an issue in timing. You echoed my thoughts.

    I consider that Sarkozy (France) has now replace Blair (Britain) as America’s partner. Remember my post Are Palestine and Iran linked?

    To suggest that Bush will turn on Sarkozy strains credibility.

  2. Iran may be attacked within the next six months but this will only come after Israel has committed to surrender J&S and half of Jerusalem to the Palestinian Arabs.

    It is no coincidence that the next discussion of sanctions against Iran has been put off until late November after the scheduled international peace conference between Israel and the Arabs.

    Support from the Sunni Arabs states, Russia, and China for sanctions against Iran and/or a military strike will come at a calamitous price for Israel.

    Notice, by the way, the enthusiasm now being shown for the conference by the Saudis and the Egyptians after conversations with Condi Rice.

    Even the Syrians are asking whether there’s a door prize in the bag for them.

    Fasten your seatbelts.

  3. I expect and await moves from the US and EU Empire to block Sarkozy…..

    That may well happen, though likely simply for theatrical purposes. I’ve seen no evidence to suggest that it has anything to do with him being a “serious French man and patriot.”

    Actually, I find the notion ludicrous. Bush has made noises about Iran’s nuclear program as well – so what? Why take Sarkozy’s words at face value?

  4. I expect and await moves from the US and EU Empire to block Sarkozy, who is a serious French man and patriot. The EU and US are ion bed with Islam.

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