Sarah Palin invites Bibi to the heartland

WaPo: Palin says she’s ‘seriously interested’ in 2016 campaign. The is the lead story on DRUDGE.

By Sarah Palin on her FB page.

Kudos to Speaker Boehner for inviting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to address Congress. Like most Americans, I’m scratching my head wondering how President Obama can take time from imperative administrative duties AND his golf schedule to sit down for a peculiar interview with a neon-lipped YouTube blogger whose claim to fame is publicly eating Fruit Loops while submerged in a bathtub of milk, but he can’t find even a minute to meet with one of America’s closest and most important allies. We knew Barack Obama was green, but not this green. The White House goes out of its way to snub and smear the Israeli Prime Minister, while at the same time smiling and shaking hands with Iran. They never cease to amaze and defy good sense.

To add insult to injury, liberal organizations (see here:STOP BIBI: J STREET GIVES NETANYAHU THE SARAH PALIN TREATMENT ) that claim to be pro-Israel are actually trying to stop our friend and partner in peace from speaking before our Congress.

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The good people of Israel must know that the majority of Americans are very happy to hear from their brave and honorable Prime Minister; we welcome him back to the USA! In fact, let us invite Bibi to “go rogue” and come to our heartland instead of the DC bubble this time and we’ll show him through open hearts, open minds, and countless standing ovations that we respect his commitment to peace. We love Israel. We will show their leader respect for his tough and practical stance against a nation that boasts its intentions to destroy both Israel and America. In this, Bibi Netanyahu is more the leader of the free world than he who should know better.

Please come to America’s heartland this time, Prime Minister. Allow We the People to thank Israel for remaining a beacon of freedom and democracy in a desperately troubled corner of the world.

– Sarah Palin

January 24, 2015 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Hey, Great Idea, Sarah will be an excellent hostess and treat him with the respect the PM deserves! Mr. Obama has time for the You Tube personality of Glozell Green, who swims in the bathtub filled with milk and fruit cereal, but he doesn’t have time for the Only US Ally in the Middle East…Something is very wrong with this picture.