Sarah Palin defends Israel on Facebook

And she has all the facts and is up to date. I listened to Glen Beck Radio Show today and he also had everything right and he also talked about the video. He is going to show it on his 5:00 show today.

Israeli Flotilla: Don’t Take Mainstream Media Coverage at Face Value

The media, as usual, seems to be reporting only one side of the Israeli Flotilla incident. Don’t trust the mainstream media to give you both sides of a story fairly… you must seek out fair reporting to ensure you have all the information.

As far too many in the media, and in various governments, rush to condemn Israel, we must put the recent events off Israel’s coast into the right perspective. This “relief” convoy was not about humanitarian aid, as the liberal mainstream media keeps reporting. The whole operation was designed to provoke Israel, not to provide supplies to Palestinians held hostage by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. Anyone who sees the video of Israeli commandos being attacked as they land on that ship knows the people aboard were vicious thugs, not “peace activists.” The media insults our intelligence with their outright mischaracterization of who these enemies are.

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Israel delivers thousands of tons of humanitarian supplies every week to Gaza. These ships could have offloaded their cargoes at a nearby Israeli port if they really wanted to help the people of Gaza. Instead, they chose to incite confrontation and violence. Israel has a right to prevent arms shipments to Gaza that will be used to target innocent Israelis, so they were legitimately checking the cargo on the flotilla. Turkey has chosen to condemn Israel but we should be asking some serious questions about Turkey’s role in this whole affair. Why is a fellow member of NATO sponsoring such a dangerous publicity stunt? As one expert points out: “Three ships of that six-ship pro-terror convoy flew Turkish flags and were crowded with Turkish citizens. The Ankara government — led by Islamists these days — sponsored the “aid” operation in a move to position itself as the new champion of the Palestinians. And Turkish decision-makers knew Israel would have to react — and were waiting to exploit the inevitable clash. The provocation was as cynical as it was carefully orchestrated.”

We can only hope the Obama Administration does not join the anti-Israel chorus in the aftermath of this staged confrontation. Please, Mr. President, we need to let Israelis know we stand with them in their fight against terrorists and those who arm and support them. America and her ally, Israel, stand by waiting for your response.

– Sarah Palin

June 1, 2010 | 17 Comments »

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17 Comments / 17 Comments

  1. Sarale:

    Sara with a or Sarah with an H, you stand tall with all those who care and have a clear and unequivocal way of voicing your thoughts in support

    for Israel. As a proud Jewish Israeli and American ex pat, I for one appreciate you and those like you.

    If I have learned anything from our history, it is that numbers are secondary to zeal. The Irish fought the British for a thousand years and could never throw the yoke of the English from them.

    A few thousand zealous Jews accomplished in a few years what the Irish couldn’t in a thousand.

    A few million Jews like you , ayn , Bird, Laura are worth to us more than the Liberal majority. Jewish women have always been our most stalwart, without them we would have succumb to the hostile forces against us long ago.

    We call such women Eschet Chail (Proverbs, Chapter 31). Keep the faith!

  2. I love you too, Ted.

    Thanks for the chance to tell the Israelis that they are not alone.

    P.S. I love you even though my name is SaraHsue

  3. Here’s another one.

    Who better to call out the media and the world governments, than a journalist and the micro victim of what the nation of Israel goes through, in the macro.

    Just like Israel, she is lied about.
    Just like Israel, she can not do anything right. Ever.
    Just like Israel, her enemies want her destroyed.
    Just like Israel, she is stronger than all of those against her.
    Just like Israel, she has the media edit, manipulate, or spin the story, to make her look bad.
    Just like Israel, she doesn’t care what others say about her, but just continues to do what is right and good for her country.

    Of course, she is going to stand with and up for Israel.
    They are our ally, and should be treated as such.
    They are standing against our common enemy.
    They are attacked for every move they make.
    They are hated for their very existence.

    She knows exactly what is going on, and she will not back down.
    Those two attributes are a good thing to have in a leader.

  4. This is a comment at a great site Conservatives4palin

    Bravery is thy name.

    Sarah is the bravest of the brave. She comes out immediately in defense of our ally, Israel. Where are all the others? They are all in a wait-and-see mode to see where the chips fall before making a statement.
    Cowards!!! All of them, from the president down to every politicians including the GOPers.

    This is Sarah at her best. She’ll do what’s right and do so right away. Without hesitation, without ambivalence and without concern of how the public opinion will judge the event. If it’s the right thing to do, then Sarah will do it. Come hell or high water.


  5. I think the problem is the switchover to a new ISP. I hope its only temporary.

    Maybe but anyone linking to your old ISP has a redirect link, Google links directly to your new and all those 788 links to your site are as far as I can check all updated. ayn checked your rankings after your move and they were under a 100,000.

    I will stick until shown otherwise with my gut and empirical evidence that it was mostly ayn and the interactions on this site she created or caused.

    get her back.

  6. Ted, since ayn’s disappearance your ranking has dropped from 96,800 to 134,582

    It’s obvious she is the reason. I think you have a strong incentive now to get her back. Since you are the only one I know of here with her

    details, it’s up to you.

  7. rongrand says:
    June 2, 2010 at 1:58 am

    We all miss you

    Ted, since ayn’s disappearance your ranking has dropped from 96,800 to 134,582

    It’s obvious she is the reason. I think you have a strong incentive now to get here back. Since you are the only one I know of here with her

    details, it’s up to you.

  8. Ayn, wherever you are please check in and let us know all is well. If your on extended holiday, just leave a note we will understand.

    To be honest, I am beginning to develop a stomach ulcer.

    Will be looking for you.

    We all miss you.

  9. We need to be that opposite reaction. We need to be as vocal as Turkey, as the columnists, as the terrorist supporters. We need to defend Israel unequivocally. That is my job, and the job of all true supporters of Israel.

    Go Israel!!

    We cheer and pray everyday for Israel. A majority of Americans support Israel and her right to defend and protect her sovereign nation.

    What would be most helpful, if the liberal American Jews who supported BHO would now turn on him. The only reason he invited PM Netanyahu to the White House he recognize the weakening of this Jewish support and he was trying to mend the fence somewhat.

    The PM should not give this bastard the time of day.

    Let’s face it Turkey being governed from the left and is anti-Semitic.

  10. Israelis that live in Israel have a vested interest in critiquing what their government does.

    The rest of us need to be Israel’s cheerleaders. We need to strongly support Israel without feeling the need to offer ‘evenhanded’ criticism.

    Many Israeli supporters feel the need to point out Israel’s ‘mistakes’ along with the muslims. You know the kind, ‘muslims kill people but to be fair, Israel builds houses’.

    When Israelis reach out to America for support, they are reaching out to people like me. People whose support is unconditional. People that do not mourn the lost of life, when the ‘activists’ that died were terrorists. People that understand the need to support the brave soldiers.

    The armchair quarterbacks that feel the need to vocalize every thought in their heads, without having all the facts, have my complete contempt. The knee jerk reactions, the spewing of worthless opinions are a waste of time.

    For every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction.

    We need to be that opposite reaction. We need to be as vocal as Turkey, as the columnists, as the terrorist supporters. We need to defend Israel unequivocally. That is my job, and the job of all true supporters of Israel.

    Go Israel!!

  11. Rush and Hannity also defended Israel’s right of self defense. As more VIPs speak out on this incident, there will probably will be very few surprises at all as to who stands on what side. The line in the sand has been drawn for some time now.