Saluting Pamela Geller: a Champion of Liberty


Tragically, during these times of great peril, truth is sacrificed by the politically correct, the myopic self-serving in the liberally dominated media, and the ruling class. Against this backdrop, a women of great courage and integrity labors tirelessly in speaking the truth and in the defense of liberty.

Pamela Geller’s work in objectively revealing the true nature of Islam makes her a valued champion and defender of human dignity with liberty for all, and in particular for women as longstanding victims of Islamic misogyny.

Geller methodically sheds light on the dark nature of Islamic beliefs and the barbaric practices involving the abuse of women in all ways, such as honor-killing, female genital mutilation, child sex-trafficking, forced child brides, severe abuse of homosexuals, and much more under stone-age sharia law. Her work upholds and defends the ideals of human rights.

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Liberty-loving people of America and the world over owe a debt of gratitude to Pamela Geller for valiantly exposing the racist and supremacist nature of Islam, for fearlessly braving ground others dare not tread. Yet what does she get in return? A vicious and dirty hate campaign from jihadist apologists, fraudsters like the Southern Poverty Law Center, assorted left-wing whacko groups, and even some Jewish organizations like the ADL, who should know better — not to mention many threats by the Allah-following fanatics, simply because she speaks the truth about Islam.

If telling the truth about Islam is Islam-bashing, then Geller is guilty.
The fact is that the self-righteous Islamist villains, their leftist apologists, and their paid mercenaries do not trouble themselves to prove Geller wrong. Why is it that they do not disprove her naked truth about Islam?

True to form, these critics shower Geller with all kinds of unspeakable epithets. Some of the more “civil” Muslims play the victim card. These latter types let out a hue and cry to the effect that they and their religion are smeared and victimized by people like Pamela. They accuse her of being a divisive racist who enjoys slandering Islam. For good measure, they also label her a Zionist in the pay of Israel and Israeli lobbies. Who is bashing whom?

Human nature is also the culprit, in part. We humans are attracted to hate like flies are to honey. Hate is an easy sell. It gathers up the person’s or the group’s frustrations, anxieties, fears, paranoia, and many other negative emotions in one handy bundle and hurls it all at a convenient target. History is replete with instances of hate energizing the masses into the commission of small- and large-scale atrocities.

Truth is not always welcome and can often be greatly disturbing. But truth is the best weapon against evil and falsehood. When Geller points out the horrifying teachings of the Quran, she does not make them up. She cites Surahs from the Muslim Holy Book — Surahs and words that exhort Muslims to carry out all kinds of evil deeds against non-Muslims.

The truth is, Pamela Geller is a heroine of our era. Heroes appear when circumstances call upon them. Heroes are those extraordinary people who stand up against evil at great peril to themselves.

In addition to her distinguished résumé, “Pamela Geller has broken numerous important stories — notably the questionable and illegal foreign sources of some of the financing of the Obama campaign, the anti-Semitic posts on Obama’s website, Obama’s political organizing in public school classrooms, ACORN’s destruction of Republican voter registrations, and many more. She has also been a staunch leader of the nationwide campaign against the Ground Zero mosque.”

Western people with their heads firmly encased in the cocoon of liberalism — the idea of live and let live — fail to see that Islam is anathema to the notion. Muslim sects do not grant even each other a modicum of tolerance. Muslims kill other Muslims on a daily basis, all in the name of Islam. They vie with one another to convert the world to their form of caliphate. They do all this while also taking advantage of non-Muslim naiveté and destroying the God-given gift of liberty.

The late courageous journalist Oriana Fallaci once said, “Western elites — government and media — are paralyzed by fear, afraid to speak out against the life-destroying aspects of Sharia law that Islamic jihadists want to impose on the rest of the world. The risk of offending Muslims is, in their calculus, apparently greater than the risk of national or civilizational suicide.”

Why does all this happen? In her speech Fallaci explained that it was to a great degree because “truth inspires fear.” When one hears the truth, one can only be silent or join the cause. It is a call to a personal revolution, an upheaval, a departure — perhaps forever — from a life of ease and comfort. So most will prefer not to hear the truth — in no small part because of the difficulty of living up to it. Yet the real heroes, Fallaci said, are “those who raise their voices against anathemas and persecution, while most succumb — and with their silence give their approval to the civil death of those who spoke out.”

Like Fallaci, Pamela Geller is a voice of rare courage. “I am not as young and energetic as you are, I am hopelessly ill. I shall not last long,” said Fallaci in her latter days. And when she departed from us, she only hoped men and women of courage would rise up and continue her legacy. One can only thank God that people like Pamela Gellar have risen up and spoken the truth, no matter how bitter.

Pamela Geller has been sounding the alarm for a number of years about radical Islam and jihadists’ imminent deadly threats. While America is the last haven of hope where liberty can reign, the Islamic jihadists draw heavily from their treasury flush with oil extortion money to bribe politicians and hire mercenaries to further their evil objectives.

As an ex-Muslim and a proud coworker of the same cause as Geller’s, I salute this courageous defender of liberty. I urge all freedom-lovers to do the same, and to join her ranks to stem the tide of Islamic tyranny.

I have experienced firsthand the pall that Islam casts on the life of the individual and society. From cradle to grave, Islam imposes its oppressive, intolerant, and deathly dogma without let-up. This archaic, primitive belief of over 1,400 years ago has been and continues to be at war with valiant people who refuse to lend their necks to its yoke.

I have tasted Islamic poison and imbibed from the chalice of liberty. Islam aims to reclaim me and force the rest of mankind into its bondage and rob us all of the treasure of liberty. I am with Patrick Henry and Pamela Geller: “Give me liberty or give me death.”

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May 15, 2013 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments


    The politically incorrect truth about ISLAM. RABBI DR. BERNHARD ROSENBERG. SHAME ON THE CANADIAN POLICE. WHERE ARE THE RABBIS WITH BATZIM. I am not afraid to speak out, I AM NOT A COWARD. I HAVE SERVED AS A POLICE CHAPLAIN FOR ALMOST 40 YEARS AND NOW HAVE RANK OF CAPTAIN. Pamela Geller was invited by me to speak in my synagogue and I did not back down when threatened. RABBI DR. BERNHARD ROSENBERG

    Pamela Geller speaks in Edison, NJ at Cong. Beth-El – YouTube.

    Apr 15, 2013… Pamela Geller speaks in Edison, NJ at Cong…. was asked by Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg to give her address at his Congregation Beth-El…

    The politically incorrect truth about ISLAM RABBI DR. BERNHARD ROSENBERG

  2. “We need to become the biggest, ugliest, meanest, most feared group to anyone that tries to cross us.”

    Agreed, Bill.

  3. “Stooping” means no more of only one side playing by the rules. They shout down and intimidate pro-Israel speakers? We do the same. They shove our students? We do the same. Their professors provide biased information? Video the classes and call them on it. If the Administration refuses to act, in the face of documented evidence, ratchet up the protests. We need to become the biggest, ugliest, meanest, most feared group to anyone that tries to cross us. Deterrence, not reaction.

  4. “JDL needs to expand, in a legitimate, law-abiding way, across Canada and the U.S. to re-claim the offensive.”

    The doors are always open at JDL Canada. We have always been law-abiding. Our enemies? Well that’s a different story. They do not respect our laws. May the rats eat their mail.

    “No more objection to “stooping to their level”. “Stoop” we must.’

    All we need to do is to tell the truth and have those who will listen believe what we (which would include Pamela Geller) are telling. “Stooping” to their level, in my opinion, would mean to tell lies, which is unnecessary for us simply because of their overtly egregious behaviour.

  5. @ Michael Devolin:
    JDL needs to expand, in a legitimate, law-abiding way, across Canada and the U.S. to re-claim the offensive. We must use the same tactics as does the anti-israeli, anti-Semitic opposition. No more objection to “stooping to their level”. “Stoop” we must.

  6. The best type of “working committees” is a show of faces and bodies representing the Jews. Those on the other side of the street (read: fence) will take note that the Jews are not going to be pushed around, will fight back when push comes to shove, whenever we provide a visible show of force. There had to be at least 30 JDL members at Pamela Geller’s speaking engagement at the Zionist Centre, and we made ourselves VERY visible, and not one Hamas-lover showed up. A couple brain-dead lefty reporters (who were too timid to cross the street to “interview” us), but that was it. “A north wind drives away a back-biting tongue.”

  7. “only wish she would find a way to harness her admirers into working committees.”

    We were harnessed into working committees before Pamela Geller came along. We’re known as JDL Canada. Everything else is commentary.

  8. “Just saw Pamela in Toronto at the Zionist Center.”

    I was the guy who opened the car door for her when she arrived! It was awesome. Actually, the JDL guy driving the car had to motion to me to “OK, Mike, open the door!!” I was rather spell-bound. A senior’s moment.

  9. I salute Pamela Geller’s work – only wish she would find a way to harness her admirers into working committees.

  10. A consolation prize though – she has only uncatalogued how the West was lost. There is no positive factor or positive power at work – all the Western Governments are compromised by the ruling class which is is responsible for the Islamic Immigration and Islamic compromise. They have sold everyone out – all the West is the Walking Dead.

  11. Just saw Pamela in Toronto at the Zionist Center. She is brave, brilliant, beautiful and gracious. Pamela is a gift! Can’t wait to hear her again.

  12. I have been saying for some time that Pamela Geller is one of the great human rights activists and should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. When charlatans like Barack Obama and savages like Yasser Arafat can receive it, why not give it to someone far more deserving, like Pamela?