Russia’s Master Plan Becomes Germany’s Nightmare

July 17, 2022 | 6 Comments »

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  1. @Michael

    This is so incredibly disgusting.

    Indeed, this image solicits a visceral repugnance that is hard to express in words. As unfortunate as it is, somethings can not be unseen and thereby hold a corrupting effect with just a single glance, which is the purpose of this vile propaganda. However, I find this unlikely to be well incorporated into the root and stem of the military at this point, and suspect that it is more of an artifice to portray a more systemic expression of this ill wind propaganda. In fact, it is not just the fact that this is being advocated, but the purpose for which it is intended that causes the greatest concern. Hence, highly disgusting on many levels.

  2. Hi, Peloni

    While Europe’s foreign and domestic policy seem to be dominated by Greta Thunberg, the US seems to have completely lost its military:

    This is so incredibly disgusting.

  3. Germany is the third largest exporter in the world and stands as the fourth largest industrial producer in the world. Among European nations, France is the next highest exporter with about a third of the exports of Germany. This economic dominance is why Germany has always held such a strong voice when dealing with the economic hardships being experienced in Europe by its various failing economies.

    Hence, while the gas crunch is affecting Europe as a whole, the consequences of the energy shortages will be most strongly apparent in the nation that disproportionately requires and uses the most energy, ie Germany. Furthermore, as the German economy is coming to a point of breaking, with members of its major industrial corporations already announcing insolvency, this economic tsunami emanating from Germany will affect the entire of Europe, in addition to the respective nations feeling the energy pinch as well.

    No one can know how this will play out, but the German economic collapse, should it come to pass as it seems is now likely at least in part, will not be a short term event, as the corporations facing collapse will not be replaced. Europe is facing an industrial devastation which it can not afford to accept, and yet, both they and their American masters seem content for them to face this devastation nonetheless.

  4. BPoster, you said,

    negotiations for us to join BRICS.

    I don’t think so. The BRICS countries (Russia, China, Iran, etc.) are on the brink of collapse, as much as NATO – AUKUS is. Japan may have a chance of recovery, if they start implementing Abe’s defense initiatives — and also quickly put nuclear weapons online. Putin’s “Multipolar World Order” ranks among the most foolish policies since the establishment of the UN. Thanks to this, as well as to the foreign policy of every US President since Roosevelt (except maybe Reagan and Trump), the world has become like the Wild West, with cocky gunslingers challenging one another to gunfights at high noon.

    It will all go up in Gunsmoke.

  5. When the Ukraine war went “hot,” Germany made the wrong geo political decision when they chose to side with Ukraine. Russia is a major world power, has been for centuries, and likeky will be for centuries more. For decades Getnan leadership understood this and acted accordingly. Even during Cold War 1 the West German leadership strove to ensure constructive lines of communication remained open between them and the Soviet Union.

    All of a sudden during the Ukraine war it’s as if they completely chucked common sense out the window and trashed these careful and prudent efforts that took decades to put in place in order to follow the corrupt self serving Ukrainian chump!!

    While Russia’s future looks bright, America’s does not. America is a declining power whose continued existence as a nation beyond the next two to five years is problematic at best. Either its foreign enemies will finish it off, economic challenges will lead to the breakup of the nation, or domestic strife will tear it apart.

    Hopefully this can be averted but based on the current trajectory this seems unlikely. Furthermore as former British PM Tony Blair admitted the era of “western” dominance is ending. Vladimir Putin has also issued another reminder of this obvious fact as well. As I’ve stated here before, I see no reason for my loved ones to die for our leadership class to preserve a “world order” that cannot be preserved and isn’t working f9r most of the world anyway!!

    As for America, obviously Russia and it’s allies aren’t going to allow it to continue to exist, at least not in it’s current form. Legitimate POTUS Trump’s critics have breathlessly claim he has a “shadow government” set up. I hope and pray he does!! When he assumes his rightful position, the transition can be seamless and the Russians respect him!! I would suggest he and his team determine how to open up negotiations for us to join BRICS.