While everyone is focusing on Iran and China, Russia is beginning to make its move on Israel. Deepening cooperation with Turkey and unleashing Syria onto the Jewish State appears to be Putin’s newest Middle Eastern strategy.
For a long time, Syria had been counted out by Middle East observers as a viable threat to Israel. Turkey as well, was seen as a has been, but both are narratives that only exist before Russia delved into the Middle East fray. Now, with the military and financial backing that Russia injects into these partners, it can essentially terms to Israel.
Recently, Bashar Assad, the dictator of Syria expressed renewed interest in retaking the Golan Heights from Israel. Assad was down and out just a a few years ago. Besides the Golan, a strong Assad means an even stronger Hezbollah and an entrenched Iran.
For its part, Turkey was in the process of being more and more isolated and was seen as a weakening once formidable nation, but Russia’s help Turkey is coming on strong and will inevitably help it control the Eastern Mediterranean.
As long as Israel and the world remain preoccupied, Russia can continue to build up its assets around the Jewish country.
To get access to the Iranian market the “EU 3” gave Iran an opening to Nukes!
The horse has been out of the barn for a long while.