Russia is not an Aggressor, and Ukraine is not a Victim

By Alexander G. Markovsky, AM THINKER

Image: Vladimir Putin by AI.

It is widely accepted that the Ukrainian crisis erupted into a military conflict on February 24, 2022, with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the seeds of the hostilities were planted about thirty years earlier by President Clinton and, later, by George W. Bush, both of whom recklessly pushed for NATO’s eastward expansion.

Over the years, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, and Putin repeatedly warned that Moscow would not tolerate continuing NATO’s “Drang nach Osten” (“drive to the East”), particularly Ukraine’s membership and the subsequent establishment of NATO military bases along the Russian border.

On February 25, 2024, The New York Times published an article confirming Moscow’s fears. The article revealed that US intelligence not only played a crucial role in Ukraine’s wartime decision-making but also established and funded advanced command-and-control spy centers long before the Russian invasion on Feb. 24, 2022.

The newspaper exposed how, over the last decade, the CIA has operated a network of twelve bases in Ukraine. These bases, which enable the interception of Russian military communications and monitoring of spy satellites, are utilized to launch and monitor drone and missile attacks on Russian soil. With American biological weapon facilities scattered across Ukraine, it is understandable that Moscow perceived this as a significant threat to Russia’s national security.

Would the United States accept the presence of Russian military bases on its borders? As a matter of fact, it did not accept them even 1,500 miles from its borders. In 1983, President Reagan ordered the invasion of Grenada due to concerns that the construction of an airport by Cubans could potentially be utilized by Soviet forces.

It is essential to note that Putin’s case was much more compelling than Reagan’s. Unlike Ukraine, Grenada did not share a border with the United States, and there was no Russian military presence in Grenada, making Reagan’s concerns mostly hypothetical. It is worth mentioning that, despite dubious justification for the American invasion, the United States was not labeled as an aggressor, nor was Ronald Reagan referred to as a war criminal.

In fact, Putin tried to avoid the current conflict. On September 7, 2023, as NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told a European Parliament joint committee meeting:

President Putin declared in the autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And [that] was a pre-condition for not invade [sic] Ukraine. Of course we didn’t sign that.

Russia’s geographical vulnerability has been a concern for Russian leaders since the time of Peter the Great. Stoltenberg should have been mindful of Russia’s sensitivities if he wanted to avoid a conflict.

Stoltenberg did not elaborate on why he did not accept the treaty draft, why negotiations were not pursued, or why all the alternatives to conflict had not been explored. Ultimately, his unwillingness to engage in talks put the matter beyond the power of diplomacy.

Diplomacy was not given a chance because NATO needed to restore its image and validate its continued existence following a 30-year history of failure. The pursuit of “nation-building”—replacing authoritarian stability with democracy in countries that do not conform to the Bill of Rights—has accomplished neither. Instead, it has resulted in the loss of millions of lives and the devastation of many countries.

Furthermore, after a disastrous 2021 retreat from Afghanistan, the alliance lost the adversary that had long defined its purpose. Since a military alliance cannot exist without a rival, NATO’s need for a credible enemy was an existential necessity. The Russian incursion into Ukraine could create the perception of a common threat and portray NATO as an indispensable pillar of global security, especially if NATO emerged victorious.

This being the case, the Europeans lacked the capability to seek revenge independently for centuries of military defeats and humiliations at the hands of the Russian Empire. After the empire’s fall, the Soviet Union discerned an opportunity for retaliation without direct military involvement.

Moreover, for President Biden, who was desperate to escape the Afghanistan disaster, a victorious conflict would be a pivotal moment in his presidency. Additionally, he never made a secret that he aspired to bring about a change in leadership in Moscow.

And, of course, there was Ukraine. Never in the realm of international relations was there a state that acted so consistently against its national interests. It put itself in grave danger when it announced its intention to join NATO in 2004, violating the 1997 Treaty on Friendship between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. This Treaty specifically addressed Ukrainian neutrality, stating at section 6, page 148:

Each High Contracting Party shall refrain from participating in, or supporting, any actions directed against the other High Contracting Party, and shall not conclude any treaties with third countries against the other Party. Neither Party shall allow its territory to be used to the detriment of the security of the other Party.

Ukraine’s leaders never grasped that Moscow saw this treaty as a key element of Russia’s security and would not allow Ukraine to violate its terms with impunity. Zelensky could have avoided the war by renouncing his NATO membership request and meeting Moscow’s demands, thus saving the country from destruction. However, the corrupt leaders in Kiev were driven by financial and military aid and were seeking conflict for personal gain.

Truth in politics involves various viewpoints and analyses, which are often influenced by one’s ideological background. However, facts matter.

The preceding facts illustrate a common overriding interest among NATO leadership, its member states, and Ukraine in instigating the invasion, albeit for varying reasons. Russia was the sole party that attempted to prevent the conflict.

Alexander G. Markovsky is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, a conservative think tank that examines national security, energy, risk analysis, and other public policy issues. He is the author of “Anatomy of a Bolshevik” and “Liberal Bolshevism: America Did Not Defeat Communism, She Adopted It.” Mr. Markovsky is the owner and CEO of Litwin Management Services, LLC. He can be reached at

April 4, 2024 | 54 Comments »

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50 Comments / 54 Comments

  1. @Bear

    …is pure malarkey or smokescreen.

    So related facts don’t matter. Good to finally grasp your perspective.

  2. @Peloni Markosvky’s cover argument for Russia aggression and capture of land that is not theirs is pure malarkey or smokescreen.

    Russia is the aggressor on foreign land and started a deadly war when no threat to it was really in play. As said before, ‘Ukraine is Russia’ and historical territory needs to ‘come home’ is why Russia attacked Ukraine.

    End of Story!!!

  3. @Bear
    The relevance of countering the statements made in Markovsky’s article are not relevant to either you or I. They are simple facts which Markovsky cited, and which still stand without being addressed by a single one of your 9 comments or countered by any of the nearly 50 comments in this thread.

  4. @Peloni what is relevant to you is not necessarily relevant to me if you have not figured that out. I make the points I feel are needed and frankly the rest does not matter to me.

    “Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council and an ally of President Vladimir Putin, described Ukraine on Monday as part of Russia and said what he called historical parts of Russia needed to “come home.”

  5. @Bear
    Another non-responsive response.

    Why are you unwilling to address any single issue raised by Markovsky? Bad faith arguments are not helping your position any more than citing Clare Lopez.

    If Markovsky is wrong, show us how what he stated and cited is wrong.

    You haven’t done this, and I submit that you can’t do this. Prove me wrong. Cite something relevant.

  6. Below is the official Russian position on Ukraine and other former Soviet lands now independent. This is also the oft stated position of Putin. Russia basically wants to capture the lands of the former Soviet Union not currently under its control

    Putin ally says ‘Ukraine is Russia’ and historical territory needs to ‘come home’

    Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council and an ally of President Vladimir Putin, described Ukraine on Monday as part of Russia and said what he called historical parts of Russia needed to “come home.”

    In a bellicose presentation that suggested Russia’s military goals in Ukraine are far-reaching, Medvedev, who was Russia’s president from 2008-2012, praised the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union and said Moscow would prosecute its “special military operation” until the Ukrainian leadership capitulated.
    Advertisement · Scroll to continue

    “One of Ukraine’s former leaders said at some point that Ukraine is not Russia,” Medvedev, a hawk who diplomats say gives a flavour of the thinking inside the Kremlin, told a youth forum in the Black Sea city of Sochi.

    “That concept needs to disappear forever. Ukraine is definitely Russia,” he said to applause. “Historic parts of the country need to come home.”

  7. @Bear

    you are supporting pure Russian Propaganda

    Again, your comments do not address the issues raised and documented by Markovsky. Perhaps you could address that with more than claims of Russian propaganda. Don’t bother repeating Clare’s irrelevant claims which also don’t address the facts documented by Markovsky, even as these facts seem to have annoyed her to the point of calling for them to be censured.

    Also, the Ukrainians were not living under a Putin dictatorship as you are asserting, but under a Ukrainian elected govt which they were given the opportunity to replace with the support of a US and Russia brokered settlement. The Ukrainians radicals and Nazis chose otherwise and placed the Nazi Pariuby in the NSDC. This is not Russian propaganda, but again simple facts which you will find as difficult to address as the facts shared by Markovsky which you have yet to address as well.

  8. @Peloni you are supporting pure Russian Propaganda with this boring false NAZI comments about Ukraine. Ukrainians do not want to live under the Putin Dictatorship nor any moles Russians sneak into the Ukraine.

    I am sure you will have some long winded retort but frankly who cares.

  9. @Bear

    Thank you for responding, but your response does not address the issue of Putin being an aggressor, nor of Ukraine not being a victim. Though you share input from your Ukrianian friends, they do not refute a single documented statement cited by Markovsky. Instead you state that

    Ukrainians I spoke to said they supported the removal of the Russian puppet that had lied to their public and was doing Putin’s bidding in 2014. Ukrainians preferred to align with the west. They should have a right to make their own decisions.

    Ukraine was a plutocratic nation with a democratic process which was overthrown by a US orchestrated Nazi run coup, which placed a Nazi in the most sensitive position in the Ukrainian intelligence apparatus. What part of this do you believe that they had the right to do?

    You state that Ukainians had a right to make their own decisions, but they didn’t have the right to overthrow the govt. In fact, when given the chance to voice their choice Yanukovych won their support, and even more recently than the election of Yanukovych, his parliamentary faction, the Party of Regions, had won a plurality in the elections as it had done in every election since 2006. Elections is how democracy’s make choices, and when these choices change, the election box is where that change is demonstrated.

    Indeed, even as the protests were funded from foreign sources, and the murders were committed by US coordinated Nazis, the Ukrainian constitution needed to be followed to prevent the obviously and undeniably illegal overthrow of the Ukrainian govt. The Americans recognized this and included Russia in an agreement in which, on the night of the coup, they had agreed that Yanukovych would remain as president, and the process of impeachment would be conducted without any further legislative moves by Yanukovych til an election could be arranged in which Yanukovych would not be included as a candidate. Yet the US allied Nazi’s would not accept this, most importantly because they would not be given any position in this new arrangement, not even in the interim period. They threatened to overthrow the govt a second time, and chased Yanukovych out of the country. So, while your Ukrainian friends might have been supportive of the overthrow of the govt, they had no right to do so, any more than the foreign supported Brothers in Arms have a right to overthrow Israel’s current govt.

    But again, NONE of what you cited addresses a single aspect of what Markovsky wrote. Nor does any of the off target claims made by Clare Lopez. Perhaps you, your Ukrainian friends or one of the others I tagged in my comment could actually address the facts raised by Markovsky. Note, you will have a hard time doing so, which is why all these other topics continue to be raised, and yet not a single logical or relevant response has addressed Markovsky’s fact based positions.

  10. It was Russia that invaded Ukraine first in 2014 & then all-out in 2022, not the other way around…the deliberate bombardment of residential apartment bldgs, schools, hospitals & clinics, critical infrastructure like water, electricity & port facilities, the abduction of thousands of Ukrainian children, massacres & torture of civilians as in Bucha….these make a war crimes list longer than one email can hold! It is right & just that Putin is a wanted war criminal at the International Criminal Court at the Hague.

    Multiple speeches & published statements by Putin & other Kremlin leaders attest to their motivation for invading Ukraine that has absolutely nothing to do w/NATO…for which Ukraine has never been eligible & is not now, no matter its possible aspirations sometime in the future…instead, Putin’s aggression has actually expanded NATO w/the new members of Finland & Sweden…but not Ukraine

    Instead, see oft-repeated statements by Putin & a most recent one by Medvedev that the Russian objective is the obliteration of Ukraine as an independent nation of people & its total absorption into an expanded Russian Empire – those are their words, published in English online. And that cannot be called anything except aggression of the most unlawful & brutal kind.

    Above written by Clare Lopez is the 100% truth. Naturally Russian apologists and Putin lovers do not like it. They also think Putin has a right to Ukraine and other countries Putin may decide it is now time to attack.

  11. @Peloni simply put Russia has said Ukraine belongs to them and they want to destroy it as a separate nation.

    Ukrainians I spoke to said they supported the removal of the Russian puppet that had lied to their public and was doing Putin’s bidding in 2014. Ukrainians preferred to align with the west. They should have a right to make their own decisions. Part of their decisions are we would like to be part of Europe and not Russia.

    Some who spout the Russian propaganda may see the world differently.

  12. This is where Sebastien really lies his head off


    “Seb you got Felix mad so he named called you. Stop offending his god Trotsky! “

    More importantly, he’s fighting for the honor of Irish Jews whose elected representative is Edgar and whose God apparently, I’ve never met one, is Trotsky. What a noble fellow!

    This by Sebastien is hard to understand. It’s basically false, mischievous. Extraordinarily hostile.

    You are obsessed with Leon Trotsky and guess who also was obsessed with Trotsky and Trotskyism. The list is long but essentially Antisemitism.

    From the earliest times all forms of the Czarist class in Russia because Trotsky emerged in the 1905 Revolution as being number one figure

    And from there he had become a person of huge interest in the world

    Is there any wonder that I as a person of the left in Ireland would have known and supported his record and admired his life.

    But Trotsky as a “God” that is for a rationalist absurd.

    You are uttering absurdity.

    You are trying to destroy the name of Trotsky by lies and innuendo.

    Edgar is relevant to the history of the Jews in Ireland and will always be and that history touches me.

    I will not give up on that.

    At this point some things are not clear but they will be clearer.

    Finally of consequence…

    The murder of Leon Trotsky in 1940 is to this day at the centre of the Left and for socialism.

    That is not going away.

  13. @Clare Lopez
    Again, if Russia is the aggressor, riddle me this, why is it that, as Markovsky notes with a knowing smile,

    Russia was the sole party that attempted to prevent the conflict.

    Aggressors do not make attempts to diffuse wars, they promote them. Russia participated in good faith in trying to diffuse the war, before and after the 2022 invasion, and before and after the 2014 invasion. These attempts were met with duplicity, false promises, and even greater provocations. So, whereas I agree that aggressors can not be bargained with, it was not Russia who promoted the aggression of 2014 nor of 2022. That role was reserved for the US and its American bought and paid for puppet in Ukraine.

    Furthermore, while Ukraine fully participated in its own undoing, it has been a captured state to American interests since 2014. Indeed, Ukraine is caught in a tragedy of its own making, but that tragedy has always been controlled and managed by the American oligarchic class which has had its sights on regaining such a position with Russia, which they lost when Putin became president.

    Now, do explain why what either I have stated here or what Markovsky states above is not accurately described.

  14. @Clare Lopez I find great amusement in witnessing this passionate outburst filled with animosity and devoid of any substantial arguments. I presented evidence in the form of NATO’s declarations, a recent article from the esteemed New York Times, and the Treaty between Russia and Ukraine. It is not surprising that someone who is a victim of deplorable American education would be unable to challenge any of the information I provided. Instead of engaging in a logical debate, you seem to be upset that the article was made public. I understand that the truth can sometimes be uncomfortable, but resorting to censorship will not improve your intelligence.
    Allow me to share a quote from George Kennan, a renowned American diplomat and the originator of the concepts of “Cold War” and “containment.” In an article published in the New York Times on February 5, 1997, Kennan warned America about the perils of expanding NATO eastward. He stated, “Expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold war era…. Such a decision may be expected to inflame the nationalistic, anti-Western and militaristic tendencies in Russian opinion; to have an adverse effect on the development of Russian democracy; to restore the atmosphere of the cold war to East-West relations, and to impel Russian foreign policy in directions decidedly not to our liking.” The current events we are witnessing are a direct consequence of this “most fateful” error. This is an undeniable fact.

  15. Ms CIA has a lot of room to talk. How many wars have they started and how many governments have they helped over throw?

  16. @Bear

    “Seb you got Felix mad so he named called you. Stop offending his god Trotsky! “

    More importantly, he’s fighting for the honor of Irish Jews whose elected representative is Edgar and whose God apparently, I’ve never met one, is Trotsky. What a noble fellow!

  17. @Felix “Revolution” – The Beatles

    I take two, okay
    You say you want a revolution
    Well, you know
    We all want to change the world
    You tell me that it’s evolution
    Well, you know
    We all wanna change the world
    But when you talk about destruction
    Don’t you know that you can count me out, in
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right? (Ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right? (Ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right? (Ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    You say you got a real solution
    Well, you know
    We’d all love to see the plan
    You ask me for a contribution
    Well, you know
    We all doing what we can
    But if you want money for people with minds that hate
    All I can tell is, brother, you have to wait
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right? (Ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right? (Ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right? (Ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    You say you’ll change the constitution
    Well, you know
    We’d all love to change your head (ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    You tell me it’s the institution
    Well, you know
    You better free your mind instead (ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    If you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao
    You ain’t gonna make it with anyone anyhow
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right? (Ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right? (Ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right? (Ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    All, all, all, all (ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    All, all, all, all right (ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    All right, all right (ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    All right, all right (ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    All right, all right (ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    All right, all right (ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    All right (ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    All right, all right (ah, shu-bi-do, ah)
    All right, all right (ah, shu-bi-do, ah)

  18. @Felix @ cc: Bear I dunno. I’ve always liked animals. I kind of like the sound of “Wikipedia running dog” or is that too Maoist for you? If so, no problem.At one time or another I worked with everybody, you know. I also like the Three Stooges, all of whom were LItvak American, you know. They were actual brothers, then one died and the uncle stepped in. So, I’m a Wikipedia stooge, eh? Edgar would like that. You hate stooges and he hates Wikipedia, as now do you. It’s a marriage made in heaven, if you’ll pardon my French.

  19. @Bear It all started when he slammed me for being silent on his pet issues along with Peloni who properly responded with silence. My first response to him was:

    @ Felix

  20. @Seb you got Felix mad so he named called you. Stop offending his god Trotsky! You bad bad Wiki boy!!

  21. Sebastien Zorn it’s not so much you that’s the big problem here but Wikipedia which is the inspiration for the lazy “researcher”, and you are the Wikipedia stooge.

  22. Clare M. Lopez is 1000% correct in her comment to Ted below! Russia is the aggressor and its goal is the elimination of Ukraine as a country.

    It was Russia that invaded Ukraine first in 2014 & then all-out in 2022, not the other way around…the deliberate bombardment of residential apartment bldgs, schools, hospitals & clinics, critical infrastructure like water, electricity & port facilities, the abduction of thousands of Ukrainian children, massacres & torture of civilians as in Bucha….these make a war crimes list longer than one email can hold! It is right & just that Putin is a wanted war criminal at the International Criminal Court at the Hague.

  23. Clare Lopez, CIA formerly, sent me this comment.

    Hi, Ted – this American Thinker article headlined ‘Russia is not an aggressor & Ukraine is not a victim” is outrageous!

    What a despicable, disgusting assertion to publish!

    It was Russia that invaded Ukraine first in 2014 & then all-out in 2022, not the other way around…the deliberate bombardment of residential apartment bldgs, schools, hospitals & clinics, critical infrastructure like water, electricity & port facilities, the abduction of thousands of Ukrainian children, massacres & torture of civilians as in Bucha….these make a war crimes list longer than one email can hold! It is right & just that Putin is a wanted war criminal at the International Criminal Court at the Hague.

    Multiple speeches & published statements by Putin & other Kremlin leaders attest to their motivation for invading Ukraine that has absolutely nothing to do w/NATO…for which Ukraine has never been eligible & is not now, no matter its possible aspirations sometime in the future…instead, Putin’s aggression has actually expanded NATO w/the new members of Finland & Sweden…but not Ukraine

    Instead, see oft-repeated statements by Putin & a most recent one by Medvedev that the Russian objective is the obliteration of Ukraine as an independent nation of people & its total absorption into an expanded Russian Empire – those are their words, published in English online. And that cannot be called anything except aggression of the most unlawful & brutal kind.

    I’d really like to see an apology & retraction of this article from your newsletter.

    Thank you,
    Clare M. Lopez

  24. @Laura I agree with you. We should never have left or let them have elections or come here. What can I say, it’s just the Civilized man’s burden 😀

  25. @Felix So are you advocating class warfare leading to a one party totalitarian dictatorship in Israel, then? One that bans Judaism? Oh, sorry, I stand corrected.

    “In 1924, Trotsky, who originally had thought that the Russian masses were only superficially religious, warned that the struggle against religion would be a long and arduous battle and he spoke of religion as a cultural phenomena to be attacked on all fronts with every means except the forced closure of churches.”

    USSR anti-religious campaign (1921–1928) – Wikipedia

    I’m reminded of the title of an unrelated article denouncing Czarist police brutality by either Lenin or Stalin, I forget, from around 1903, “Beat, but not to death.”

  26. I do distinguish between an unprovoked Russian invasion of Ukraine for the purpose of conquest and American invasions taken after 9/11, to which we have since withdrawn from. BTW, how is that withdrawal working out, Afghanistan is again becoming an epicenter for islamic terror groups. The right in America has become indistinguishable from Code Pink when it comes to national security issues.

    who has lived for the last 50 years and not lived in a cave could claim Putin is bad, but all the killing America does is -different.

  27. @Felix

    “Clear that a revolution is needed…revolutionary principles of Leon Trotsky…”

    So are you saying that what Israel and America and all Jews need right now is class warfare leading to the dictatorship of the proletariat with a one party state that bans Judaism? And are you saying that Edgar agrees with you and in so doing is vindicating the honor of Irish Jews which would otherwise be lost? Trotsky, as Minister of War, presided over War Communism in which period factory workers were conscripted into the army and made to work in factories as forced laborers and peasants had their food stuffs confiscated and sent to the cities. Should Israel begin with that? It’s true they did solve the homeless problem over night by commandeering homes and apartments with more than one room and housiing homeless people there, except for the dachas of the party elite – “from each according to his ability, to each according to his work” during the socialist transition, of course.

  28. Clear that a revolution is needed and Jews will either adopt the revolutionary principles of Leon Trotsky or the clear alternative be defeated

    To Ted there’s now a very large percentage maybe even a majority of Americans who have internalised

    The Biden regime is based nearly totally on lies about Trump

    At the same time they read, are reading , the nato propaganda on Putin

    To process the latter Americans have to cast aside over a century of propaganda against the Reds etc

    But they will do it because the actual real world is forcing them now to turn things over in the collective mind.

    That war started in the period when Putin said to Clinton Let’s change NATO into a great east-west peace arrangement

    Bill Clinton came back later that night, for the dinner, and said no

    Now they still had dinner. Niceties were maintained.

    But that was the starting point of this war.

    That’s a true story and that’s the story must be told.

    Edgar representing Irish Jews help to maintain the honour of the Jewish people and tell that story to Jews now.

    It will prevent a world calamity thermonuclear war.

  29. The author substantiated his position with historical documents, NATO declarations, the treaty between Russia and Ukraine, and a New York Times column. No reviewer pinpointed any errors or inaccuracies in his writing.

  30. Peloni

    When these who obviously Laura etc al just loves, I mean the war machine of NATO, when they move in to occupy Israel and create a Palestinian state, and the little Irish and Spanish at the front, and you Jews helpless, thank Laura Inna and so many others

    My studied insult will be nothing but apt.

    Good job Peloni in robbing it from context which was

    Wait till the Europeans move onto Israelis soil to see how you’ll like it then

    But then will be too late

  31. “Defensive Alliance” is it a joke? This defensive alliance has been in permanent war for the last thirty years: Yugoslavia, Lebanon, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen, to name a few.

  32. Love the humor, I needed it to get my day started. Thanks Mr. Zorn I now have a new word I can use in polite conservation. What I have a problem understanding is how someone who has lived for the last 50 years and not lived in a cave could claim Putin is bad, but all the killing America does is -different. President Biden is all up in arms over a single American being killed in the accidental bombing of a food van in a war zone, demanding Bibi stops the war. But it’s not a big deal when Hamas kills 35 Americans in their attack on Israel. If Biden really loved Israel, he would have American marines over there kickin Hamas ASS.

    Evil is evil regardless of who does it. And trying to stop a dyke from breaking to save hundreds of thousands if not millions of lives is a good thing. It is better that one man should die then for a whole nation to perish.

  33. @Peloni

    “Did you mean: hornswoggle

    transitive verb. slang. : to trick or deceive (someone) : bamboozle, hoax. … trying to avoid getting hornswoggled by advertising claims …

    Hornswoggle Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster

    Merriam-Webster › dictionary › horns…”

    My comment: Well, you know these sneaky Trots. 😀

  34. Biden is very very bad POTUS!

    Putin is a very good dictator (great at repression of his people) and mass murderer if one likes those sort of things. He is also good at starting wars on false premises.
    I guess Putin does have a fan club. That includes his buddies in the Iranian IRGC, Hezbollah, North Korea and Hamas.

  35. @Felix
    I owe you an appology. But as a distant relative wrote in his diary, people should not use words with which I am not familiar, 🙂

  36. Sebastien

    FUCKWIT meaning: 1. an unpleasant or stupid person

    Well, I’ll be hornswaggled. Thank you for pointing this out.

  37. Laura said to Felix “I wonder if you’ll get reprimanded for cursing at me the way I was for simply calling someone’s comment “idiotic”.

    My comment: Bad, Felix. Bad. Very Bad Boy. Sit.

    Had to look it up, by the way.

    FUCKWIT | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

    Cambridge Dictionary › dictionary › fuckwit
    FUCKWIT meaning: 1. an unpleasant or stupid person: 2. an unpleasant or stupid person: . Learn more.”

    It’s actually in the 1. dicktionary! 2: dictktionary 😀

  38. @Felix
    I is unfair to suggest that Laura has expressed ‘a love affair with the poles’, as I have never read a single thing related to the poles which she has posted, and I read all the posts.

    Also, the use of such creative and colorful language as you posted is not useful to further any discussion, somewhat similar to how Laura uses the phrase “twist themselves into pretzels in defense of Russia” simply to distract from the discussion about what is actually being discussed, which is not Russian pretzels anymore than poles or colorful metaphors.

    These are ad hominem attacks which undermine rational debate over ideas, which perhaps Trotsky would have preferred discussing in place of sharing vulgar insults, as he was an intelligent man even as he was a radical.

  39. I wonder if you’ll get reprimanded for cursing at me the way I was for simply calling someone’s comment “idiotic”. I don’t have a love affair with the Poles, I haven’t said anything about the Poles. I’ve only stated the truth about Putin’s Russia. But you have a love affair with the Russians who are no friends of the Jews and never have been.

    Laura your love affair with poles who are such friends to the Jews. You’re a total fuck wit

  40. Laura your love affair with poles who are such friends to the Jews. You’re a total fuck wit

  41. Edavis

    Russia’s geographic vulnerability?
    Maybe Russia’s geographic paranoia.

    NATO has always been a purely defensive alliance. Its members, except for the US have never made contributions to the military power of the alliance consistent with their ability to do so.

    I doubt Ukraine would even felt the need to consider NATO membership if it did not fear the territorial ambitions of Russia.

    Wait till the Europeans move onto Israelis soil to see how you’ll like it then

    But then will be too late

  42. I totally agree. I can’t believe how some people will twist themselves into pretzels in defense of Russia.

    These are probably the most ridiculous assertions I have ever heard. Putin also has said he believes Poland started World War II, by not giving in to Hitler’s “reasonable” demands.

  43. Russia is not an Aggressor, and Ukraine is not a Victim

    These are probably the most ridiculous assertions I have ever heard. Putin also has said he believes Poland started World War II, by not giving in to Hitler’s “reasonable” demands.

  44. Ted, with all due respect, your articles/authors here about Russia are incorrect. Putin is a tyrant, and the recent terrorist attack in Moscow (Krokus) is an FSB’s work. Putin needed it to announce total mobilization into the army, which he did. Before the invasion, the aggression was called a Special Military Operation, not war, which means the mobilization was not total. The authors are repeating that Ukraine is guilty of this war and that it was she who planned to invade Russia. It’s a strange conclusion. The Budapest Memorandum of 1994, signed by Russia, the USA, and the UK, guaranteed Ukrainian independence and security. In return, Ukraine returned to Russia all Soviet nuclear warheads and other weaponry from her territory. What was the purpose for small Ukraine to go to war against huge Russia? Ukraine wanted freedom and the Western way of economic development. NATO was/is not an aggressive block – quite the opposite. It was created in 1945 to provide collective security against the Soviet Union. It was not hostile against Russia, and even after the Russian invasion of the Crimea and Donbas region, there were no NATO military actions. Putin is an aggressor and a dictator. It looks like the WEF globalists are directing his moves. The second part of the WEF plan after the Pandemic is WWIII – we see how it is under realization. Of course, there is corruption in Ukraine, but it is a different subject. Ukraine is not receiving weapons, and her sky is unprotected. American Lend Lease, which could save Ukraine, did not start despite both Congress chambers supporting it and Biden signing it. There was very little money for weaponry from the US, those who wanted to see the bills – could read them on the Internet – they were/are in open access. The US is against not only Israel but also Ukraine.

  45. Russia’s geographic vulnerability?
    Maybe Russia’s geographic paranoia.

    NATO has always been a purely defensive alliance. Its members, except for the US have never made contributions to the military power of the alliance consistent with their ability to do so.

    I doubt Ukraine would even felt the need to consider NATO membership if it did not fear the territorial ambitions of Russia.