RUSSIA AND THE NEW M. E.- PART III – Russia’s Predicaments both foreign and domestic

Part I : USSR and the Old ME

Part II: The Russian courtship of Israel during the first two decades of this century.

By Ted Belman and Alex Maistrovoy

Russia is beset with predicaments both foreign and domestic.

Three alliances have been formed in the Middle East with which Russia must contend:

  • Iran and its puppets in Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, etc.;
  • Turkey, Pakistan and Qatar, which support radical Islamic groups, and first of all, the Muslim Brotherhood;
  • Israel and moderate Arab regimes (Abrahamic Jewish-Arab Alliance).

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Russia maintains the balance of power between the three blocks in the Middle East, trying to advance its own interests, exactly as the European powers did during their heyday in the 19th century.

One of her main tasks is ousting the United States from the region and simultaneously putting pressure on Washington in the global geopolitical games. (See addendum ) It is a calculating, calibrated and clever real-politics, contrasting with an American ignorant, chaotic and inconsistent politics based on ideological, mercantile or personal preferences.

From Moscow’s point of view, Israel is holding back the ambitions of both Iran and Turkey. In Libya and the Eastern Mediterranean, Israel is allied with the UAE, Egypt and Greece, which are holding back Erdogan. On a different front, Israel is cooperating against Iran and its proxies with Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain on all levels. 

Russia is absolutely not interested in the victory of either Iran or Turkey. Below I will explain why Moscow sees the success of these states as a direct threat to itself.

The current alliance with the Oriental despots – Turkey and Iran – is not durable. Historically, Moscow’s relations with these countries have fluctuated in the “cold peace” – “hot war” range. We should remember that Moscow has a long and bloody history of relations with both of them, and all the peoples of Eurasia have a good memory.


Justice and Development Party of Recep Erdogan is a branch of the “Muslim Brotherhood”, which spreads its ideology among Muslims in North Caucasus, Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. The birth rate among the Muslims of Russia significantly exceeds the birth rate of the Slavic population, and in addition to this, gigantic masses of Muslim migrants from Central Asia rush to the Russian megalopolis.

In 2019 Muslim spiritual leader in Russia Mufti Rawil Gaynutdin said, that in a decade and a half, up to 30% of Russia’s population will be Muslim. According to Archpriest Dimitri Smirnov, one of the leading figures of the Russian Orthodox Church, “We, as a Russian state, have 30 years left only … Muslims will live in the European part, and the Chinese in the Asian part.”

The religiousness of Russian Muslims is much higher than that of the Russians themselves.  A militant Islam is rapidly infiltrating through the “soft underbelly” of Russia: the Volga region with ancient Russian cities Izhevsk, Cheboksary, Ufa, Penza, Saransk, and, of course, Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan, a large scientific and industrial center in the country.

After the local branch of MB “Ikhwan al-Muslimun” was gaining power Russia’s Supreme Court was forced to ban it in Russia.

A nationalist Islamist group Tatar Youth Union “Azatlyk” (Freedom) has been operating in Tatarstan since 2013. It strives to reestablish ancient Tatar Khanate. Turkey supports Tatar nationalist movements here and in Crimea.

Erdogan favors Ukraine in its dispute with Russia about the future of Crimea.

Interests of Turkey and Russia have collided practically everywhere in the Middle East – from Syria to Libya, and now in the Caucasus. Moscow is extremely concerned about the strengthening of Turkey here and the appearance of “jihadist” groups in the Karabakh region during the current Armenian-Azerbaijan dust up.

Recently, the Turkish TV channel TGRT, which is considered close to Recep Erdogan, showed a map forecasting the expansion of Ankara’s sphere of influence. This map included not only the Greek, Balkans, Northern Africa and practically all the Middle East, Transcaucasia and Central Asia but even part of Russia itself, including Crimea, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, Rostov and Astrakhan Regions, Kalmykia, other regions of southern Russia, as well as the Donbass Republics of the DPR and LPR in Ukraine.


What about Iran? From the very beginning Iran was a conditional ally of the Kremlin. Moscow used political and military assistance to the Islamic Republic as a lever of pressure on Washington and a tool to assert its influence in Syria.

At the same time, the pro-government media and the Russian expert community have never concealed their skepticism towards this country.

“Russia is a secular state advocating a secular Syria … Iran is focused on strengthening and spreading Shiite influence. 

“Second, Iran regards Israel as its worst enemy, while Russia cooperates moderately with it on security issues. 

“Third, despite the cooperation on Syria, Moscow and Tehran, in fact, continue to remain competitors not only in the Middle East, but in Central Asia and the Caspian “, wrote in the popular newspaper Rosbalt in 2017. And there is the most significant argument: “Iran and Russia are competitors in the hydrocarbon market, and the Iran does not hide its determination to increase oil production, thereby blocking a large segment of the European market from Russia“.

By other words, in a certain circumstances Moscow would even be glad to eliminate its rival.

In the context of dramatic history between two countries (from the assassination famous Russian diplomat and poet Griboyedov in 19th  by the Persians to the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran in August 1941), such cooperation looks quietly problematic in the long term.

Friction between the two allies is escalating. 30 September 2020 Russian lieutenant general Sergey Chvarkov called for a reduction in the Iranian presence in Syria.

Further large-scale penetration of Iran into Syria will create a number of serious obstacles to the promotion of reforms and the development of the political process in Syria, and will lead to complications in relations with Israel, the USA, Turkey and the Sunni Arab countries”, – he said.

The assassination of former pro-Russian militia commander Muhammad al-Masri in early September was, as it appears, the result of a struggle for influence in Syria.

Thus, Russia’s alliance with its eastern neighbors is an “alliance of sworn friends,” i.e. enemies, and nothing more.

Thus, both of these Asian countries pose a serious threat to the internal stability and integrity of Russia.

And not only them.


China is no less a threat to the Russians in the near future.

Since the 17th century, Russia has constantly clashed with China in the Far East. First Sino-Russian border conflicts occurred in 1649-1689.

The last hostilities were conducted in 1969 in the area of Damansky Island on the Ussuri River. Russia is well aware of China’s territorial claims, as well as the economic penetration of the Chinese in the Far East and Siberia. The demographic situation in this area is rapidly changing in favor of China.

According to Evgeny Bazhanov, Vice-Rector of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry, “… they [the Chinese] continue to believe, it can be read in their textbooks, that once the lands from Lake Baikal and to the East were in the sphere of influence of China and only then came to Russia”.

According to Vice-President of the Center for Political Technologies Sergei Mikheev, “if Chinese migration continues at the same pace, then the number of Chinese may reach such a figure that they will demand representation in government. As a result, Russia will be forced to adjust its domestic policy to the interests of China.”

Beijing pays cash bonuses to Chinese who marry Russian women, and the bonus increases when children are born. “If in the near future we do not take practical steps to develop the Far East, within several decades, the Russian population will speak Chinese, Japanese and Korean”, – said … Vladimir Putin.

Despite the peace-loving rhetoric about Russian-Chinese friendship, fear of a powerful giant in the East is growing in the country. “[in Moscow] began to be seriously afraid of China” – Russia underestimated the military ambitions of Beijing,” the analytical publication IA REGNUM writes.

In Russia, the joke is becoming more and more popular: “Everything is calm on the Sino-Finnish border…”.

For Moscow, an alliance with the West would be much safer and much more desirable than a “marriage of convenience” with China, Turkey and Iran, on terms of course that the USA and Europe do not interfere in the internal affairs of Russia and its “Near abroad”.

The USA could, for its own benefit, follow the path of Kissinger – but this time to unite with Moscow against the growing and ambitious China. In such case, Russia could have joined the US alliance with Japan, India, Australia, Taiwan and South Korea. This would make it possible to block the spread of China’s influence.

Unfortunately, the policy of the United States, especially of the Democrats, makes such a scenario impossible. Instead the West tries to dictate to the Kremlin, imposes its will on it and undermines the interests of Moscow in its “backyard”. The Kremlin has no choice, but to do all to oust the United States from the international arena, primarily from the Middle East.

Taking into account the projected course of the democrats, this will strengthen the alliance between Moscow and Jerusalem.



Maistrovoy wrote: “One of its main tasks is ousting the United States from the region and simultaneously putting pressure on Washington in the global geopolitical games”

Belman: I don’t understand why this would make it better for Russia. Wouldn’t Russia prefer the US as a partner in Syria rather than Iran.

Maistrovoy: Hypothetically, of course, Russia would no doubt prefer cooperation with the US as a partner in Syria rather than Iran. But in reality, Biden and his administration, as we know, does not want to cooperate with Russia, but on the contrary, makes it all sorts of problems.

Belman:  If Biden continues to court Iran, Turkey and China, would Russia not want to court the US.

Maistrovoy:  Russia will not court the United States in any case – this is not the mentality of the Russians, and it is not the mentality of Putin. On the contrary, he will use rest of the players to weaken the United States. And since the United States is extremely inconsistent, clumsy and inept in world politics, Russia will oust them.

Belman: Or would Russia expect the US to align with each of these countries at Russia’s expense?

Maistrovoy: They will never unite against Russia, because they do not trust the United States in general and Biden in particular. All the more so when the United States reads them moral teachings about democracy, human rights, etc.

Belman: If Russia brought to the table a Syria willing to abandon Iran for the Gulf states, It would be a big bargaining chip.

Maistrovoy: Yes, in theory. In practice, the United States makes Russia its main enemy. How, after that, could Russia be brought to the table? Why it would abandon Iran if Iran poses a threat to America? Russians act on the simple principle: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Belman: What did you mean by this?  “Thus, Russia’s alliance with its eastern neighbors is an “alliance of sworn friends,” and nothing more.”

Maistrovoy: allies out of necessity, united by a common enemy (US in our case), but who fear and hate each other at same time.

China, Turkey and Iran are temporary allies of Russia only. Russia needs them to ease American pressure, nothing more. Today America is the main enemy of Russia, because it seeks to change the Russian regime. It is very-very dangerous for Putin. This leaves Russia no choice but to go with Asian countries. But all of them are not her strategic friends in any way.

April 12, 2021 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. Russia is allied with Turkey and Iran. Russia and China now have a friendly and cooperative relationship, even though they are not quite allies.There is absolutely no evidence that it is planning to end these alliances.

    Russia and Israel have had an adversarial relationship since 1950, and continue to have an adversarial relationship today. Russia has repeatedly denounced Israel for allegedly endangering Russia’s air force in Syria and bombing Russia’s ally, the Assad government of Syria. Putin may have a good personal relationship with Netanyahu, just as he had a good personal relationship with Trump. But Russia’s adversarial relationship with both countries has nevertheless continued. For that matter, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon and Reagan all developed cordial personal relationships with their Russian counterparts during summit meetings. Yet the cold war between the two countries continued.

    The fact that two countries have been enemies in the past does not necessarily mean that they will be enemies in the future. Japan fought a fierce war with the United States 1941-45, but the two countries are now close allies.Britain fought two bitter wars in 1775-83 and again in 1812-15, and almost went to war again in 1848 and 1895. But now they are the very closest of allies.There is now a heroic statue of George Washington just outside the front door of Britain’s parliament building. The United States fought an extremely brutal war with Vietnam 1961-75. But in recent years the two countries have become the best of friends.France and Germany fought each other in fierce wars in 1870 and again in 1914-18, but are now closely allied in the EU. The list of former enemies turned allies goes on and on.

    We can expect the Turo-Russian-Iranian alliance to continue for the forseeable future. Russia will continue to be a thorn in Israel’s side, and vice versa, for the forseeable future.

  2. Reader Said:

    Chinese are not genocidal, at least.

    Not towards Russians, anyway. The UIghurs, Khazaks, Tibetans, and Falun Gong might not see it that way.

  3. @ Sebastien Zorn:
    Because the US wants “Eurasia” (see the famous “Heartland” theory).

    It is working to destroy Russia by pulling it apart piece-by-piece in order to eventually take over its territories

    Russia is suffering from low birth rates.
    I don’t see why Chinese-Russian marriages are a problem if the families remain Russian citizens.

    Anyway, Russia is certainly in a bind but the Chinese are not genocidal, at least.

    The US is going to try and make Russia and China each other’s enemies and then will try to destroy them separately, one by one.

    Russia can never trust the West because the West wants its land (preferably without the population).