Rules, or Are They?

To lose will confirm the end of their socialist dream for America. With Joe, they have all but fumbled their dream away.

by George Mcclellan/Paul Vallely July 1, 2024

After last Thursday’s Democrat debate debacle, there’s too much chatter going on about how to get Joe the hell out of office before November and keep Obama’s Make America Socialist agenda still viable to their voter base. It isn’t going to happen! The rules are explicit. If Joe drops out or drops dead at their feet, then it’s Kamala Harris’s turn in the barrel, and there is no argument. They might bring in a new horse, but they can’t change horses in the middle of the stream. It then becomes the Democrat party’s job, if they still have one, to stop the bleeding. But how can they when they are in a complete meltdown? The prospect of another Trump presidency is so annoying, and the fact he is so organized and successful, there’s no accounting for what they might pull off to keep him out. To lose will confirm the end of their socialist dream for America. With Joe, they have all but fumbled their dream away.

For Republicans, as clumsy as they have become in protecting their position in the deep state, they must select a VP that can and will carry on Donald Trump’s Make America Great Again policies in 2028. There can be no more RINO’s. That ship has sailed, and, about Trump, just to be fair, I might add that if rules are rules, then Trump cannot select any of those great presidential capable politicians from Florida as VP because the Constitution forbids it (XII Amendment). Suppose Joe drops out, which is unlikely because Doctor Jill’s lifestyle won’t permit it. In that case, Hunter Biden and several other of Joe’s family members face the prospect that a presidential pardon will not save them and, therefore, a long prison sentence looms in their future. On top of that, Joe doesn’t want to go.

The denouncing fingers of accusation from within the democrat donor ranks are already pointing to the real failed power lurking behind Joe’s presidency, his commie advisors, Ron Klain, Anita Dunn, and Bob Bauer. Have they ever heard of ‘em? Klain’s name rises up occasionally, but essentially, they mostly stayed below the horizon line. Interestingly, Bauer and Dunn are husband and wife, and Susan Rice, Obama’s insider, jumped ship several months ago. I guess she saw what was coming. In olden times, advisors were beheaded when they failed their liege or Lord. In our modern times, the Clintons have left us a trail of failed advisors dead by suicide but no messy beheadings. To publicly behead a failed politician on a raised platform would send a message about term limits and job security, wouldn’t it? Power is so corrupting.

Instead, here in America, we’ve given the sole authority to authorize spending to the House of Representatives. Once representatives of their states, the Senate has their input, but none of them should have the power to vote on salary increases for themselves or to avoid the issue of term limits. They’ll never leave otherwise. They should have the salary benefits afforded to General Services (GS) government employees. That should apply to their expansive Congressional health care as well. Article I, Sec. 8 of the Constitution tells us explicitly what Congress can do, mainly “provide for,” not pay for certain services. The government shouldn’t be in the business of squandering taxpayers’ money, especially on themselves. It is their job to provide for the national defense and investigate corruption and criminality by private enterprise, but nowhere is the federal government authorized to provide health care, energy, transportation, or education. Those are for local governments to perform. Yes, I understand the Interstate Highway system was government, but, like the intercontinental railroads, private enterprise and state finances contributed to their completion. That’s what the stocks and bonds market is for raising financing for big projects and making a profit. In any event, rules are rules. If it’s not in the constitution, Congress should be compelled to abandon its service industry and return the markets to open competition.

The grand experiment of “Fundamentally Changing America,” as Obama wanted, to a Marxist-Socialist state is coming to an end. Joe just saw to that. If the CPUSA (Democrat party) continues to push a political agenda, one that has failed wherever it has been tried, then maybe the chopping block could be revitalized. It would prevent political recidivism, causing politicians to become managers of the public good, not initiators of stupid socialist ideas. But, they won’t stop, the rules be damned! The following five months will be months of great peril for Donald Trump. They are running out of ideas to stop him. He might be forced to commit suicide.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, get involved.

Help save America.

July 3, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. It’s always said that Obama wanted to “fundamentally change America”. That presupposed that America actually needed changing. The thing is, that I don’t ever recall him actually saying what he wanted to change or how he was going to do it. I dare say that we would not have liked it if we had known.

    Further, it is frequently said that Obama wanted to change America into a Socialist entity. I think that gives him too much credit for ideological thinking. Consider: As a boy, Obama (or whatever his real name is) was raised as a radical muslim. Later when he was a “community organizer” in Chicago, he spent years in the radical, black, “G-d damn America” church of Jeremiah Wright.

    I submit that Obama wasn’t as concerned about changing America into a socialist paradise, as he was about just destroying America. Obama hates America because it is White, Capitalist, and Christian. He did his dirty work during his first two terms, and he continues it with Biden. If the Democrats prevail in the upcoming election, then Obama may finally be successful.

    In the same vein, I think a similar rationale can be attributed to George Soros. During World War II, Soros was a dedicated (albeit young) Nazi. As the war came to a disastrous close for the Reich, I think it shook him to his core, causing him to swear eternal enmity against America and the Jews. It has been his life’s work to bring them both down.

    Lastly, I believe that both of these men had supernatural help to advance their goals. This is certainly a spiritual battle that we are in.