President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, has issued a challenge to special counsel Robert Mueller to “put up or shut up.”
Two years into the investigation, Mueller has yet to provide any evidence whatsoever that the president colluded with Russia.
In an appearance Tuesday on Fox News’ “Hannity,” Giuliani presented a concise list of why the investigation is a sham. Some of the points he made on the show are things he’s also noted on Twitter.
Giuliani began by explaining various ways in which, in contradiction to the way the American justice system actually works, the Mueller probe has been “an investigation in search of a crime” rather than an investigation of a crime.
First up on the list is the collusion allegation. Giuliani noted that collusion is not even a crime. This in and of itself points to what Giuliani referred to as “a completely illegitimate attempt to destroy Donald Trump.”
The second item on the list is the firing of former FBI director James Comey, which Giuliani said is also not a crime.
Then came the use of campaign contributions to pay women who accused Trump of sexual harassment. Giuliani said those payments “are not criminal. They’re not even a violation of the campaign finance law.”
“They’re paying off possible civil judgments,” he said, adding that the investigation was really a case of “make up a crime, make up a crime, make up a crime, hoping to find one eventually.”
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Then Giuliani moved onto another way in which the investigation is a sham. In keeping with “looking for crimes to investigate” and “making up crimes,” Giuliani brought up former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
“What they did to Flynn was outrageous,” Giuliani said. “He told them something, they had the paper (transcript) in their drawer. If they were searching for the truth, they would have put that in front of him and said, ‘General, refresh your recollection.’”
Comey proven leaker of confidential FBI material directed the violation of General Flynn’s right to counsel and set up a false statement charge FBI didn’t believe was false. Comey interfered more in election than anyone. It has become a verb you shouldn’t “comey” an election.
The FBI 302s of Gen. Flynn interview shows Comey and Stroyk were not searching for the truth but setting a perjury trap for Flynn. It included misleading him about getting a lawyer, not refreshing his recollection and filing a false statement charge when FBI thought it wasn’t.
Giuliani explained how he knew “this game” because he “used to play it, a lot more ethically than they do.” He said Mueller and his team were getting away with behavior that was unethical, “possibly illegal” and “totally reprehensible … on the part of the prosecutor.”
He talked about the FISA warrants used to launch the investigation into the Trump team, stating the “four affidavits are false. They are false affidavits.” He and host Sean Hannity then discussed how if anyone else provided false affidavits they would be under investigation.
Giuliani ended on the destruction of approximately 19,000 text messages between former FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. He disputed the claim that destroying them was part of the FBI’s evidence preservation policy and said action needed to be investigated.
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