T. Belman. On the other hand read Marco Rubio: Our issue is not with Islam.
“The story you just told me is wrong. It’s immoral. We should not be doing that to people,” Rubio said. “The bottom line is there are millions of patriotic Muslim Americans.”
Rubio told the audience that patriotic Muslims had died defending the country in the Armed forces, separating them from the dangerous radical Islamists that were threatening America.
During Thursday night’s CNN-hosted Republican debate in Houston, Texas, candidate Marco Rubio finally took on leading contender Donald Trump, face-to-face, about Israel. Referring to Trump’s statements that he would be a “neutral broker” between Israel and the Palestinians, Rubio argued, “The Palestinians are not a real estate deal, Donald.”
“A deal is a deal,” Trump replied.
“A deal is not a deal when you’re dealing with terrorists,” Rubio said.
This is what Rubio knows in a nutshell — something the Obama administration has ignored for the past seven years, and not only in relation to the Palestinian Authority. It is a key reason, though by no means an exclusive one, for getting the Democrats out of the White House and State Department.
Rubio has been consistent about his grasp of why Israel and America are both the globe’s good guys and natural allies.
At a rally on Wednesday night, in the lead-up to the final debate before Super Tuesday on March 1, Rubio was inspired and inspiring on this point.
“We’re going to have a policy of moral clarity,” he said. “I’ll give you a perfect example — Israel. Israel is the only pro-American free-enterprise democracy in the entire Middle East. I’ll put it to you this way: If there were more Israels in the Middle East — more pro-American, free-enterprise democracies — the world would be so much safer.”
He also attacked the UN for being “obsessed” with the Jewish state. “Every week, they’ve got new resolutions condemning Israel,” he said, using this to illustrate the “new face of anti-Semitism in the world.”
As for the Palestinians, Rubio said, “They teach little kids — five-year-olds — that it’s a glorious thing to kill Jews.”
Indeed, he emphasized, “The Palestinians don’t want a deal, [and] they’ve already said, ‘We want to destroy Israel.’ So what are you going to negotiate? The rate of the destruction? The date of the destruction? We will not be an impartial advocate when it comes to the issue of Israel. When I’m president, we’re going to take sides. We are going to be on Israel’s side.”
Even before Rubio announced he would be running for America’s highest office, however, he made impassioned speeches on Israel’s behalf.
Two days after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was re-elected in March 2015 — nearly a year ago — Rubio delivered a 15-minute tribute to Israel on the floor of the Senate. Netanyahu had won by a surprise landslide, after polls predicted a very different outcome. Yet he was still under attack at home and abroad for asserting there would be no two-state solution on his watch.
“[Netanyahu’s] right,” Rubio stated unapologetically. “The conditions don’t exist. But first, let’s go through the history. In 2000 at Camp David, Israel offered the Palestinian Authority nearly all of the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem and Gaza. And the Palestinians said no. In 2000, Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon. You know what that is today? A place [from] where they launch rockets against Israel. In 2005, Israel withdrew from Gaza. You know what that is today? A place that they launch rockets against Israel from. In 2008, Israel offered the PA, again, nearly all of the West Bank — Judea and Samaria — and all of eastern Jerusalem. The PA said no. What about the Palestinian record? … About 6% of the Palestinian budget is diverted to pay the salaries of … terrorists, of people who have blown up centers and killed civilians, including Americans. And they are being paid salaries and benefits, including with money from donors, such as the U.S., Great Britain, Norway and Denmark.”
He then listed ways in which the PA envisions and educates its people to hope for a world without Israel, quoting blatant anti-Semitic and pro-terrorist passages from a Palestinian school book and the PA-run press.
“And these are the people that we’re pressuring [Israel] to cut a peace deal with,” he said, referring to people who say “that there is no such thing as the Jewish people; that any method of destroying them is valid.”
Rubio concluded: “No people on earth want peace more than Israel. No people have suffered more at the hands of terrorism than the people of Israel. … If America doesn’t stand with Israel, who would we stand with?”
Hearing Trump — whose consistently soaring popularity is due to Americans being rightly fed up with the totalitarianism of the left-wing “political correctness” that has been corroding American power, exceptionalism and free-market economics — assert even-handedness solely in relation to Israel is cause for serious concern.
If the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians were a real-estate problem, even the Democrats would have been able to solve it. In fact, if it were an issue of dividing up plots of land, the Arabs of Palestine would have had a state starting in 1947. Indeed, if killing or kicking the Jews out had not been the true bone of contention all along, the Palestinians today could and would be leading the kind of normal lives that Israelis take for granted.
Ruthie Blum is the web editor of The Algemeiner (algemeiner.com).
You are cherry picking, an activity usually associated with agricultural menial laborers. You would not happen to be an uninvited guest in America, would you, Arnoldo?
I am very disappointed in you, Outspeaker. I thought you were so much more perceptive than this comment indicates. Ask anyone who knows me, and the first word they invariably use to describe my persona is “hysterical”.
And not just your standard, garden variety hysteria.
Shelley Duvall hysteria:
BB, the Tegna/Survey USA poll in Texas measures Trump and Cruz as tied, with 5%-6% undecided.
I could not care less about any objectionable feature of Trump’s personalty, what he thinks of women in the news media, the news media in general, or just about anything other than what I specified in my earlier comment to you a couple of hours ago.
Like the 43.7% of the Republicans who back Trump now, with many more who will join his ranks as his primary election victories grow, and along with what will certainly be significant numbers of working-class Democrats who are mainly concerned with their livelihoods, not wanting to lose their jobs to Mexican illegal immigrants, and who want no Moslems floating around loose in this country, all I care about — along with my wife and most other people we know — I want that man to take power. That’s our bottom line today, tomorrow, and indefinitely.
Basically, we all are nationalists, and Trump is the only nationalist running for election to the US presidency. If we were to live and work in Israel, nationalism would be our sole consideration for voting. But we live in the USA; we probably will still be here right to the end of our lives, and that precisely is the kind of national leadership we want and are determined to get. You are free to think of that as mob rule. We couldn’t care less.
I might add here that pure unadulterated Jewish nationalism is precisely what Israel needs right now, and has needed for a long time, but because of the socio-political nature of the culture of the Jews of that country, they can never get. Which is the root of all their problems. But none of us want to follow that suicidal path here in the USA.
Frankly BB, my analysis of your recent comments about Trump is that you have allowed yourself to be overtaken by hysteria, which I would have thought uncharacteristic of you, based on nearly all your comments on so many topics on Israpundit. I do not think you have analyzed this situation with the sangfroid that is vital for clear-sighted political analysis.
Arnold Harris, Outspeaker
For example, this has not yet hit network television…but it will:
Why let Hillary get away with cynically playing the misogyny card by providing her with a real misogynist? You have to treat women like shit? How well is that going to play in a general election? How well will it play in Mount Horeb, WI?
Until then, he is best for Israel.
Clinton is the worst presidential candidate since McGovern. Add a bear market in stocks, and any Republican will beat her…except for Trump, who has more skeletons in his closet than are buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
The media is patiently waiting for Trump to get the nomination, at which point all the sleaze will be revealed.
@ babushka:
Cruz’s record on Israel may indeed be flawless. At least until the time comes when the Evangelical churches get around to figuring out that few Jews will convert to their religion.
But be that as it may, Cruz, along with the rest of the Tea Party Republicans, cannot win any national elections in the USA that has political evolved to what we now have here. Trump, as a matter of fact, is probably the only Republican candidate who can get elected US president, because aside from his pure, raw nationalism, his stated policies are a lot more palatable to most Americans than that which Cruz supports.
In any case, Super Tuesday winds up just 74 hours from now. You can expect to see Rubio thoroughly smashed in every one of those primary elections, and with no further hope of winniong anything elsewhere. As for Cruz, the latest poll of the Texas Republican primary election shows Cruz and Trump in a dead heat, with 5%-6% still undecided.
Honeybee, who is a Texan, responded on Chit-Chat to a question I posed to her about this. She wrote that Cruz gets his support from the oil industry, but that Texans, Anglo or Tex-Mex, prefer candidates with cojones. That mean Trump. In either case, that state will be close. But aside from Texas, Cruz is far behind in the polls for any other state polled to date.
Arnold Harris, Outspeaker
Cruz’ record on Israel is flawless, so the election matters to you if Israel matters to you.
While Cruz is a civilized gentleman, Trump and Rubio are rabid dogs. Their new rivalry is about to get really vicious, and therefore so much fun!
babushka Said:
and yet the NY AG mentioned 150 he has afficavits from… so it appears that I was correct regarding class action lawsuits and the lawyers getting everyone to jump on the bandwagon…if the numbers are true… these are civil lawsuits not an AG investigation……but Trump will do what others wont…. he will fight. The numbers are in question all around, schneiderman the AG claims 150 in NY whereas the NR now claims 5000, but gives no evidence. the dem party likely got the lawyers to sign up as many as possible.
He’s already brought a $100 million counterclaim against the New York attorney general’s office.
BTW you just repeated the same info as your other posts the only new thing was the assertion of the 5000 civil lawsuit figure. I have no problem dropping trump but he is the only GOP I will vote for…. I would then have to hope that sanders beats hillary because at least he agrees with 2 of my platforms. I only voted GOP on presidential for Israel when it was Romney and he had demonstrated a reasonable approach to national health security. the only thing in the gop I agree with is second amendment,strong america and Israel. But now it seems that it doesnt matter, for Israel, what president wins becuase the MO of the right wing gov is hardly different from sanders in deeds, not rhetoric.
Bad news, bernard.
The Demented One is now presenting even more evidence that your tortured defense of Trump is poo poo. You might want to grab a whip prior to reviewing the following so that you can perform your Islamic ritual of penitent self-flagellation as you read:
@ babushka:
you always redeem yourself from your avoidance using red herrings by posting humorous videos.
In the future you might be able to remember points in discussion rather than avoid them:
The Tea Party is establishment?
babushka Said:
It appears to me that there are 2 classes of GOP establishment… the usual bush corporate wing and the tea party conservatives. One is a pragmatic corporate thief and the other is mired in ideologies. Trump relates to neither MO.
babushka Said:
heres what I said:
bernard ross Said:
babushka Said:
you said Trump was the establishment who supported and donated to McConnell. I then posted an article showing it seemed unlikely that trump supports and donates to McConnel…. unless you refer to when he was employed as a businessman and might have been donating for influence like all the other GOP donors?
babushka Said:
a nice story but you appeared to avoid… as usual… the main point of my post which questioned your assertion on Trump support of McConnel whereas McConnel appears to apply the GOP establishment MO of reneging on their agreement with Trump. Looks like the GOP fibbed again.
I like most of your videos but I am clueless on the blake reference… I must be out of the loop of popular culture.
The GOP Establishment hired The Right Scoop to promote Ted Cruz?
The GOP Establishment hates Ted Cruz more than jihadists hate rabbis. It would prefer Clinton or Sanders (or Marx or Lenin) to Cruz. Are you by any chance quaffing fermented beverages?
Well! Now you have done it!! You have hurt me feelings, and you must forever live with the guilt!!!
This is the same Mitch McConnell who promised to “do everything humanly possible to repeal Obamacare.”
bernard, you are wonderfully childlike in your naivete. You believe Trump. You believe McConnell. You probably believe Robert Blake.
babushka Said:
Your assertion appears to lack support….. as usual.
Furthermore, it appears that the GOP is reneging on its agreement with Trump which kept him from running as an independent. I believe the time to register to run as an independent was over in february. Another reason NOT to vote for establishment GOP funded by the crew at the meeting.
babushka Said:
the gop establishment hired the right scoop to trash trump.
whats funny is that they deleted all my posts on their headline that Trump never said that he would dismantle the first amendment. In other words your source limited my free speech which had no controversial aspects other than saying that he never said it….LOLROFLMAO….. that sounds very much like the MO of any “establishment”
@ babushka:
to which word do your refer? If establishment… you edited, I said GOP establishment
The GOP Establishment hired The Right Scoop to promote Ted Cruz? Okay, Mandy, here we go again:
Trump is the Establishment.
The largest contributor to Mitch McConnell.
He is now perpetrating the latest con job in a lifetime of con jobs.
You are willfully blind and therefore easily deceived.
So am I, but I do not trust a professional charlatan who as recently as two years ago opposed all these objectives. It is a good thing that you are not a female, Arnold. Given your willingness to believe transparently insincere promises, you would have been pregnant more often than the Old Woman In The Shoe.
@ babushka:bernard ross Said:
Looks like your source site fell to pieces when I showed they were liars. They deleted all my posts on their site. Apparently it goes against what the GOP establishment hired them to do.
@ babushka:
Unlike BR, I waste little time arguing with you or anyone else about politics.
In any case, I am not interested in justice. I am not interested in the merits of small claims court legal actions that suddenly show up a few days before the Super Tuesday primary elections. And I am not interested in the personalities of the contending candidates.
What I am interested in:
1) Building a relatively high wall along the entirety of our international border with Mexico, guarded not only by the US Border Patrol but also backed up by units of the United States Army, prepared to stop migrants without visas from crossing our borders, and hopefully, prepared to shoot dead any the “coyotes” who illegally bring these people across our border and on more than one occasion abandon them and their children to dehydration, death from poisonous snakebites, and heat stroke.
2) Rounding up all persons who committed the criminal offense of crossing our borders without authorization by visa of a duly-authorized United States Consulate located in their country of origin. Then I want all these people and their children, irrespective of where they were born, to be deported back across the border they crossed to get here. They could well be admitted lagally later, but I would never agree to do so unless and until they obtain documentation from the nearest United States Consulate. Which is exactly what my wife had to do before she came to the United States from former Jugoslavija in 1968.
3) I want all persons from predominantly Moslem states to be blocked from coming to this country unless and until a method can be found to determine which of them are or are not likely to take part in Islamic Jihadist terrorism in this country. If no such prediction or detection method is possibly, then I want all such Moslems permanently blocked from coming here. Exactly as I would bar anyone afflicted with some highly contagious disease from coming to the United States. Let them do their dying elsewhere.
4) I want an end to foreign trade agreements which result in US-based manufacturing facilities, with their relatively highly-paid jobs and unionized labor, being abandoned by their owners who then set up similar plants in countries such as China and Mexico, which, for practical purposes, could be considered enemy states. Hooverist protectionism? I don’t give a damn about that either. I just want those scores of millions of manufacturing jobs to be restored, along with the rest of the proud America that I grew up with and served in the United States Army during the Korean War.
5) I want a Republican Party candidate who can and will attract working class voters — white, black, Hispanic, Asian, whatever — to join us in terminating the Clinton political dynasty exactly as Trump has accomplished in getting rid of the equally vile Bush dynasty. The fact is, neither Rubio nor Cruz are electable against Hillary Clinton, and that Trump is the only Republican who can trash her and bring her down.
Arnold Harris, Outspeaker
babushka Said:
acttually I have not rejected them, they may or may not have merit, but I would not act now as if they were true and I have no facts to evaluate.
before coming to my preliminary conclusions and observations I especially considered the “seriousness of the allegations” when seeing how 150 out of more than 10000 compares with a 30 year conspiracy to rob the american people of their economomy and how very “SERIOUS” is the rubio cruz involvement in continuing that crime. Those 350 million of cheated americans was apparently not as serious a crime to you as the unsupported and unadjudicated 150 people.
@ babushka:
you raised a question re Trump… the case is unadjudicated and I will wait for evidence and adjudication but so far the overt facts make me beleive that 150 out of more than 10000 is likely par for the course for those types of institutions.
but compare that possible “fraud” with the definite fraud of colluding with the same folks who shipped out our jobs and fired american workers to hire foreigners as cruz and rubio are now doing…. their support of TPP and HB1visascam is merely a continuation of the 30 year fraud.
babushka Said:
In other words you still cant answer the questions
babushka Said:
Duh, you posted allegations of fraud from 3 people with not one fact of the case or the other sides perspective from a PAC. YOu are the one who needs to support your allegations… just smearing people with paid political announcements on an unadjudicated case is BS.
babushka Said:
not lashing out, just immediately presenting what I always do in life…. the other side of the issue. I presented what was immediatley obvious without even entering into the cases. You appear to have done nothing beyond passing on unsupported smears.
babushka Said:
I did not see where you posted the evidence that he is “guilty as charged”…. or did you hope that we would all immediatley jump to your bait as gop establishment thought?
babushka Said:
as your arguments are so lacking in support or evidence it is inevitable that you end up with ad hominem.
I am still waiting for you to inform me of the number of suits received by the companies owned by Buffet, Zuckerberg, soros, Disney, Murdoch, etc etc etc. How many of those filed suits were dismissed?
You attempted to show that the filing of suits alleging fraud should be enough for everyone to drop and condemn Trump…..
but you never went beyond ad hominem in supporting your allegations… and now you employ ad hominem to squelch criticism of your MO…. just like the establishment is doing.
150 complaints out of more than 10000 attendees????? really???
How many folks attend a school and college and complain that they did not get the education they expected? How many said the institution was fraudulent? How many of those were adjudicated successfully. In the absence of presenting and adjudicating evidence all these questions are relevant. Looks like you want to smear without evidence.
Perhaps donald made a wager with his wealthy friends one night that he could easily become the US president if he wanted to…. saying all he has to do is tell us what we want to hear, which is what we have been hearing for years. The difference is that donald can pick platforms from both sides but the PC polls are limited by their party ideologies.
It would be nice if our pols would forget their ideologies and give us what we want, after they tell us what we want to hear. donald might do the same, but all science proves that the others will most definitely do the same whereas donald might actually do one or two things good for americans and not just good for the corporations and wealthy.
Yes, I did, but you are too besotted with your idol to understand the profound symbolic significance of the Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man. I will therefore answer more prosaically.
The 3 complainants look like professional actors.
Truly inane. Brad Pitt is a professional actor. So are Danny De Vito and Dame Judith Dench. For that matter, so was Rin Tin Tin. If you are asserting that you can spot a “professional actor” when you see one, The Betty Ford Center was built especially for you.
All of the videos are paid political announcements from a PAC
Which means that they require verification, so google the topic and there it is! You know how to google, don’t you, Steve? You just put your lips together and blow.
5-None of the compalainants actually gave any facts on the case, why they were suing… they merely just called him a fraud over and over.
6- the result or adjudication of the case is unmentioned because all they want is people calling him a fraud.
thats the source, and now:
1-a billionaire, and any big businessman, insurance co, hospital, lawyer, doctor, etc etc etc… regularly receives suits from disgruntled folks which range from valid to ridiculuous. Three Folks suing and claiming fraud is meaningless.
2- Lawyers often push class action suits on clients uninterested except getting something for nothing. The lawyer often uses the threat of “alot of people” to get companies to pay to avoid publicity.
In order to save bandwidth, I will consolidate this sewage. You support Trump, so when serious allegations are made against him you reject them out of hand with generic dismissals. You are uninterested in learning the truth so rather than informing yourself you become defensive and lash out. Trump is your guy, facts be damned. And if he is guilty as charged, “tough shit”!
In psychiatry, this severe mental affliction is known as “Outspeaker Syndrome”.
@ babushka:
actually it appears to be you doing the wacky arm waving, seeking every unsubstantiated distracting red herring available to wave your arms and distract. dont worry, the establishment is frantically doing the same…….it doesn’t appear to dissuade folks. Perhaps they consider the fraudulent rip off over 30 years that rubio and cruz are still pushing for their corporate donors to be a bigger fraud than the unproven 150 complaints being pursued by a demo AG of NY. That means that even if the allegations are true people think that the fraud that rubio and cruz are perpetrating on 350 million americans is more important than those 150. Rubio and cruz seek to continue to fire americans and replace them with foreign workers and to protect the same corps who shipped out american jobs, with GOP and DEM collusion,to continue to rip off americans from abroad under the TPP.
It is interesting to me that the GOP establishment can only support freshmen senators with little experience and no achievements…. perhaps they need folks they can manipulate easier.
babushka Said:
you didnt still answer to the points:
the ag may be pursuing but rest assured that the class action lawyers seeking big pockets are behind the pursuit.
You never told me how many suits zuckerberg and buffet companies received from folks claiming fraud…. what about soros and murdoch.. or any major business?????
Of course, i cant ask that about rubio cruz because they never did anything but take a gov salary to rip off people who elected them to a majority republican congress to find out the GOP were worthless… except for getting their TPP and HB1 visas…… which is likely the main thing in which their donors were interested.
hillary appears to have suits and investigations and scandals but did the gop ever pursue or demand investigation of her crimes? sitting in meeting halls and asking questions is not a pursuit…. why dont these congressmen ever boycott congress and take to the street to protest obama and hillary crimes???
they are 100% full of shiiiiiiiiite and deserve no seats.
@ bernard ross:
Thanks for posting the above Reuters polling results, BR. I can see that I understated Trump’s strength by more than 2%.
I think Cruz will win the Texas Republican primary, and maybe one other Super Tuesday state, but Trump will sweep the rest. As for Rubio, I think his candidacy is more or less dead in the water, considering that he has won no state elections or caucuses to date, and whose poll numbers place him only in 2nd or 3rd place in any other state.
ONly about 72 hours before the polling places open all across SuperTusdayLand, and the clock ticks on steadily.
Arnold Harris, Outspeaker
babushka Said:
the attorney general of sen clintons home democratic state pursues lots of ludicrous claims as well as real ones. I think they pursued all of sharptons fraudulent claims too.
the 3 complainants I referred to is what you posted and in this video you now posted the AG claims 150 complaints out of more than 10,000 attendees.
Frankly, i have not familiarized myself with the case and dont come to conclusions on cases without hearing the evidence from both sides BUT it is clear that your postings lack substance and seek wings based on hearsay and ad hominem as opposed to presenting any facts.
all that happened with your second post is that you reinforced my original observations. Donald is not just sending his lawyers and running away… he is confronting head on the accusations….. when the actual evidence comes out more than a few politically motivated hit pieces I will decide. He may or may not acted fraudulently, I dont know, but your posts are nowhere near a basis for any conclusions. Everyone else running that has a chance is involved in much bigger frauds of the entire american people with the TPP and the HB1 vsas, which merely put the nails in the coffin of the 30 year fraud.
nice try, bubele, try to improve on posting relevant facts than repeating the same MO as your gop establishment and conservative wings.
still few folks suing
obviously a political hit
not adjudicated and you still presented no facts of the cases.
It is the attorney general of New York who is pursuing the case.
Nice try though, bernard.
I still dont understand why anyone would vote for freshman senators with no life achievements for a postion comparable in business to a CEO….. the only thing topping that is the american people voting in a freshman senator named hussein after 911 to be their pres. Or was it the soros voting machines that elected him. Interestingly MUrdoch and Soros, supposedly on opposite political sides, both support open borders. I think the 2 parties are only for us fools to think we have a choice.
what folks should note the most is that when given a choice between a party establishment figure and an outsider, the american public is flooding for a change in both parties. The public is sick and tired of the establishment shoving worthless candidates down their throats and then having their bought media hype them up. The pubs and dems should run the jackass and elephant for their candidates and they will be elected.
babushka Said:
I just did, and here is my reaction:
1- the right scoop is a conservative site that also just published this bit of absurdity:
how they got their headline from what he said they never mentioned.
2-your linked article disingenuously posted 3 persons narratives but with 5 videos to make it look like more.
3-The 3 complainants look like professional actors.
4-All of the videos are paid political announcements from a PAC
5-None of the compalainants actually gave any facts on the case, why they were suing… they merely just called him a fraud over and over.
6- the result or adjudication of the case is unmentioned because all they want is people calling him a fraud.
thats the source, and now:
1-a billionaire, and any big businessman, insurance co, hospital, lawyer, doctor, etc etc etc… regularly receives suits from disgruntled folks which range from valid to ridiculuous. Three Folks suing and claiming fraud is meaningless.
2- Lawyers often push class action suits on clients uninterested except getting something for nothing. The lawyer often uses the threat of “alot of people” to get companies to pay to avoid publicity.
3-How many suits has warren buffets insurance cos. or zuckerbergs facebook have been filed by folks claiming fraud?
what is the result of the case.. allegations and evidence…. those are the important points that go unmentioned in your post….. posting allegations of fraud without facts and the other sides position is…. disingenuous, to say the least. One might think you want to get rid of Trump for any possible reason, grasping for every thin straw just like the GOP establishment. Try to post facts next time.
What is more fraudulent that the clandestine shipment of jobs, production and capital to china the last 30 years by both parties corrupt pols bribed by their donors?
what is more corrupt than rubio and cruz HB1 visa fraud firing american workers and forcing them to train foreign replacements to get their severance pay or the TPP which is a protection for corporations who shipped our jobs abroad to continue to do business in america subjecting american law to foreign law and treaty?
What is more fraudulent then the elected GOP who colluded with obama rather than oppose him on TPP and HB1 vsascam and protecting him from legal punishment for his scandals.. also on Iran.. they gave him a free pass with their act which made it impossible to stop him without 2/3 majority?
If Trump is out I cannot vote for GOP based on their destroying the american economy for their corporate donors profits.
Only 72 hours before before elections commence in the 14 big and little states in the Republican primary elections on Super Tuesday, and only 84 hours before the state officials count the votes. I can all but hear the clocks ticking away.
And Reuters has released their rolling poll update for the US presidential election. Trump is at 42+%. That’s equal to the combined polling numbers of Cruz, Rubio, and Carson. It will not be long before Trump pulls more than 50% of the overall Republican poll numbers, while more and more Republican governors of various US states strongly endorse Trump. All this clearly implies that any RNC conspiracies against Trump’s nomination, backed by the usual assortment of Wall Street moneybags, are doomed to failure.
The interesting characteristic of inevitabilities in politics is that they actually work as well as they seem to do.
Rubio is headed for a political cliff which he now cannot avoid stepping over without a parachute. Cruz seems a lot smarter than Rubio, so he must know by now that even if he beats Trump in his home state of Texas he is highly unlikely to beat him anywhere else.
Tick… tick… tick…tick…
Arnold Harris, Outspeaker
mar55 Said:
other than talking, I dont know what background rubio and cruz have?
@ bernard ross:
Rubio says anything that will get him elected. He defends the
Muslim who was banned from a shooting range.
Reminds me of a chihuahua barking and trying to bark over the opponent (in this case Trump) thinking he is going to prevent the opposition from talking. There is plenty on his background to be calling the kettle black.
@ bernard ross:
Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls, children of all ages…
We now direct your attention to center stage, where Israpundit’s very own and much revered bernard ross will now defy the laws of physics by unscrambling an egg:
Fear not. Jewish Americans won’t be voting the GOP ticket anyway. 75% like the most Marxist government available. They’ve surrendered most leverage with the GOP decades ago. Too bad because the GOP supports Israel and the Marxists hate the nation-state of Israel, just like Trotsky.
As long as the SD remains colonized by orientalists, antisemites and other losers, no US president will ever move his/her embassy to Jerusalem. Antisemitism is growing fast in the US and is // to the increase in the number of “Muslims” in the country. It is not different from what is going on in Europe. There is European antisemitism added to Islamic antisemitism.
@ Mladen Andrijasevic:
You maybe correct! Or it could be since he has been a life long Democrat he is on this similar to Hillary I am pro Israel but for a Palestinian State it will be good for Israel? If he becomes President we will find out!
Rubio, Cruz and Kasich have been unequivocally for Israel. Trump will be the nominee very likely so this is probably irrelevant at this time.
Trump is similar to Bernie. Bernie promises FREE: LUNCH; COLLEGE; SEX…….!
Trump promises a FREE WALL REAL BIG AND FAST. NO Muslims, Great Economy, Lots of Jobs, Protectionism from evil Mexico and China without a trade war. Bigger Military, balanced budget and hardly anything will be needed to be cut. Certainly Social Security and Medicare will NOT be touched (70% of the budget).
All the illegal migrants will moved out of the country. This is of course will not cost anything? Closing down most every restaurant in the USA. Raising Farm costs (no farmer workers) because Americans will not do hard farm work for $11 per hour.
Something is a little too big on promises perhaps? This is actually similar to his promises on Trump University. The best professors and everyone was going to learn to be a real estate mogul just like Trump. University is closed and he is being sued for fraud. Will he be sued for fraud if he becomes the President?
I hope not I hope he is better than his blusters and WINS WINS WINS FOR THE USA and Makes America Great Again, moves the embassy to Jerusalem (do not believe this one at all) and becomes a real friend to Israel!
Given that Rubio brazenly lies about his complicity in the Gang Of Eight amnesty scam, he cannot be trusted about something as important as Israel’s security.
The Hamas Charter asks for the killing of Jews – Trump would be neutral. Saying whose fault it is does not help, he says.
“Let me be sort of a neutral guy,” Trump said. “I don’t want to say whose fault it is. I don’t think that helps.”
Well, this is the whole problem. You cannot be “neutral” when you have one side being a totalitarian theocracy with its Charter calling for the killing of Jews and the other side being a democracy where you have all the minority rights protected. Would Trump be neutral in judging the conflict between ISIS and the US?
So here we have Trump who is supposedly against political correctness being politically correct. Probably out of sheer ignorance. He probably never read the Hamas Charter let alone the hadith Article 7 was taken from. When will political leaders in the West stop being lazy and sit down and do their homework?
Has anybody noticed that Trump is just inconsistent – how come he is “neutral” on the Palestinians and Israel and not “neutral” on Muslim immigration into the US?
LOL, who said what, how did they say it, did they say it the right way with PC….. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
it is absurd to be considering freshmen senators for a presidency….. they are hardly out of senate school.
how would rubio know that negotiating a treaty is not the same as negotiating a real estate deal… the only thing I heard he ever did was the gang of 8 bill. rubio is a wordsmith, but beyond that there is nothing… he and cruz have been in the senate… so other than words what did they accomplish? rubio wants to confuse the simple…. donald said he would try to make a deal and if not he would walk away…. so whats better than that? I dont see that rubio and cruz pro israel stance has accomplished anything more than resolutions with no legal value. In fact the gop accomplished nothing but the TPP and HB1 visascam when they were elected to counter obama. They and obama together voted in the TPP. I dont even watch debates…. politicians job is to debate and to wordsmith….. Trump gets things done… so he has less time for planning speeches and chatting. Arguing over words is a waste of time for achievers.
no difference between treaty negotiations and real estate deals in substance.