Felix , darlin Boyo, your have return to my most tender embrace.
Hillary Clinton is not going to succeed in sweeping all of these crimes under the carpet IF the NYPD has the courage to call a press conference TODAY to let the American Voting Public know that James Comey is a lying corrupt POS. If they refuse to do that they are letting the cover up succeed and they are just as guilty as the Clintons themselves.
Well, a great deal! Indeed, in many ways it lies at the heart of the decision for whom to cast one’s ballot. It not only separates out sharply between the two candidates’ declared platforms and campaign pronouncements, but more profoundly–-far more profoundly—it separates out between their prospective constituencies and the long-term vested interests of the respective political Establishments that support them.
Another do down of Trump by Sherman in these 3 paragraphs where Trump is portrayed not as a leader but as some kind of robot:
It is beyond dispute that, because of the demographic composition of its support base, any Democratic Party candidate, Hillary Clinton included, will be exceedingly loath to curtail significant influxes of largely unregulated and un-vetted immigrants from the Mid-East, Latin America and elsewhere. For this reluctance will clearly find favor with many of her current constituents and prospective new ones – particularly in light of the astounding electoral practice in the US which requires no photo ID to allow one to choose who will have access to the nation’s nuclear codes—while such identification is obligatory for a myriad of other far less significant purposes.
By contrast, whether or not one lends credence to Donald Trump’s strident declarations on severe restrictions he plans to impose on immigration across the county’s southern border and from Muslim countries, it is clearly very much in his political interest to act along such lines—since this will deny his adversaries the potential expansion of their political base.
So those, then, are the real stakes in these elections – the real “fork in the road”: A choice between a candidate, whose vested political interests induce her to permit changes that will permanently alter the character and composition of America, or one whose political interests compel him to resist this.
Next paragraph Sherman again uses his snide method to attack Trump:
the inexperienced maverick novice Trump. After all, he would undoubtedly require many months “learning the ropes”, before he manages to implement and entrench any allegedly injurious policies that perturb his detractors.
More attacks on Trump as Sherman finishes off:
Sadly, however, despite the fact that these are likely to be the most consequential elections in modern history, it appears (if the conduct of the campaign is to be any guideline) that they may well be decided because of the most inconsequential reasons. For it seems, it will not be the strategic direction in which the country will be taken that will determine the outcome, but rumors and innuendo as to the character defects of Trump and his alleged crude indiscretions with women.
Given the stakes, this seems almost inconceivable. Trump should be elected not because of what may occur if he is, but because of what will almost certainly occur if he is not. He should not be judged on what his incumbency might achieve, but what his incumbency must prevent.
In fact in opposition to Sherman I as a Trotskyist say that Trump has very precisely and intelligently analysed the nature of the Fascism that is contained inside of the Hitlery campaign, with its Fascist overtones, Hitlery having warned that she will close down opposition (she mentioned Breitbart by name) and he has set his face against it. Unlike Sherman who only spoke on this issue a week ago Trump has been fighting on his programme for 2 years.
It then takes some arrogance on the part of Sherman to begin attacking Trump in the way he does in this article.
Trump against the most enormous odds and fierce opposition has fought brilliantly yet Sherman uses scurrilous language calling him a novice, or precisely “the inexperienced maverick novice Trump”…
This kind of support that Trump has offered Trump in this election is in my opinion no support at all, and certainly aims to do down Trump. If Trump is to lose then the likes of Sherman will share responsibility.
Ted Belman you are just reflecting spontaneity and there is no real analysis from you on this election. So no leadership either.
You also provide a cover for the (I now think) odious Martin Sherman whose latest article of Friday peppers his formal call to vote for Trump with scurrilous attacks on Trump. In this weekend before the momentous election of what use is Sherman? I am sure no use at all. It is like swimming, advancing against the enemy, with a giant anchor weighed to your foot. Israpundit comments allow that scurrilous betrayals of Sherman to go by without comment.
Belman you are an explicit Marx hater and Lenin hater and therefore it falls into place with great certainty that you have no understanding of the capitalist state, in America or elsewhere.
So you parade Stone here with no comment of disagreement.
What makes you think Stone is right? I think he is fatally wrong.
Clinton will not fall if she wins this election.
The American capitalist state is advancing to Fascism and if Clinton is to win the election then steps will be taken to advance towards a Fascist state in America.
Who and what will stop her? You Ted Belman better start advancing some real discussion on Fascism and what Fascism means.
But then to understand Fascism and the precise state that America and the world is in, if Clinton wins, is to turn to an understanding AND STUDY OF the whole historical experience of Fascism.
And the main authority was and will remain LeonTrotsky.
That you Ted Belman will never entertain. That is why you also are a betrayer as are all the anti-Irish racists on your site.
When we look back on these times you Ted Belman will also have a huge responsibility for betrayal.
Ted Belman
tbelman3- at- gmail.com
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@ Felix Quigley:
Felix , darlin Boyo, your have return to my most tender embrace.
Hillary Clinton is not going to succeed in sweeping all of these crimes under the carpet IF the NYPD has the courage to call a press conference TODAY to let the American Voting Public know that James Comey is a lying corrupt POS. If they refuse to do that they are letting the cover up succeed and they are just as guilty as the Clintons themselves.
The attacks on Donald Trump by Martin Sherman have continued with the article (https://www.israpundit.org/archives/63618913) to the silence of the Israpundit people:
Another do down of Trump by Sherman in these 3 paragraphs where Trump is portrayed not as a leader but as some kind of robot:
Next paragraph Sherman again uses his snide method to attack Trump:
More attacks on Trump as Sherman finishes off:
In fact in opposition to Sherman I as a Trotskyist say that Trump has very precisely and intelligently analysed the nature of the Fascism that is contained inside of the Hitlery campaign, with its Fascist overtones, Hitlery having warned that she will close down opposition (she mentioned Breitbart by name) and he has set his face against it. Unlike Sherman who only spoke on this issue a week ago Trump has been fighting on his programme for 2 years.
It then takes some arrogance on the part of Sherman to begin attacking Trump in the way he does in this article.
Trump against the most enormous odds and fierce opposition has fought brilliantly yet Sherman uses scurrilous language calling him a novice, or precisely “the inexperienced maverick novice Trump”…
This kind of support that Trump has offered Trump in this election is in my opinion no support at all, and certainly aims to do down Trump. If Trump is to lose then the likes of Sherman will share responsibility.
Ted Belman you are just reflecting spontaneity and there is no real analysis from you on this election. So no leadership either.
You also provide a cover for the (I now think) odious Martin Sherman whose latest article of Friday peppers his formal call to vote for Trump with scurrilous attacks on Trump. In this weekend before the momentous election of what use is Sherman? I am sure no use at all. It is like swimming, advancing against the enemy, with a giant anchor weighed to your foot. Israpundit comments allow that scurrilous betrayals of Sherman to go by without comment.
Belman you are an explicit Marx hater and Lenin hater and therefore it falls into place with great certainty that you have no understanding of the capitalist state, in America or elsewhere.
So you parade Stone here with no comment of disagreement.
What makes you think Stone is right? I think he is fatally wrong.
Clinton will not fall if she wins this election.
The American capitalist state is advancing to Fascism and if Clinton is to win the election then steps will be taken to advance towards a Fascist state in America.
Who and what will stop her? You Ted Belman better start advancing some real discussion on Fascism and what Fascism means.
But then to understand Fascism and the precise state that America and the world is in, if Clinton wins, is to turn to an understanding AND STUDY OF the whole historical experience of Fascism.
And the main authority was and will remain LeonTrotsky.
That you Ted Belman will never entertain. That is why you also are a betrayer as are all the anti-Irish racists on your site.
When we look back on these times you Ted Belman will also have a huge responsibility for betrayal.