Ritter makes the point that the US constantly lies to Americans and the World.
Ergo, it can’t be trusted.
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Ritter makes the point that the US constantly lies to Americans and the World.
Ergo, it can’t be trusted.
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Hi, Sebastien. You said,
I think you’re referring to Matt Goetz, and his bid to curtail our extravagant largess towards the Ukraine, at a time that we can’t afford it. A lot of people here are content to vent their spleens at the Ukrainians, at Christians, at Americans, at Netanyahu, at capitalism (Yes, I noticed, Felix), you name it; but none of this is accomplishing much — for Israel or for the US. I certainly want the lunacy of our god-king Biden to be curtailed and ultimately done away with altogether. This will benefit the US and Israel as well.
I just came across an article that gave me some hope:
Note the word “concensus“, which has heretofore not been a Republican trait. We’re talking about actually holding our noses and accepting one another, then having the balls to stick with one another against our and our country’s godless enemies.
May God show His rachaman and give us grace!
@Michael Yes. I hope he’s not spitting in the wind.
@Felix Stop ignoring what I say. misquoting me. I said we are in agreement on this. Do you know what a straw man argument is?
The problem of this situation is the common and very old problem… Russia has been facing Fascism in its bordering state.
That is the problem in a nutshell.
In a situation where American, Britain and EU are dissolving and considering Fascism also, as an option.
It is very complicated with so many moving parts and at the same time absurdly simple.
It boils to this…allowing a Fascist party (as happened February 24, 2014 in Kiev) to take state power is the greatest danger possible in life.
As happened also when Hitler became Chancellor on January 30, 1933 in Germany
Thank you for writing a comment to me; but I confess that I can’t make heads nor tails of it. I wish you well 🙂
Michael and Sebastien watch the video on poison gassing which gives an insight into the mind of Fascism, ignore it, breeze over it
Is that going to be the pattern everywhere?
So after a year still working it out
You remind me of some writing by Jared Israel on http://www.tenc.net
The “bumbling bear in a tea shop” view. America is a big bumbling bear. It means no harm. It just goes around bumbling into the stacks of china and knocking everything over.
But harmless really. Means well. We should all be kind to the big bumbling bear.
So America has just got associated with the Nazi movement in Ukraine through unfortunate accident.
I certainly reject that. And Ritter has learned to reject that too.
Note that on the video the Russians do not mention poison gas. Perhaps it was before. What would they say now?
Also the banned RT seems to me to be a more professional polished operation. I still do not know who they are.
Everything Michael says about the aims of Putin are rejected in every video by Mearsheimer
But we have gone over that time and time again.
Perhaps they are a hardened Stalinism. And they talk about the assassination of Trotsky.
But why?
Hi, Sebastien.
If that Russian TV guest’s statements represent official opinion, it does not look well for world peace.
Putin seems to be taking a “pick and choose” approach to history — now claiming Russia’s boundaries should be those of the former USSR, then claiming they should be those of Imperial Russia (claiming Finland and most of Poland as their own). Ritter’s “ergo, it can’t be trusted” is equally risible. For those accusing “the US”, or “America” of this or that, would like to remind them that we are a constitutional republic, not yet a monarchy; and that we are still working out the details of our support for Ukraine:
So then can we return after that DIVERSION – is that poison gas situation in Ukraine real and what to do in our world now?
And the fact is Imperialism has been at war with Russia ever since October 1917 which is 106 years, a long time indeed.
You see Sebastien Zorn was trained inside of Stalinism for a long time so he does not comment on the disgusting reference to Mercader, the Stalinist thug who murdered Trotsky
Sebastien Zorn you are the insane one if you think they represent Bolsheviks, and it seems you are an enthusiastic American imperialist so I was right about you after all.
I hope this isn’t representative.
These people are insane.