Richard Goldberg: Iran Is Watching Israel Bow to A Weak America | The Caroline Glick Show

Peloni:  Glick and Goldberg discuss the Israel’s withdrawal of forces from central Gaza as well as the US-Isreal alliance, and the Israeli dependence on US arms production, among other issues.

Caroline Glick, JNS TV    April 9, 2024

Did Israel cave to American pressure to pull its troops out of Gaza and allow more humanitarian aid into Gaza? Will the Biden administration’s policy of conflict containment lead to peace or more war?

How are Israel’s enemies perceiving events on the ground? Caroline Glick is joined by Senior Adviser to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) to discuss US pressure on Israel for a ceasefire and how it will lead to more war in the region.

April 11, 2024 | Comments »

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