RFK: Urge Biden to Avert World War III

Peloni: The role being played in Ukraine by the US has been one which has literally destabilized all of Europe, challenged supply chains, exacerbated failing economic policies, and achieved none of the designed objectives intended, namely the defeat of Russia, the recapture of Crimea or the regime changing of Putin.  More than this, this war has demonstrated to the world American incompetence, and the limited use of American arms in direct competition with those of Russia.  The threat of expansion is not only imminent, it has been evident over the past two years, as every limit of US aid to Ukraine has been routinely and repeatedly crossed and redrawn to an ever concerning level, and despite this reality, Ukraine continues to be pushed in the wrong direction in its’ campaign to “March to the Sea” and retake either Crimea or even Marioupol.   This war must end.  The ceding of territory to Russia must end.  The uncontrolled flow of funds to Ukraine must end.  The lack of competence in American leadership must end.  The needless slaughter of Ukrainians and Russians must end.  And yet this would take true leadership from a leader who has a true interest in peace, and for that, we will have to wait for Trump to return to the White House in another 4 months.

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July 15, 2024 | Comments »

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