Republicans Need To Prepare Plan B

Peloni:  It remains inexplicably difficult to grasp any legitimate reason as to why fractal technology was not embraced by the Trump team.  Whatever the reason, Jay Valentine has an alternate plan to victory.  Of course, the pursuit of this plan requires the necessary funding for it to move forward.  The details explored in this and past Omega4America analysis is devastating to read.

Win or lose, Trump’s likely to be in court about BS ballots from ineligible addresses

Omega4America / October 25, 2024

While the conservative press is calling about every swing state for Trump, McDonalds is the new MAGA dining experience and pollsters show Trump surging, the mail-in ballot data tells a different story.

We at look at the same data you see – plus the mail-in data which is not published much.

We also do analyses of the mail-in data to determine not only from where it comes, we cross search incoming ballots against property tax records and other government data – to see if a ballot comes from a legit location.

Our goal is the determination of whether a mail-in ballot comes from a real place, like Phineas’s house or from an empty gas station or abandoned strip mall – where its owner clearly did not cast it.

The totality of the 2024 election data is in two separate worlds – all happiness and glee that Trump leads in the polls – unless you are a Harris person – and highly scary data when those mail-in ballots come into play.

Why are not all ballots the same for forecasting purposes?

Every in-person vote is a real vote, from a real person, cast in a real place with some level of security.

If you doubt us, try going into your polling place, getting the ballot, and telling the election site managers you want to take the ballot home to think about it.

There is not a polling place, even in Fulton County, Georgia where you are allowed to do that. They tell you there is this thing called “chain of custody.”

Why no chain of custody for mail-in ballots?

If mail-in ballots are perfectly safe, why don’t we have mail-in drug tests?

Mail-in ballots are not only open to every type of nefarious action, they have become the preferred method for NGOs, religious and secular, to use to undermine fair elections.

This year’s boogey-man is the illegal alien. Voter integrity sleuths are finding them all over the place comfortably living in voter rolls – for years. Many likely voted – or cast ballots.

All those illegal aliens you read about on the voter rolls need to be viewed not as people – rather as addresses.

Illegal aliens don’t vote much – but they do have lots of ballots cast in their name. That’s why watching mail-in balloting in the swing states generates a very different point of view than reading the happy polls.

A mail-in ballot has highly deterministic characteristics – like predicting for whom the ballot is cast.

Mail-in ballots from ineligible addresses are 97% for Leftist candidates.

There are two reasons for such a statistic.

First, Leftists use NGOs, which we track, to register migrants, illegal aliens in locations that are not homes. Second, Republicans don’t do this sort of thing at scale – both because they have some level of honesty and doing so takes cleverness absent in Republican electioneers.

The address is king in the land of the mail-in ballot.

The person doesn’t much matter because anyone can make up a name.

Addresses are a bit stickier.

An address is permanent – or close to it. Addresses live in thousands of commercial and government databases – each adding context to a street number.

409 Clifford Street is just an address on a voter roll. It could be a home, a bank, an insurance company or an empty lot.

For years nobody cross checked voter rolls with property tax rolls – because nobody thought of it and if they did, the technology to do it is prohibitively expensive.

When the team, using quantum-speed Fractal technology started comparing voter rolls with property rolls in 2021, the numbers of anomalous addresses from which a mail-in ballot could originate exploded.

That’s why the Fractal teams left the national voter integrity orgs in the dust – they were voter-focused when the problem, the challenge and the fraud were in the address.

Even now, you see these national voter integrity orgs are filing lawsuits based on the Fractal team findings. Nevada comes to mind.

The Fractal team was the first to do time-series analysis on voter rolls.

Time series analysis takes many copies of the voter roll on different dates – in Pennsylvania we have 80 copies with around 9 million or so voters in each copy. The fun starts when you compare every cell in every roll with every cell in the following roll – to see temporal anomalies.

That’s 700 million records – try that with relational database and you will dim the lights in Pittsburgh.

For instance, a college dorm is an OK place to live and from which to vote. Not for 12 years. A drug rehab facility may be a valid temporary address, but not for a voter for a decade. Same drill with RV parks, Job Corps centers and scores of other temporal locations.

This takes us back to determining who that mail-in ballot is cast for – and that’s pretty easy. If it came from a legitimate location, it could be for Trump or Harris – and one would weight its probability according to whether it is a GOP area or Dem area.

If it came from an ineligible address, or a preposterous address, or a place where the voter departed, it’s a Lefty vote, with about 97% certainty.

Thus, Plan B.

Trump is getting smoked by totally legal ballots, to legal, real people, at real addresses – that are undeliverable or the person is not there. A government record is in place to prove this in every case – it’s not our opinion. We have that government record.

Our team at is watching those mail-in ballots from ineligible addresses pile up – 97% of which are not for Trump.

Last week we published 31,000 mail-in ballots requests from locations where a ballot either cannot be legally sent (P.O. Box) or the person is not there. This was in Wisconsin – where the outcome is likely to be determined by 25,000 ballots.

That was early October.

Our team predicts the number today has grown from 31,000 to over 125,000. We will be testing this week or next and know for sure. 97% of those ballots, if returned are for Lefties, not Trump.

The team challenged over 100,000 such addresses in Wisconsin in a separate lawsuit – and in Pennsylvania, Colorado, Georgia and other areas.

So you see how this works.

Trump and Harris are splitting this group or that group by 50-50 or 70-30 or 55-45. Mail-in ballots are 97-3 for Lefties if they came from ineligible locations.

And mail-in ballots, from ineligible addresses or where the person moved – constitute about 6% – 8% of the vote in any swing state. Conservatively.

The question is what the hell can we do about it?

First, what the hell can Trump do about it? Nothing.

Trump and the RNC cluelessly listened to the grifter, middle-aged-woman-led, national voter integrity orgs – who cannot find what we find with quantum-speed technology – and they convinced the Trumpsters to bring in 200,000 poll watchers – who will stand around and watch these ballots flow through the system.

Guess who got paid millions of dollars to train these useless, 1980s election poll watchers? Remember that next time they ask you for a donation.

So Trump is pretty much screwed.

These ballots are going out, they are being harvested by NGOs (that we track) and they are being returned.

Trump may not be able to do a thing about them, but we can – and we are.

Our team is collecting these cast ballot identities, comparing them with official government databases, and where they originate from an ineligible address, we flag them.

Where possible, we are legally challenging them. The site has lots of lawsuits posted if you like to read that sort of thing.

This is now an Undeliverable Ballot Database.

In Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, we anticipate it may be larger than the margin of victory for the winner – whoever she might be. If so, our boys have placed a challenge, from a citizen, to these ballots being counted BEFORE THE ELECTION.

Why is this important?

Last time around, the courts used standing and laches defenses to avoid these lawsuits.

This time, a citizen has filed the complaint, in advance of the election – which has never been done this way before – and now the plaintiff has some ammunition.

We didn’t just think of this.

Most of us are data guys and think laches are on fence gates.

Leading lawyers, who everyone on this Substack would know, came to us and advised us that this was the single most powerful weapon available for Trump if things turn out not so well.

Just this week, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania said they cannot count the mail-in ballots for days after the election. Arizona said it may be 2 weeks.

You readers are not idiots – you know where this is going – and we have the evidence in at least two of the most important states ready to go. With funding, we can do all the states in a couple of days.

The leadership in Arizona just turned us down to do their data, so Arizona may just slip through. We are sure they want to hoard their funds for salaries, ads, canvassing with their 52% incorrect lists.

Several readers asked us about the short time frame – days until the election. We don’t see it that way. We believe this baby could go into double overtime and go well into late December or even January – so we are preparing data for the long fight – which we call Plan B.

We hope the election is uncontested so we can go back to running artificial intelligence systems for big companies who pay us lots of money and leave us alone.

But if this goes into overtime, Plan B is here and waiting.

Trump may be screwed but we aren’t and we have the evidence he or others may need to make a case before the ballots are finally counted.

Thanks for the continued support.

We can do another state if we get the donations in the next few days.


October 26, 2024 | Comments »

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