Report: VP Pence Leading the Coup Against President Trump

Truth and Action

According to the acclaimed independent journalist Mike Cernovich, who broke the Susan Rice unmasking story, Mike Pence is leading the coup against President Trump.

Mike Cernovich recorded his incriminating case against Vice President Mike Pence and the establishment coup working to take down the president this afternoon. It is a ‘must watch!

“The pro-Trump super-pacs are being run by Pence. The New York Times got something right.

Everybody I knew said Bannon is out. And this time it is different.” There is a big meeting about the surge in Afghanistan.

The deep state believes surge only credible option for Afghanistan. There is going to be this fake debate. That is why they wanted Bannon out. There is going to be pro and cons. There is a big meeting in Camp David about the Afghanistan plan, but it is a fake debate. All of the lines rehearsed and scripted.

And there are going to be presenting all of these plans. But it is all rigged. That is why they needed Bannon out. This is Pence cue. They are already counting votes for impeachment. This is a full on coup Mike Pence meet with Mitt Romney, he is part of the cough. These super pacs are part of the cough. Why do you think I don’t work with any of these pro-Trump super pacs?

The super pacs are actually being used for Mike Pence. They aren’t actually Trump super pacs. Here is what Mike Pence and Mitt Romney don’t know. It’s a losing issue for the democrats. If you look at the polling data this is a losing battle for the democrats. They are walking into an ambush. They are going to be destroyed. Bannon was definitely not the leaker. You don’t know what you think you knows. They will be destroyed this is a losing battle.

The democrats are walking into a major ambush over these statues. People view it as an attack on heritage and history. The traditional GOP doesn’t really understand that the statue is bad issue and calling out the alt-left. They don’t actually understand this, so because of this the Republicans are trying to get him out, and they are counting votes and it’s a full on coup”

If this is all true, how could this have happened? What does the Deep State have on Pence? Is the Deep State giving Pence some sort of an ultimatum or is it just that Pence values his life and knows far too well the insider workings of Washington?

August 19, 2017 | 11 Comments »

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11 Comments / 11 Comments

  1. According to Roger Stone Bannon was instrumental in having these generals brought into position. There is a complete crisis of leadership in this Trump movement, not so much Trump who has had ideas and has fought for them, but all these around him are vicious. I include Cernovich and Alex Jones in this. Jones does not care who he associates with and I have in mind especially the Israel hater David Icke. That shows me Jones has no principle.

  2. I certainly also distrust Jones and I distrust Cernovich. Jones has refused to break at any point from David Icke who is a notorious hater of Israel. At the very least this makes Jones an opportunist and not a person of principle. Cernovich I have never heard express a solidarity with Israel. I opposed Jones views on Jews and Charlotteville on my FB no matter how few read it that is still there. Jones I see as a danger because he has never broken from the method of conspiracy which is opposed to the method of science. There is no analysis by any of these including Cernovich of the reality of capitalism and of how globalism is a type of moving towards fascism. As regards Ivanka: Trump to survive will have to kick her out, also her Jewish husband. These are the very worst of people to have around him. Trump is very very mistaken having this lady close to him politically. What is the background of Cernovich? What is his position to Jews? It seems that Bannon according to this article put Jews at the centre of his fight. But Cernovich, and Jones who entertains David Icke, a big danger.

    To sum up I would say that the number one danger to the Trump movement, and to all those honest and often poor people who supported Trump to be President, is Ivanka Trump. Nor was I impressed by his wife Melanie reciting the Lords Prayer at a conference. Keep your religion in the home or chapel.

    If Trump does not understand the secular basis of the American Constitution then he cannot possibly win this struggle against Globalism, which is just another name for unrestricted (by borders) capitalism.

    Trump having this daughter there in the White House has disarmed him. It has meant that the Generals (whom even Eisenhower warned against) have been given a free run.

    Sadly I was not impressed by Bannon either. A man who enters into Government and who disappeared from public view…what exactly was he doing?…it is hard to know because he was silent on the great issues.

    Very big crisiis of leadership. Still it was correct to have kept Clinton out of power.

  3. @ yamit82:
    I posted that video the day before posting Conway’s but conway’s was done earlier. I specifically mentioned the date of her appearance to suggest that what cernovich said, came later.. I wanted people to be cautious when accepting what Cernovich reported.

  4. @ Ted Belman:

    Ted You believe the la la queen? Does anyone know what she is doing there in the WH? She was a Cruz supporter and pollster and Trump resurrected her from the political dead. On her off hrs seen hob hobnobbing with all the Dems and Soros at Martha’s Vineyard….