Greetings!I want to make sure you had the opportunity to sign this important petition to remove the anti-Semitic textbook from Williamson County Schools. I will be submitting these petitions to the Williamson County School Board Members at their board meeting in June.
As you know, we recently launched an initiative in Williamson County, Tennessee for the removal of a high school textbook for its anti-Semitic rhetoric. You may have seen my appearance a couple of weeks ago on Fox & friends discussing this important issue.
The textbook in question is taught on a college level, elective course titled, The Cultural Landscape Curriculum – An Introduction to Human Geography, published by Prentice Hall – 10th edition and is available to students in public schools in Williamson County. On page 260 of the textbook it says: “Distinguishing terrorism from other acts of political violence can be difficult. For example, if a Palestinian suicide bomber kills several dozen Israeli teenagers in a Jerusalem restaurant, is that an act of terrorism or wartime retaliation against Israeli government policies and army actions? Competing arguments are made: Israel’s sympathizers denounce the act as a terrorist threat to the country’s existence, whereas advocates of the Palestinian cause argue that long-standing injustices and Israeli army attacks on ordinary Palestinian civilians provoked the act.”
We need you to take action now!
A committee of educators and administrators are reviewing this textbook over the coming weeks to consider removing it. I have tried to meet with the school board members to discuss my concerns with the textbook privately, but they have been instructed not to speak with me. We need to let them know that this type of blatant anti-Semitic rhetoric is not acceptable in any context!

2001 Sbarro Pizza restaurant bombing in Jerusalem
This “attack” by a “…Palestinian suicide bomber….” on innocent Jewish teenagers in Jerusalem is the one the author of the textbook is referring to when he suggests that it is “…difficult to distinguish terrorism from political violence.” Is it really?
This is a growing issue in schools across the U.S. and around the world. It is one of the reasons why we see a 30% increase in anti-Semitic attacks globally. That is why we are asking you to take action today! Once you sign the petition, I encourage you to sit down with your children and review their textbooks paying close attention to the section that focuses on the Middle East. It is critically important that we equip the next generation to stand against this growing threat too.
Please sign our petition to remove this anti-Semitic textbook from Williamson County Schools today!

Once you sign the petition, please prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible gift to help us continue to educate and mobilize more Christians to take action against this growing threat.
God bless you for all you do on behalf of all Israel!

PJTN’s mission is to educate Christians to stand against the “new” anti-Semitism. Your financial support makes our efforts possible. Stand with us today!
Thank you for standing with our Jewish brethren. Please share this petition with your family and friends.

@ Ted Belman:
@ Ted Belman:
Ted my concern has been with respects to the books being used in schools promoting anti-Semitism.
I am not familiar with this group.
I mentioned to Caroline Glick the need for some Jewish organizations to review the books used in schools to be sure any like this are removed.
We really need to pay attention to what’s going on in our schools today.
We need to promote understanding and tolerance not hate.
Ted Belman Said:
No. To promote and encourage two-faced soul-sucking evangelicals is to endanger Am Yisrael. Any good Jewish organization can put out the same petition and any non-Jew who wishes to sign can do so.
As was said about Bil’am on the way to “blessing” Israel: “One says to the hornet, ‘not from your honey and not from your sting’.” – Medrash Tanchumah.
How wise our sages were.
Shy Guy Said:
I read this very informative article. Thanks for linking to it. We all embrace the support we get from evangelicals to varying degrees or some of us totally reject this support. To not support this petition is to cut off ones nose to spite one’s face.
@ Honey Bee:
Who cares.
@ rongrand:
I am always suspicious of being “stampeded”,by the promoters of a cause.
Shy Guy Said:
I guess now he has to debate the only one that counts:
Rabbi Zusha used to say: “When I die and come before the heavenly court, if they ask me, ‘Zusha, why were you not Abraham?’ I’ll say that I didn’t have Abraham’s intellectual abilities. If they say, ‘Why were you not Moses?’ I’ll say I didn’t have Moses’ leadership abilities. For every such question, I’ll have an answer. But if they say, ‘Zusha, why were you not Zusha?’ for that, I’ll have no answer.”
yamit82 Said:
yamit82 Said:
Lopsided debate
There is something disingenuous about fundamentalist christians deploring anti Israel/ antisemitic texts in public school textbooks and I support their public objections but these same christians would never consider removing all those antisemitic verses from their own scriptures which they read daily.
The texts they rightly object to in the textbook in question is mild in comparison as to how their holy scripture describe the Jews.
Christian Zionists who seek to de-Judaize Israel
The question comes down to who are the real antisemites?
I thought you were against missionaries? Tough to know where to draw the lines isn’t it?
I would love to debate with that rabbi Sheister.
The company Laurie Cardoza Moore keeps
@ Laura:
Laura my concern has been a majority of those commenting on this site have ignored the subject almost entirely.
Discussions go back in forth with regards to the enemies of Israel and the Jewish people and the bottom line it all stems from Anti-Semitism.
What is driving this hatred, of course anti-Semitism.
We talk about the problems with our colleges and universities and it doesn’t always start there, it’s showing up in our elementary schools.
Could this be the tip of the iceberg?
Again, we are not born with this hatred, we just don’t wake up one morning and decide to hate Jews, its taught.
@ rongrand:
Sorry. I would have responded if I had seen your message. I don’t always get to read all the comments. I will of course sign this petition.
Ted, if you remember awhile back I posted this Fox segment with hope of generating some dialog on this important issue.
We are not born with the Anti-Semitism plague, it’s not part of our genes or dna, we are not born to hate, IT’S TAUGHT.
This is where it begins and this is where it should end.
Let’s see how many out there understand the importance of this message.
I was even disappointed in Laura (the Proud American Zionist)
I thought for sure she would jump in and expand on it.