‘Remarkable’ Poll Shows Trump Gaining Ground Among the Groups He Supposedly ‘Hates’


After President Donald Trump ended the government shutdown, his support among key groups is on the rise.

A new poll from Zogby Analytics published on Thursday — “remarkable” according to The Washington Examiner — shows that Trump has significant support from suburban women despite the left’s constant screeching about the president’s “sexism.”

Pollster Jonathan Zogby reported that Trump “is doing very well with suburban women (50% approve/50% disapprove), who are vital to his re-election hopes in 2020.”

And that could be because suburban women are some of the biggest proponents of Trump’s border wall, which he plans to build by invoking presidential emergency powers.

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“A significant plurality (45%) of suburban women (likely voters) do support the president looking elsewhere to find funding for the border fence, while two in five suburban women do not support this idea,” Zogby reported.

The poll shows that suburban women are significantly more likely to be supporters of the border wall than other groups of likely voters.

“The support of suburban women is well above the number of all women (32% yes/42% no) and all suburban likely voters (37% yes/42% no) who agree with President Trump utilizing funds committed elsewhere to finish 500 miles of border fencing.”

It’s not just suburban women; Trump also gained support from younger voters, Hispanics and weekly Walmart shoppers.

“Another interesting area where President Trump gained ground was with Hispanics (40% approve/57% disapprove) and African Americans (24% approve/70% disapprove). Both groups’ job approval rating of Trump increased the most in months,” Zogby reported.

This new poll completely shatters the narrative that Trump is “sexist” and “racist.”

You might have heard Democrats try to paint Trump as “racist” for attempting to stop illegal immigration, but his support from Hispanic voters has gone up.

In reality, it’s not “racist” or “immoral” to have a border wall. It’s immoral to let anybody walk into the country while others wait for months to immigrate legally.

Hispanic voters with family members who immigrated legally understand that the immigration process shouldn’t be undermined by being permissive toward illegal immigration.

And Trump’s support among suburban women shows that he can’t be as “sexist” as liberals claim either.

In fact, women play a central role in Trump’s administration. Press secretary Sarah Sanders, Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen, and Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, are just a few of the important women around Trump.

Unlike Democrats, the numbers don’t lie — Trump has significant support from women and Hispanics despite the left’s attempts to falsely paint him as a racist and sexist.

February 25, 2019 | Comments »

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