J Street is trying to take over the World Zionist Congress

Register & Vote in the World Zionist Congress Election – It’s About Stopping the Radical Anti-Israel Activists Among World Jewry

Register and Vote slate #11 ZOA

Coalition of Pro-Israel Advocates

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Dear Friends,

Whether you are liberal or conservative, if you love Israel, we share common ground. But if you support organizations that seek to harm Israel, and your declarations of being pro-Israel are insincere, we have nothing to say to each other.

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There is an exciting opportunity to help Israel available within days. As an American Jew you (and Jews all over the world) can easily register and vote for delegates to represent you on issues important to Israel. It will take only 5 minutes of your time and can be done online. The only international legislature or parliament for world Jewry is the World Zionist Congress or WZC. It describes itself as “the only democratically elected global Jewish forum.” Elections for the WZC take place every five years. It will meet in October 2020 in Jerusalem, set an agenda and distribute $1 Billion for various causes. You can soon register and vote for delegates to the Congress. American Jewry has 152 delegates out of a total of 500 delegates. This year voting begins on January 21 and ends March 11. Registration is only $7.50 ($5 if you are under 25) for any permanent US resident over 18 and can be easily done online at [https://azm.org/ election).

The delegates join together in slates, so you will be voting on a slate. There are 15 slates, and they consist of groups and individuals who have positions on various issues.

Can you imagine such an international Jewish “congress” being dominated by the worst anti-Israel organizations in the world. Well, that will happen if we allow it. It is important for you to vote on a slate that represents your views and thereby make sure radical anti-Israel organizations don’t take over the WZC.

The slate that contains all of the world’s worst anti-Israel organizations is deceptively called Hatikvah, and we urge you NOT to vote for Hatikvah. The following organizations are with the Hatikvah slate: J Street, Americans for Peace Now, New Israel Fund, Aleph, Ameinu, Habonim Dror, Hashomer Hatzair, Jewish Labor Committee, National Council of Jewish Women, Partners for Progressive Israel and T’ruah. You can see Hatikvah’s platform and membership here.

In the past we’ve written about J Street and New Israel Fund. New Israel Fund supports many radical organizations, including Breaking the Silence, B’Tselem and Adalah. Breaking the Silence is an organization of ex-Israeli soldiers who travel the world anonymously telling false stories defaming Israel. B’Tselem stalks IDF soldiers in Israel, showing up at sites of confrontation and protesting virtually every move they make. Adalah says Israel is an apartheid state.

Adalah and B’Tselem, both supported by the New Israel Fund, have recently agreed to help the ICC (International Criminal Court) in prosecuting Israel. Quite apart from vilifying Israel before the entire world, this prosecution would subject Israeli soldiers and officials to arrest, trial and imprisonment when traveling outside Israel.

As you probably know, J Street is an organization that devotes itself to working against Israel. Among many programs designed to harm Israel, it has a campaign that seeks to sabotage Birthright, an organization that offers free Israel trips to connect young American Jews with their ancestral homeland. Since its inception J Street has explicitly cast itself in opposition to AIPAC, an organization with a long history of supporting Israel.

We recommend the ZOA slate. It is the #11 slate. It consists of many organizations strongly supportive of Israel and its strong leadership. It also contains board members from CAMERA and Israel Bonds. You can view its platform here. Note that a priority is given to combating global & campus anti-Semitism as well as the BDS (Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions) movement.

As best we are able to tell, and perhaps it’s an oversight on their part, but there is no mention at all of combating BDS in either the Mercaz/Masorti(Conservative Judaism) or Arza (Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism) platforms. Needless to say, the BDS movement is a major threat to Israel and must be aggressively fought. In addition, theARZA platform makes no mention of combating anti-Semitism. That’s not to say the failure to mention BDS or anti-Semitism in their platforms means they are not opposed to both, but as groups it may reflect priorities.

Now is the time and this is the opportunity for you to help defend our People and our Homeland. Voting in the WZC elections will take such a small effort on your part, but you will know you have taken the pro-active steps necessary to defend the Jewish people. Share this with friends and family who feel as we do about this. After Jan. 21 (when the election opens) go to https://azm.org/elections, pay the $7.50 to register, and then vote for the ZOA (#11) slate.

Coalition of Pro-Israel Advocates (COPIA)
Citizens Opposed to Propaganda Masquerading as Art (COPMA)
Robert G. Samet, Chairman
Mark H. Lazerson, Vice-Chairman
Carol Greenwald, PhD, Treasurer
Barbara Leber, PhD, Secretary
Robert H. Lande, General Counsel






January 21, 2020 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. If you think YOU’RE left out, I’m a lifelong Zionist expat Canadian living in China, and in any event I refuse to put any financial info, credit card or banking info on the internet.

  2. So the majority of experts on this site are left out in the cold? Why not a non u s resident association membership?