Regev: ‘No president has never attacked the state like this’

Culture Minister Miri Regev says President Rivlin crossed a red line in his attack on the government today.

By Hezki Baruch, INN

Culture and Sports Minister Miri Regev responded harshly Monday to the accusatory speech given by President Reuven Rivlin at the opening of the Knesset’s winter session.

Rivlin slammed the government for attempting to weaken the Supreme Court and attacking the media, the “gatekeepers of democracy.” He aimed thinly veiled criticism at the prime minister, with whom he does not get along.

“[We have] a president who scorns politicians, belittles the will of the people and harms the heart of democracy,” Regev said. “Rivlin attacked the state today in a way no president before him ever did.”

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“It’s strange to hear this from someone who has served for many years as a politician and has recently been elected president by politicians. In his speech today, the president showed a lack of gratitude to those who elected him,” she added.

MK Nava Boker (Likud) also criticized Rivlin, saying, “The borders have been blurred, the checkpoints have been breached, and unfortunately the president of the state, who is supposed to be a model of statesmanship, delivered a political speech.”

“Absurdly, he still complains that ‘there is a lack of statesmanship in Israel. He is better off dealing with pardons rather than politics,” she added. Israel’s president has the authority to pardon prisoners.

October 24, 2017 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. @ dreuveni:

    He’s never been a “farmer” so he doesn’t understand nor care. He’s puffed up with pride and self-conceit. How he can feel like this after seeing himself in the mirror every morning I don’t know….but there it is.

    He wants a ONE STATE Solution, and to give all the YESHA Arabs Israeli citizenship. His father translated the first Hebrew edition of the Koran, and he was probably immersed in it as he is fluent in Arabic….so maybe he has a special feeling for Arabs….

    He should never have been allowed to become President. But again we have an example of the clever-stupid Jews. Olmert was allowed to be PM, and yet, one look at his shifty-eyed, foxy face, is enough to make sure all your windows are locked and bring out the hand-cuffs.

    I can recommend him where to GO.

  2. “It’s strange to hear this from someone who has served for many years as a politician and has recently been elected president by politicians. In his speech today, the president showed a lack of gratitude to those who elected him,” she added.

    While true that he shows a lack of gratitude and has forgotten where he came from, that is not his task in life. He should be representing the Israeli people, not endorsing government policy. Of course, it would help if he endorsed the rights of the population to reach peace without literally giving away the farm.

  3. Shame on Rivlin.
    C how corrupted the US and EU mass media are and have been. On both sides of the Atlantic ocean they brainwash the masses in becoming ignorant and stupid.
    Finally Hillary will get her “Red October” moment!

  4. His appearance is that of a bottle-nosed dolphin, but his behaviour is that of a bottle-nosed inebriate. He’s jealous, malicious, and envious of Netanyahu and all who became PMs, where the real power lies. He wanted to be PM himself but could get no support.

    His REAL person is emerging, has been for the past 2 years. A President is a purely formal official and not allowed to make political statements. I don’t know why Netanyahu has allowed him to get away with all the crap he spouts without a reprimand. Maybe there have been some behind closed doors.

    Last year there were some, who, because of the strangeness of his pronouncements, were saying that he was succumbing to Alzheimers, but I don’t think so. Jusr sheer malice,, and seeing how far he can go and how much he can get away with.