Regavim is leading the charge

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July 30, 2012 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. @ Bert:

    This makes it urgent that the next Prime Minister should be Moshe Feiglin from Manhigut Yehudit

    From your mouth to God’s ears!

  2. @ Bert:
    There are millions of Israelis who could find a legal way to put a stop to this and other anti-Israel, anti-Jewish activities in the country.

    You don’t need Moshe Feiglin or anyone else to save Israel.

    You only need Israeli Jews to reassert their power.

    It can be done in peaceful, legal ways, through effective organization, good strategies, and a respectable number of activists and supporters.

    In this case REGAVIM is already doing the investigative work and the legal challenges in court. What they need is funds and a large number of people who will call attention to this issue and who will say this Arab takeover of Jewish land is not acceptable!


    Isn’t it peculiar how – as soon as Israelis made their opposition to infiltrators loud and clear, and in significant numbers – the government suddenly thought it would be a good idea to stop rolling out the red carpet for infiltrators?

    The number of infiltrators dropped dramatically to about 240 in June. That was the daily average before the demonstrations. Demonstrations work!

    Of course, without a permanent organization, this infiltration problem persists, with no deportations and no solution in sight.


    But the main point is that people stood for their rights and the government was forced to act.

  3. Isn’t this silent surrender scandal caused by the moral rot of the Israeli government led by Netanyahu who ignores all this? This makes it urgent that the next Prime Minister should be Moshe Feiglin from Manhigut Yehudit of