Recent Events in two short videos.

Peloni: Very detailed reporting explaining the basis for the largest operation in Judea & Samaria in recent, years as well as operations in Rafah, in the North and in Kahn Yunis.


September 12, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. When I tried to watch these two videos, it went to a screen that said this video was unavailable because the “video account that produced it has been terminated.” Censorship strikes again. If anyone has a copy or a screenshot of the video, please post it on Israpundit.

  2. Fascinating Channel
    Raptor News Israel
    Does anyone know who publishes it and how reliable they are?
    Every weekend and break
    The channel seems to dissapear and be replaced by a weird Game Channel..
    Very Very Odd..