Real News (4/03/21)

Tierney’s News
Voter ID

President Trump issued two statements in reaction to Biden’s call for corporations to boycott red States due to new laws mandating VOTER ID. Major League Baseball decided to do Biden’s bidding and announced they were going to relocate the 2021 All-Star Game and the MLB Draft out of Atlanta in response to recent election regulations passed by the state of Georgia:

TRUMP: “Baseball is already losing tremendous numbers of fans, and now they leave Atlanta with their All-Star Game because they are afraid of the Radical Left Democrats who do not want voter I.D., which is desperately needed, to have anything to do with our elections. Boycott baseball and all of the woke companies that are interfering with Free and Fair Elections. Are you listening Coke, Delta, and all!”

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“Why is it that every time the 2020 ELECTION FRAUD is discussed, the Fake News Media consistently states that such charges are baseless, unfounded, unwarranted, etc.? Sadly, there was massive fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election, and many very angry people understand that. With each passing day, and unfortunately for the Radical Left CRAZIES, more and more facts are coming out. Other than that, Happy Easter!”

 Only 24% of Democrats and only 13% of all American adults *oppose* requiring all voters to provide photo ID to vote but our WOKE corporations are all against it? Hmm. Tells you everything! 

All the Chamber-backed businesses are showing their true colors now. They are willing to force you to wear a mask & submit a vaccine passport and photo ID to use or enter their businesses – but they are absolutely against any form of VOTER ID to ensure that only lawful & living adult citizens vote in American elections – as our founders intended. Tells you everything. CORPORATE COMMUNISM fueled by the Globalists to control us all. Nations can’t legally enslave us so they’ll get the corporations to do it for them. 

“Major League Baseball fundamentally supports voting rights for all Americans and opposes restrictions to the ballot box,” MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred wrote. Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey said the election bill was “unacceptable” and a “step backwards.”

The African Methodist Church even called for a boycott of Coke if Coke doesn’t lobby AGAINST Voter ID!

“If Coca-Cola wants black and brown people to drink their product, then they must speak up when our rights, our lives, and our very democracy as we know it is under attack,” said Bishop Reginald Jackson at a rally in Atlanta. So the African Methodist Church is threatening to boycott Coke unless they lobby AGAINST voter ID?

Kemp even criticized the MLB for its sudden decision: “Today, Major League Baseball caved to fear, political opportunism, and liberal lies. Georgians — and all Americans — should fully understand what the MLB’s knee-jerk decision means: cancel culture and woke political activists are coming for every aspect of your life, sports included. If the left doesn’t agree with you, facts and truth do not matter.” 

David Ralston, the Republican Speaker of the Georgia House, said Georgia will not “be bullied by socialists and their sympathizers” regardless of the MLB’s decision. “This decision is not only economically harmful, it also robs Georgians of a special celebration of our national pastime free of politics. But Georgia will not be bullied by socialists and their sympathizers. We will continue to stand for accessible, secure elections that are free and fair. And we will continue to speak truth despite extortion and intimidation.” 

Marco Rubio released a video calling out Delta Air Lines for being “woke corporate hypocrites” after CEO Ed Bastian announced opposition to the Georgia election bill. Rubio pointed to the fact that these same corporations still do business with the genocidal Chinese Community Party.

Ted Cruz and Mike Lee called for revoking MLB’s decades old antitrust status after Donald Trump Jr. recommended that Congress should immediately move to repeal the MLB’s anti-trust exemption. Then, Georgia Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) announced that he is drafting legislation to to do just that. Good to see Republicans growing balls and fighting fire with fire.

The “race and inequality” editor of the sports section of USA today thinks the NFL, NBA and NCAA should follow MLB’s lead. American Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Dell Technologies and AT&T have all released statements condemning voter ID in American elections. Sick FRAUDS.

Since MLB is so super woke, someone should ask them why they’ve never had a black league commissioner? I’d also love to see executive diversity stats from Coke & Delta because I’m starting to think that gigantic corps only PRETEND to care about diversity. Their executive teams reflect NO diversity. 


Illegal Aliens

The number of illegal aliens crossing into the United States has skyrocketed to the highest levels in at least 15 years, and record numbers of teenagers and children arriving without parents have overwhelmed the government’s ability to care for them. U.S. agents took more than 171,000 illegal aliens into custody in March. 

The term “catch and bus” captures Democrats illegal immigration strategy. They refuse to call thousands of illegal immigrants a crisis because the “Biden illegal immigrants” are part of a woke ideology for open borders. Their goal is to redistribute not stop illegal immigrants. 

Minnesota’s Ilhan Omar said America has an “ethical and moral responsibility” to take care of the world’s children and give everyone a monthly income regardless of whether they are capable of working. Omar’s home country of Somalia, where her family worked for the Communist Party that DESTROYED it, doesn’t even offer free public education, won’t let girls go to school & forces them to be “cut” down there. Neighboring Kenya built a wall on the border with Somalia to keep out their thieving raping pirates! But she thinks America should do everything her own country won’t do. Somalia is considered the most corrupt country in the world. That’s where she learned her trade. 

 Candace Owens

I find it depressing that Candace Owens is teaming up with Never Trump snake Mike Cernovich. Cernovich is a bait & switch hack attorney who has openly condemned Trump. He is actually dangerous & duplicitous and makes outrageous and fake claims for ratings & clicks. What the hell is she doing? The last thing he said right after the election was that he was glad Trump lost & predicted it. Is he going to run her campaign for 2024?


Rush Limbaugh predicted that all this would lead to secession & civil war between the red FREE states & the blue COVID SLAVE states. Laura Ingraham is now on board with that prediction. Remember, Republican President Abraham Lincoln chose civil war rather than let America be part free and part slave as the slave-holding Southern Democrats wanted.

Just as the barricades were being removed around the Capitol in DC, there was suddenly a new attack against the US Capitol. Police say a man pulled into the Capitol complex Friday, rammed two officers with a car, then jumped out of the vehicle with a knife and attacked one of the officers before being fatally shot by police. It occurred at North Barricade vehicle access point along Constitution Avenue. Congress was not in session when the incident occurred. Two officers were struck and transported to a hospital and one of the officers, William “Billy” Evans, died. The other officer was severely injured. Acting D.C. Police Chief Robert Contee said the event currently “does not appear to be terrorism-related.” Right. They will use this “incident” to justify permanent fortification around the Capitol.

He’s been IDed as 25-year-old Noah Green from Indiana. He had ties to Virginia and his social media indicates he is a member of the Nation of Islam. This is the second act of Islamic extremism in less than two weeks. He posted frequently on social media about his support for ant-Semite Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. So did Keith Ellison, Obama & Rashida Tlaib.


His Facebook page (which was quickly removed to hide the evidence) revealed that the National of Islam Capitol Hill attacker left the police force after becoming radicalized and that he had filed a name change petition in Marion County Court and wanted to change his name from Noah Ricardo Green to Noah Zaeem Muhammad.

NOAH: “To be honest these past few years have been tough, and these past few months have been tougher. I have been tried with some of the biggest, unimaginable tests in my life. I am currently now unemployed after I left my job partly due to afflictions, but ultimately, in search of a spiritual journey.”

First they called it a shooting and got the location wrong. Then they said he had a gun and then they said he had a knife. Then they said he was alive – witnesses say he’s dead. ANOTHER MANIPULATION BY THE CAPITOL POLICE which is run by Bower, Pelosi & McConnell!

London police shut down Catholic mass on Good Friday and declared: “This gathering is unlawful,” This will be the next question before they cart you off to the Gulag: “Are you now or have you ever been a follower of Jesus of Nazareth?” 

A town in Britain was also caught discriminating against a Christian festival featuring Franklin Graham – based on his biblical beliefs about marriage. A judge ruled Thursday that the seaside town of Blackpool, England, discriminated on religious grounds against a Christian festival featuring evangelist Franklin Graham when it removed promotional ads from buses that read “Time for Hope” after LGBTQ activists complained. 

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association said the judge’s ruling was a “strong and clear rebuke of the cancel culture sweeping the U.K. We thank God for this ruling because it is a win for every Christian in the U.K.” 

Sweden scrapped Bill Gates plan to block the sun. The Swedish Space Corporation (SSC) has canceled a Bill Gates-funded controversial geoengineering project “SCoPEx” to blot out the sun to fight climate change. 

YouTube is deleting close to 8,000 dislikes per video (on average) released on the official White House channel and has so far removed 3 million to cover for Biden. Nobody on YouTube likes Biden. This way you will never know that.

Biden has purged more than 40 scientific experts from various advisory boards purely because they offer a different scientific opinion than the president. Biden has made it clear that his administration will only accept science that agrees with his politics. That’s the opposite of President Trump who allowed Fauci & Birx to stay even though they were Never Trump. Who’s the REAL dictator? Biden. 

South Korea’s PM said that only people with “Green Pass” vaccine passports will be allowed to resume a normal life. The UK said the same but promise it will only be for a year. Right. UK companies will be able to bar people who have not been vaccinated from working – under the “vaccine certification” system expected to be given the green light by PM Boris Johnson on Monday. Government using corporations to do their dirty work.

HUGE GRASS FIRE at Veteran’s Park in Richfield Minnesota, right near my house. ANTIFA-BLM must be destroying property for George Floyd again! Fire JIHAD is a thing. Really. Happening all over the world.

The two 13 and 15-year-old black teen girls who murdered a Muslim Pakistani Uber Eats driver during a carjacking in DC are reportedly getting a plea deal. Their plea offers could involve simply being on home detention or being on probation.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “What’s happening now in this country, nobody ever thought would happen. It is total censorship. You don’t have free speech in this country. But you know what happens, they take it off and now people talk about it more.” 

Mike Lindell’s new exposé “Scientific Proof” will air exclusively on OANN this weekend. He is joined by Dr. Douglas Frank who reveals how a computer algorithm stole the 2020 election.Saturday April 3rd-

Russian troops are amassing on the Ukrainian border but it’s hard to tell what’s really going on. Could be saber rattling for PR and peace talks. Could be an invasion. If you have insight, please email me.

There’s a new order in the Ghislaine Maxwell case – Maxwell will be arraigned in-person on her new charges (sex trafficking of a minor) on April 16. One possible issue at the hearing: “Tactical gamesmanship” by prosecutors for the new (late) charges against Maxwell “based on evidence that was in the government’s possession for years” 

The CDC now says you can travel if you’re fully vaccinated but adhere to the same precautions that non-vaccinated people do. This is precisely why Americans are increasingly finding the government mandates laughable. A restaurant owner in Southern California is banning masks INSIDE his restaurant. We need more of this.

A new study revealed that 70% of election fraud occurs in 10% of the precincts. Yep. Doesn’t take much to flip a state. All you need are a few corrupt precincts or cities. 

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) said he has NO plans to resign after the New York Times expose.

In a sit down with CBS, Hunter Biden admitted the laptop containing damning evidence of drug abuse & sex abuse COULD belong to him. NPR was forced to issue a correction after previously falsely claiming that the Hunter Biden laptop was not his and that the story was ‘discredited’ by intelligence agencies.

John Boehner claimed in a new book that the GOP thought Barack Obama was a secret Kenyan Muslim traitor, he called Ted Cruz a reckless a**hole, said Republican ‘morons’ flooded Congress in 2010 and Hannity was a whiner.

SEAN HANNITY: “John Boehner is no Newt Gingrich, I’ll tell you that. When he said that I’ve whined to him — I spit up laughing — because Boehner would cry over spilled milk. I mean, literally cry over spilled milk— well usually spilled wine in his case. He was the worst Speaker in the history of the Republican party. Absolutely useless, no vision, no leadership skills, he accomplished nothing of significance, and was pathetically paralyzed with fear and was rolled by Nancy Pelosi and liberal Democrats almost daily. He smelled of cigarettes & wine. I’m glad he’s finally found his true calling in life in the weed industry”.

After relentless opposition both on and off the set for more than three years, the movie “Roe v. Wade” is coming out this week.

What’s in Biden’s “infrastructure” plan? Massive subsides for wind, solar, electric vehicles and other Green New Deal mandates. $85 billion for mass transit, $213 billion for “energy-efficient” housing, $35 billion for climate change, $25 billion for racial and gender inequities. Only 5.11% of $2.25 trillion goes to bridges, highways, roads and main streets in critical need of repair. This massive expansion of government control and the federal bureaucracy raises taxes to squander trillions on a liberal wishlist we can’t afford. 

When you look at national unemployment rates you need to remember which states are skewing them high or low. The Democrat-run areas of New York, Connecticut, DC, New Jersey, California, Nevada, New Mexico and Illinois all have unemployment rates over 8% due to massive lock downs – and huge debt. Those are the states we are bailing out for bad policy.

There are still THOUSANDS of people out of work who want to work but Biden is bringing in illegal aliens to take American jobs. 

A large study found toxic chemicals in those blue masks with loops including known allergens and carcinogens as well as controlled substances. Masks sold and intended for use by the general public are not deemed to be PPE. Therefore, they do not have to meet the standards of masks worn by doctors. 85% of all masks made worldwide come from China and concerns have been raised over substandard manufacturing and opaque supply chains. Remember Rand Paul said ONLY N95 masks work and they only work for a limited time in one direction!

Four major scientific discoveries during the last century contradict science & point to a God. First, cosmologists have discovered that the physical universe likely had a beginning, contrary to the expectations of scientific materialists who had long portrayed the material universe as eternal and self-existent (and, therefore, in no need of an external creator.) Second, physicists have discovered that we live in a kind of “Goldilocks universe.” Indeed, since the 1960s, physicists have determined that the fundamental physical laws and parameters of our universe have been finely tuned, against all odds, to make our universe capable of hosting life. Third, discoveries in molecular biology have revealed the presence of digital code at the foundation of life, suggesting the work of a master programmer. There is no theory of undirected chemical evolution that has explained the origin of the information in DNA. Fourth, the physicists at CERN said their research shows that the “theory” of the Big Bang (something from nothing) does NOT explain the beginning – because if it really happened that way the universe would not presently exist. Historian of science Fredrick Burnham notes: “The idea that God created the universe is a more respectable hypothesis today than at any time in the last 100 years.” Happy Easter!

April 3, 2021 | Comments »

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