Raoul Wallenberg’s Legacy for America’s Patriots

By Phil Orenstein

The Colorado movie massacre was a tragedy and the worst mass shooting in US history. It’s still in the news. Every commentator and so-called social science authority has a theory and root cause analysis. Worst of all, people are politicizing the issue. New York Mayor Bloomberg, along with his call for banning super-sized sugary drinks, salt, trans fats, cigarettes, baby formula and Orthodox circumcisions, is getting up on his soap box for stricter gun control. Every cockroach is coming out of the woodwork to sound off. Nassau County Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy, who never speaks in public, is also suddenly grandstanding gun control, her one-issue agenda. Liberal commentators are blaming everyone from Bush for overturning the assault weapons ban and the Colorado Tea Party as the cause of the shooting. But all this grandstanding is just deflecting us from the real issues. The real issues affecting America that no one wants to talk about are what we are going to talk about here. It’s a message of truth, hope and strength for the Tea Party and for freedom loving people everywhere.

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I am involved in a community project in Queens, New York, to place a statue of Raoul Wallenberg, one of the foremost heroes of WWII, at the Holocaust Center at Queensborough Community College. The message of his life and legacy is particularly germane to the Tea Party which is all about individual initiative, constitutionally limited government and free enterprise. Raoul Wallenberg epitomizes individual initiative, freedom and the sanctity of the individual against the all-powerful state.

Comfortable in his affluent Swedish homeland, while nearly everyone was steeped a culture of denial and submission, Wallenberg was alarmed and stood up fearlessly taking action during WWII when millions of Jews were being rounded up and sent to be slaughtered in the Nazi death camps. Jews were considered traitors and sub-human parasites in Hitler’s Germany and civilized people in German and European high society turned away from the horrors of the concentration camps believing it can’t happen here.

Jews were well off and no one wanted to believe that millions of European Jews were being massacred right next door. Life was comfortable outside the war zone in Wallenberg’s homeland of Sweden and good people believed they were insignificant and powerless in the face of Hitler’s mighty authoritarian state. But Wallenberg, a righteous Christian stood up alone against all odds and became a heroic figure in the fight of good against hatred and evil saving 100,000 Hungarian Jews from extermination toward the closing days of WWII.

He stood eyeball to eyeball with Nazi colonel Adolf Eichmann in Hungary, who was charged with rounding up all the Hungarian Jewish men women and children, the remaining large concentration of Jews left alive in Europe in the last days of WWII, and deporting them to the Auschwitz and Birkenau concentration camps in neighboring Poland for slaughter. He bluntly told Eichmann you cannot kill the Jews and that he, Raoul Wallenberg would stop him. He did so with the spirit of his fierce determination and diplomacy and the bold strategy of issuing 1000’s of protective Swedish passports to Hungarian Jews. He was the hero that appeared in times of great danger to win the battle against great evil. We will be erecting the statue at Queensborough Community College, the first Wallenberg memorial on a U.S. college campus, to model his life as an example for our youth and all good people to follow today.

Fast forward to the present. Today we are beaten down by the growing power of the state. We live in a communist state in the USA run by the ruling elites. Communism, Nazism, Fascism, Islamism are all the same. They are all about big government control by an authoritarian party. They function to eradicate the people’s freedom of speech, thought, property, guns and money and place total power in the hands of the minority elites, destroying the middle class in the process, leaving just the peasants and the ruling class.

Obama’s first term is the tip of the iceberg. Today our conditions are very much like pre-war Nazi Germany when Hitler rose to power, was appointed chancellor and started nationalizing the banks, auto industry and healthcare and then seized absolute power.

Similarly Obama took control of the auto industry, the banks and nationalized healthcare. The state now controls the schools, the press, our cultural institutions, our healthcare and large sectors of the economy. Our freedoms are being stripped away. Soon the internet will be a tool of the government and free enterprise will no longer be free. They will soon seize control of our property, our money through undue taxation, our guns and our total welfare from cradle to grave. Government is the biggest criminal element in the world. The government is stealing your money, not the rich, not Bain Capital, not the banks.

Obama is the master of manipulating the system for power. Nine million people are now on the federal disability rolls. It has increased five million since Obama took office. People are gaming the system with back problems, depression and anxiety so they can collect lifetime disability payments, encouraged by the Obama administration, since it takes millions of people off the unemployment statistics who are not counted as unemployed. This keeps the unemployment numbers down, a key economic indicator for the coming presidential election. Likewise, 46 million people are on food stamps. Food stamp commercials, on TV for the first time in U.S. history, are Obama’s taxpayer funded campaign commercials, since people getting government handouts will vote to have them continue. And over 100 million people are now getting welfare payments from the government. This 35% of the American people are guaranteed votes come Election Day. National security secrets were leaked by the White House putting the lives of our field agents in jeopardy in order to boost Obama’s national security resume.

Frank Marshall Davis, a card carrying member of the Communist party was Obama’s mentor. Obama and his ruling elites understand the works of Marx, Lenin, Hitler and Stalin. They understand the workings of power in order to seize control. This is the darkest period in our country and evil players are disguised as do-gooders, calling for hope and change while demonizing the rich. Hitler and Stalin appeared as the good liberators sounding the call of hope and change for the common people in dismal times. They vilified one group, the Jews, the wealthy capitalists, as the cause of the nation’s problems and seized total power wiping out the middle class and all their liberties. The same thing that happened in Nazi Germany can happen here.

That’s why it’s imperative that we study the heroic life and legacy of Raoul Wallenberg. People back then, as is the case now, gave up their rights for comfort and security. People look the other way and don’t want to be bothered. Like Nazi Germany, when their neighbors were being rounded up and taken away to the death camps, people thought to themselves, “glad it’s not me.” People are the same today. They don’t want to be involved. Half the people have become dependent on the largess of the welfare state and the other half believes that politics is crooked and government is corrupt, and they are right.

But we, the members of the Tea Party and freedom loving patriots who cherish our liberties and independence. Our epiphanies came when we got up off the couch and stopped yelling at the TV. Our job is to become more active than ever before for the sake of America. It is our job to fight against the crushing power of the government that has robbed the people of their spirit and sovereignty. We need awaken our friends, co-workers, family and neighbors – our fellow Americans who have given up any real hope for their future and their children’s future, and save our country, just as Raoul Wallenberg saved the lives of 100,000 Jewish men women and children.

There is a Jewish proverb that says there are 36 truly righteous people of courage who emerge during the darkest times for the world to continue. They come forward and use their powers to defeat evil people. As soon as the battle is over they disappear. As soon as WWII was over, Raoul Wallenberg was detained as a spy by the Russians who captured Hungary, disappearing in the Soviet Union and to this day no one knows his fate.

Around the time of the fall of the Soviet Union and after Hungary’s liberation from Soviet authoritarian rule, a monument to Wallenberg was dedicated in Budapest and the Hungarian Raoul Wallenberg Association was formed. The American Raoul Wallenberg Scholarship committee held a human rights symposium and a freedom march through the streets of Budapest. It is with this same objective that we venture to install a statue of Raoul Wallenberg at the Holocaust Center at Queensborough Community College, the only Holocaust Resource Center on a College campus to give our kids the greatest lesson in the battle for the soul of America. It’s a lesson of courage, fearlessness, honor, commitment, duty, self-reliance, hard work and character and the battle of liberty against tyranny on a landscape consisting of good actors and bad. It’s a lesson in understanding our history, understanding the present times and never repeating our past mistakes. It is a clarion call for all who cherish their freedoms to heed the well known words of Edmund Burke: “All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”

Phil Orenstein
224-12 Stronghurst Ave.
Queens Village, NY 11427

Phil Orenstein is a Republican County Committeeman from Queens, N.Y. and a Manufacturing Manager at Orics Industries Inc., NY. He is a member of the National Conference on Jewish Affairs.

August 3, 2012 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. Phil Orenstein Said:

    speak from common sense and economics

    Actually, I see no economic arguments that are related to this situation. I see the opposition version of “hope and change” but nothing that acknowledges the cause of today’s problems and therefore its solutions. Common sense economics shows that for 25 years US politicians opened the US market to China/Asia, US businesses and govt invested heavily in capital equipment, technology and training in China, US govt and business did not require that China play on a competitive playing field regarding slave labor and the artificial yuan price. Europe did the same: now China supplies the world and the US, who used to supply the world, does not. Oddly, I see this as the main cause and of course its exposure incriminates everyone of both parties and business. The solution lies in the “bugaboo” of protectionism: choosing to build the US economy rather than destroy it with foreign goods and foreign workers, which is what the corporations and corrupt politicians have brought. Apparently now it is more patriotic to worship a free market for our enemies than to protect our own economy.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    It has nothing to do wiht jobs going overseas,

    It has to do with US jobs disappearing and chinese jobs growing, it has to do with the US financed and trained chinese taking away former US foreign markets(the whole world now buys from china). ON top of this severe and permanent structural damage there have been a number of corruption bubbles costing the US taxpayer billions in bailouts with no benefit. Why didn’t the bank shares get transferred to the public coffers in return for the bailouts? This is what a private entity would have required. The taxpayer is peddled the notion that only losses, and not profits, are his due. Perhaps the one thing worth importing from China is their penchant for execution of corrupt politicians and businessmen.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    would you build your factory with 100?s of new manufacturing jobs in the US with the world’s highest corp tax of 35%

    Perhaps, if that was the only way I could gain access to their lucrative consumer engine(which is in the process of being intentionally destroyed so as to grow asia.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    Canada where the rate is only 16%

    And yet Canada can afford health care for its populations without them first going bankrupt.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    Reagan lowered the corp tax rate and employment and economic growth followed suit.

    That is not the current model, Reagan and the fed also cooled an overheated economy with high interest rates. It was a typical fed induced recession. The current depression is borne of having no manufacturing and export base because we financed a billion people in order to have them compete with us.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    to shove Obamacare down America’s throats during a recession was the last straw

    What about the bailouts shoved down and created by Bush? I do not agree with obamacare because it is not a true solution, it is a political hybrid. However, the private sector “solution” we have been fed is a dismal failure and the only reason obamacare was demanded by the public was because of the utter, abject, greedy failure of the private sector over decades. You might be surprised that every other developed, and many undeveloped, and civilized economies strive for this benefit because they believe it to be essential. Why develop technology unless the benefits accrue to all and not just a few?
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    realizing the dark times we are living in, economically and spiritually, there’s nothing wrong with invoking the name of the great savior Wallenberg, to restore faith in humanity

    restore faith in which humanity: faith in trickle down economics, faith in continuing to export our jobs and capital, faith in taxpayer paying for bank bailouts and not getting their shares,faith in importing more immigrants so as to keep our own labor pool struggling to eat bread and water and for providing bought votes…I neednt mention the excesses and bankruptcy of the other side as you know that already. Mitt Romney did a drop for me with his kibbutz statement which was childish and geared for rallying useful idiots. As much as i dont want a left wing idiot i also dont want a right wing idiot. I want someone who is free of ideology so that practical solutions to real problems can be devised. Reality of behavior has nothing to do with ideologies: I have witnessed the ability of the greedy and corrupt to operate from either side of the spectrum and with each other regardless of the side. We know of the kibbutz contribution, what is the corporate contribution to Israel. I value the kibbutz and I agree that a person does not build a successful business without the community he is operating in. However, I am not fool enough to choose unbridled socialism, which provides an even greater opportunity from robbing the people.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    the predictible blaming of the Jews for the current crisis.

    It is important to support Israels rights and security. You may need to make aliyah.

  2. Phil Orenstein Said:

    speak from common sense and economics

    Actually, I see no economic arguments that are related to this situation. I see the opposition version of “hope and change” but nothing that acknowledges the cause of today’s problems and therefore its solutions. Common sense economics shows that for 25 years US politicians opened the US market to China/Asia, US businesses and govt invested heavily in capital equipment, technology and training in China, US govt and business did not require that China play on a competitive playing field regarding slave labor and the artificial yuan price. Europe did the same: now China supplies the world and the US, who used to supply the world, does not. Oddly, I see this as the main cause and of course its exposure incriminates everyone of both parties and business. The solution lies in the “bugaboo” of protectionism: choosing to build the US economy rather than destroy it with foreign goods and foreign workers, which is what the corporations and corrupt politicians have brought. Apparently now it is more patriotic to worship a free market for our enemies than to protect our own economy.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    It has nothing to do wiht jobs going overseas,

    It has to do with US jobs disappearing and chinese jobs growing, it has to do with the US financed and trained chinese taking away former US foreign markets(the whole world now buys from china). ON top of this severe and permanent structural damage there have been a number of corruption bubbles costing the US taxpayer billions in bailouts with no benefit. Why didn’t the bank shares get transferred to the public coffers in return for the bailouts? This is what a private entity would have required. The taxpayer is peddled the notion that only losses, and not profits, are his due. Perhaps the one thing worth importing from China is their penchant for execution of corrupt politicians and businessmen.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    would you build your factory with 100?s of new manufacturing jobs in the US with the world’s highest corp tax of 35%

    Perhaps, if that was the only way I could gain access to their lucrative consumer engine(which is in the process of being intentionally destroyed so as to grow asia.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    Canada where the rate is only 16%

    And yet Canada can afford health care for its populations without them first going bankrupt.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    Reagan lowered the corp tax rate and employment and economic growth followed suit.

    That is not the current model, Reagan and the fed also cooled an overheated economy with high interest rates. It was a typical fed induced recession. The current depression is borne of having no manufacturing and export base because we financed a billion people in order to have them compete with us.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    to shove Obamacare down America’s throats during a recession was the last straw

    What about the bailouts shoved down and created by Bush? I do not agree with obamacare because it is not a true solution, it is a political hybrid. However, the private sector “solution” we have been fed is a dismal failure and the only reason obamacare was demanded by the public was because of the utter, abject, greedy failure of the private sector over decades. You might be surprised that every other developed, and many undeveloped, and civilized economies strive for this benefit because they believe it to be essential. Why develop technology unless the benefits accrue to all and not just a few?
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    realizing the dark times we are living in, economically and spiritually, there’s nothing wrong with invoking the name of the great savior Wallenberg, to restore faith in humanity

    restore faith in which humanity: faith in trickle down economics, faith in continuing to export our jobs and capital, faith in taxpayer paying for bank bailouts and not getting their shares,faith in importing more immigrants so as to keep our own labor pool struggling to eat bread and water and for providing bought votes…I neednt mention the excesses and bankruptcy of the other side as you know that already. Mitt Romney did a drop for me with his kibbutz statement which was childish and geared for rallying useful idiots. As much as i dont want a left wing idiot i also dont want a right wing idiot. I want someone who is free of ideology so that practical solutions to real problems can be devised. Reality of behavior has nothing to do with ideologies: I have witnessed the ability of the greedy and corrupt to operate from either side of the spectrum and with each other regardless of the side. We know of the kibbutz contribution, what is the corporate contribution to Israel. I value the kibbutz and I agree that a person does not build a successful business without the community he is operating in. However, I am not fool enough to choose unbridled socialism, which provides an even greater opportunity from robbing the people.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    the predictible blaming of the Jews for the current crisis.

    It is important to support Israels rights and security. You may need to make aliyah.

  3. I hope it’s not to late for a response. We can dispense with the labels, as you suggest. I will also speak from common sense and economics and please grant me as well release from the liberal, conservative, rightwing, leftwing, trickle down or trickle up labels. It’s all about loss of faith in America and the stability of our economy. It has nothing to do wiht jobs going overseas, a tiny fraction of all the jobs in U.S. and potential jobs if we had true leadership at the top. If you were a businessman of means would you build your factory with 100’s of new manufacturing jobs in the US with the world’s highest corp tax of 35% or in another country, say Canada where the rate is only 16% and perhaps China where it’s even lower. Reagan lowered the corp tax rate and employment and economic growth followed suit. But leaving that aside, Obama ran on Hope and Change and now we have lost hope as a nation due to lack of leadership and businesses are reluctant to invest (and build factories) in America due to the uncertainty of the economy. Obama’s anti-business rhetoric and policies notwithstanding, to shove Obamacare down America’s throats during a recession was the last straw. For the first time since the Great Depression, in the 1940’s we have less $ in our pockets since Obama has been in office. We are all, businessmen, workers, rich and poor, hurting becusae everything, gas prices, food, electricity, insurance, property taxes, etc is going up, espcially for the unemployed. The deficit is skyrocketing and we have no revenue because of lack of jobs and much of our tax dollars goes to pay service on the debt. No country wants to invest in America with $16 trillion debt. To wake up and smell the coffee, realizing the dark times we are living in, economically and spiritually, there’s nothing wrong with invoking the name of the great savior Wallenberg, to restore faith in humanity and fight antisemitism at a time when we are a step away from tyranny’s onslaught, as we both agree, and the predictible blaming of the Jews for the current crisis.

  4. Phil Orenstein Said:

    While peddling the typical class warfare rhetoric

    I dont peddle any ideology, I am not invested in ideologies at either end
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    and whining about the evil corps selling out

    I am merely stating facts, you were whining about Obama. do you deny that Jobs and capital have been steadily exported to Asia for the lasr 20-25 years? Do you deny the massive bailouts of banks and companies due to corruption? Do you deny that these bailouts were funded by the taxpayer? I think for myself because unlike you I do not subscribe to a dogma. I have been accused of being both a communist and a fascist, right wing and left wing. I follow no dogma to parrot. You are knee jerk because you figure that if I say something that is labeled liberal then I must be a liberal, on the contrary, dont label me as it cannot explain my viewpoints.Phil Orenstein Said:

    Tyranny sets in becuase of the growing power of big gov’t in bed with big corps (that’s cronyism not what I call capitalism)

    whether govt is big or small there is a tendency towards corruption between big business and govts(including communist govts) “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutly” The people need protection from corrupt business and corrupt govt.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    you want me to beleive we don’t live in a communist state,

    I never said this however I agree you are on the road to tyranny of one form or another(it wont matter what its called because it wont be true anyway) I think you dont get it. this is not just a typical reecssion boom cycle, it is a structural problem in the making for 25 years. Past cycles were overheating and the fed would raise rates and create a recession. However, they have been keeping rates low because they know things are different now.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    My point is one of hope, that we don’t have to accept this fate,

    If you dont know what is happening and think the usual elixir will cure it then hope will not save you. Business cannot create jobs because the US no longer supplies the world. The US was paramount and expanding for a number of years but now big US business manufactures in Asia. The dollar will drop imported goods will go up and the US standard of living will continue to drop. I dont know how old you are but anyone over 60 would realize there is a fundamental change and everyone is being fed BS by both parties.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    we need to emulate Wallenberg’s courageous example

    Wallenbergs example was saving other peoples lives not “peddling” a political ideology. Wallenburg was helping others whereas many ideologues are just out to help themselves.
    Phil Orenstein Said:

    the evil ideologies which fill in the void

    Now you got it right: there is a void because they cant fix what they caused(both ideologies) but both will be happy to keep peddling their ideologies and getting benefit therefrom. If you think that the simple trickle down philosophy will solve the current situation I think you are in for a big surprise. Furthermore, in order to get obama out you must appeal to a wider base, many are injured by the economy who are not welfare cheats and have to choose between one ideology offering governmental “security” and the other offering trickle down economics. Why do you think that Obama, after screwing up so much, still garners majority support(including jews)?

  5. Bernard, what you’re saying is nonsense. While peddling the typical class warfare rhetoric and whining about the evil corps selling out, you’re acusing me of buying into the class warfare delusion? Go back and re-read my article and start thinking for yourself instead of parroting the liberal talking points about taxing the rich and corps sending jobs overseas. If the climate for free enterprise was better here, corp taxes were lower and regulators were’nt so anti-business, companies wouldn’t have to go overseas to make a profit. Tyranny sets in becuase of the growing power of big gov’t in bed with big corps (that’s cronyism not what I call capitalism) and the people who are asleep and act like sheep. Mayors of major cities are banning Chick-Fil-A becuase of the viewpoint of its founder, the Labor dept just added over 50k phantom jobs to boost the state’s job propaganda stats, 16000 IRS agents will be enforcing Obamacare’s (now constitutional) mandates and punishing offenders, and should Obama get a 2nd term to finish the job of redistributing the wealth, his communist sympathizing czars will be back, like Cass Sunstein, to enforce the “fairness doctrine” to shut down conservative viewpoints which will be deemed “conspriatorial” and you want me to beleive we don’t live in a communist state, although you say you’ve lived in them before? My point is one of hope, that we don’t have to accept this fate, and that in these troubling times of encroaching tyranny and rising antisemitism, we need to emulate Wallenberg’s courageous example for righteous and freedom loving people everywhere to get up off their you know what and fight against the growing power of gov’t and the evil ideologies which fill in the void and capitalize on the people’s deep sleep of not wanting to get involved.

  6. Obama took control of the auto industry, the banks and nationalized healthcare. The state now controls the schools, the press, our cultural institutions, our healthcare and large sectors of the economy. Our freedoms are being stripped away. Soon the internet will be a tool of the government and free enterprise will no longer be free.

    You are absolutely right in where things will go. Big business in league with big politicians have shipped the jobs and capital to Asia and looted the savings of America at home. It is because the rich have not invested in america that the govt will step in. I have seen this before. The real solution is not fighting class warfare with more class warfare but instead recognizing the real situation and divising solutions. Trickle down economy is ridiculous and anachronistic, it never happened, and is a con to avoid taxes for the rich. Private enterprise needs to become engaged in creating REAL solutions, not just ideological ones, or tyrannical govt will step into the vacuum and expand. I fear this will not happen because private enterprise at the top level has already abandoned america. They dont need to return because they have now created huge consumption engines in Asia to replace the US consumption engine which they have left(for even greater profits I might add) From now on it will be about accommodating the US population to accept a lower standard of living, perhaps this is the real purpose behind the appointment of Obama as president of the US, the control and management of a population undergoing a downward spiral of their economy with no way back. Pray tell where will these mythical jobs be created, in what industry and at what numbers???

  7. The message of his life and legacy is particularly germane to the Tea Party which is all about individual initiative, constitutionally limited government and free enterprise. Raoul Wallenberg epitomizes individual initiative, freedom and the sanctity of the individual against the all-powerful state.

    this statement best epitomises Obama’s best chance for winning the election and why US Jews vote for Obama. Does the writer of this really believe this self serving opportunistic drivel? Wallenbourg’s actions epitomises humanitarianism and compassion, which according to the rest of this absurd analogy,this article does not. You totally depreciate that Jews were slaughtered because they were jews and not because they stood up for the ndividaul right to pursue capitalism. In fact it is because Jews were identified with bolshevism that the capitalist class(eg henry ford) financed hitlers genocidal programs. You recognise the political maniplation using those on welfare but you are the same. You buy into the class warfare arguments by seeing those on welfare as being cheats and crooks. You cynically exploit a courageous mans humanitarian action to portray your own self serving greed in the same light. You talk about welfare cheats, who get a couple of hundred a month but say nothing of the billions ripped off by CEO’s and corrupt politicians. It is precisely because you have these same class warfare views from the opposite perspective that those Jews who are not doing well will vote for Obama. One does not have to be a communist, as you like to portray, to see the greed and corruption of the unbridled capitalist society. Your side and Obamas side will have everyone believe that free enterprise is the same as the god of capitalism, that one must choose between the god of greed and the god of communism, that it is desirable that people go bankrupt in a “developed civilized society” in order to get medical help. The 2 ideologies have the population in a vise grip between unlimited greed and unlimited tyranny. I have lived in countries which came near to communism and know the tactics and despise them. However, it seems shameful that there are 3rd world countries that seek to do more for their impoverished populations than the so called leader of the free world. It is scandalous that a poverty stricken tyrannical communist country like Cuba is able to produce more doctors and free medical(they export doctors). I refuse to be a part of this swindle that I must choose between greed and tyranny as both are corruption and both are tyranny. To be practical it is mainly corporations who have shifted the capital and jobs to asia which is the biggest cause of the current depression and that may never end. It is mainly the banks and financial corporations who ended up being bailed out by taxpayers money who is the next biggest cause of the current depression. these same corporations have given nothing back to the community in which they do business. They have taken their post bail out profits and pocketed them. If these corporations are the ones who cause the depression how are they going to be the ones to save the country, they dont care about anything but themselves? Everyone moans about obamacare, and I agree. However, it arrived because there was consensus that the current system is not working and is not reflective of a developed and civilized society. Why have the brilliant corporations ever come up with a unique free enterprise solution to the desire of a society for medical security? They came up with a solution for free and compulsory education, funded by the taxpayer, because they wanted the skilled workers without the expense. We need more honest and practical analysis and to repudiate these anachronistic viewpoints regarding capitalism and communism. I am 100% for free enterprise because I have observed that it is the best engine to release creativity. However, I am not for greedy capitalists running the world in their own image.