Ramaswamy Took Soros Money Then Tried to Hide Truth

By Newsmax Wires    |   Tuesday, 22 August 2023 

Vivek Ramaswamy didn’t tell the truth about the real reason he took money from the family of George Soros.

After criticism for receiving a $90,000 grant from the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship to attend Yale Law School, Ramaswamy claimed that he did so only because he “didn’t have the money” pay for it.

But in 2011, the same year he started Yale, Ramaswamy reported he made $2.2 million in income, according to his tax returns reviewed by Fox News.

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His returns also show for the three years before 2011 he made over $1.1 million income working as a hedge fund analyst.

Ramaswamy’s connection with Paul Soros, the brother of the controversial George Soros, has raised eyebrows in Republican circles.

In a recent interview with Real America’s Voice, Ramaswamy explained he took the money out of need.

“There was a separate scholarship that I won at the age of 24-25, when I was going to law school in my mid-20s, in my early 20s,” he said. “When I didn’t have the money and it was a merit scholarship that hundreds of kids win, that was partially funded, not by George Soros, but by Paul Soros a relative, his brother.”

Ramaswamy also claimed in the interview that when he received the fellowship a decade earlier George Soros had not “gone of the rails” pushing leftwing politics.

But that isn’t true either.

George Soros had been a prolific funder of leftwing causes since the 1990s and was the leading billionaire donor opposing George W. Bush from the early 2000s.
Ramaswamy’s campaign spokesperson Tricia McLaughlin gave Fox a similar explanation.<

“Vivek won a generic scholarship that hundreds of students win to attend graduate school,” she said. “It was funded by a relative of George Soros who is long dead.”

“Vivek would have been a fool to turn down that scholarship – Anyone who would have shouldn’t get anywhere near the White House doing trade deals.”

Still, Ramaswamy appears to be nervous about the association with the Soros family.

The 38-year-old businessman had long touted his Soros connection on his Wikipedia page before he ran for president.

But earlier this year attempts were made to remove the Soros scholarship reference.

In May Mediaite reported that “Ramaswamy himself has made an intentional effort to conceal his own biography, even paying a Wikipedia editor to remove potentially politically damaging details about his past from his page.”

According to Mediaite the changes to Ramaswamy’s Wikipedia page were made just weeks before he announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for president.

Vivek Ramaswamy – WEF Tool want to Reenter Obama’s TPP Agreement

Vivek Ramaswamy Aligns with McConnell, DeSantis, Club for Growth and Wall Street Promoting U.S. to Reenter TPP Trade Agreement 

July 29, 2023 | Sundance |

The multilateral trade agreement known as the Transpacific Partnership (TPP), is a massive pacific rim trade agreement favored by Wall Street, the US Chamber of Commerce, Club for Growth, Ron DeSantis (voted to approve) and now candidate Vivek Ramaswamy.

President Trump famously took the U.S. out of the TPP agreement around the same time he took us out of the Paris Climate Agreement.  As noted by President Trump and his economic team at the time, Free Trade Agreements (FTA’s) are beneficial to the USA when they are bilateral between the U.S. and another singular nation.  Multinational trade agreements end up serving the interests of the least common denominator nation and are detrimental in their finished outcome to U.S. consumers.

Wall Street loves multinational trade agreements because they provide greater flexibility for the profit opportunities of global corporations, multinational corporations and banks.  However, Main Street USA suffers from lost manufacturing jobs, lowered overall wages, and cheap imported durable goods that are an outcome of the lowest cost manufacturing priority.

During a Twitter spaces discussion yesterday presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy said he was in favor of reengaging the U.S. in the TPP trade agreement.  This is a non-starter for any America First economic platform.

“I think we should re-enter it,” Ramaswamy said to Musk about 94 minutes into the conversation on Twitter. “I think this is a little bit different than what, you know, the course of action taken by Trump in exiting the TPP [Trans-Pacific Partnership]. I think that was actually a poor decision.” (link)

This should be a disqualifying position for any consideration in the Trump administration.


Listen as Vivek says he wants America to re-enter into Obama’s TPP trade deal and says President Trump made a “poor decision” by pulling out.

You can take the WEF out of your wikipedia bio, but you can’t take the globalism out of your heart.

August 23, 2023 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. @John Galt III
    Your partial quote of Sundance’s statement would of course seem to support your criticism of him, but when his full statement is read, it would seem you criticism is well off target. Indeed, Sundance’s statement about Ram was far more substantive than the mere idol worship you colored it as being. Here is the full statement which Sundance made about Ram which provides the greater context which is lacking in your partial statement:

    Vivek Ramaswamy Aligns with McConnell, DeSantis, Club for Growth and Wall Street Promoting U.S. to Reenter TPP Trade Agreement

    Ram stated that

    “I think we should re-enter it,” Ramaswamy said to Musk about 94 minutes into the conversation on Twitter. “I think this is a little bit different than what, you know, the course of action taken by Trump in exiting the TPP [Trans-Pacific Partnership]. I think that was actually a poor decision.”

    The TPP was not some trivial topic, as it was one of the key elements in Trump’s platform which gained him the support to crack the Blue Wall, which made both of his election victories possible.

    Not only is Ram’s support of the TPP the wrong position for America, it will create a devastating blow to the supporters who are looking to extend Trump’s economic vision for America rather than rolling it back as it seems is Ram’s position, at least with regards to the TPP which was Obama’s signature economic model which gained the support of other Reps including Ron Desantis, notably enough. As DC Draino, ie Rogan O’Handley, notably states,

    Listen as Vivek says he wants America to re-enter into Obama’s TPP trade deal and says President Trump made a “poor decision” by pulling out

    You can take the WEF out of your wikipedia bio, but you can’t take the globalism out of your heart

    Vivek is Asia first, not America first

    Ram’s statement of support for the TPP is unequivocal, as is clear in the audio in this link.

    Trump might not be the only candidate on the ballot, but he would appear to be the only America First candidate on the ballot, which was fairly stated intent Sundance’s statement. Ram’s support for the TPP will be a deal breaker for many on both the liberal and conservative elements of the MAGA movement, and it certainly is for me, in this or any election. Consequently, Sundance, whose headline you partially quoted, was quite correct. Thank you for drawing this to my attention.

  2. More Rubbish from “Sundance”

    “Vivek Ramaswamy Aligns with McConnell, DeSantis, Club for Growth and Wall Street Promoting U.S. to Reenter TPP Trade Agreement”

    So “Sundance” of the Conservative Treehouse wrote this garbage. To him and his cult only Donald Trump can save us. Every other candidate is a devil, a RINO or worse. Sundance banned me on his website for pointing out Trump’s failures. That is not allowed. Only goose stepping for Trump is permitted.

    Sundance is right about the Deep State and he gets what is wrong with Washington DC and the Democrats but is blinded by his worship of all things Trump. His followers almost to a person have said in the comment section of his website that if Trump is not the nominee then they are not voting. So, if it is Michelle Obama vs. Ron DeSantis they will boycott.

    You couldn’t find a more narrow minded, ignorant bunch of clowns anywhere. Sundance lives in Florida. As he hates DeSantis so much a real man would hightail it out of Florida but both he and Trump seem to like it in DeSantis Country.

    What a bunch of lunatic hypocrites.

  3. I agree very much with leanmarc@ii.net. Vivek Ramaswamy is smooth, and he’s being funded by billionaires not so he can win, but so he can prevent Trump from winning. Their strategy is lawfare, to bleed Trump dry of resources, and multiple RINO contenders who can kill Trump by a thousand cuts, at least this is their hope. Their final hope is in electoral fraud.

    I agree with chocopot except for the following: It has now been proven that electronic voting machines are connected to the internet. By this method the vote counting can be changed at will at the level of every precinct. But also, there is new technology that can detect the internet connection of the electronic voting machines, and massive amounts of Trump supporters will be getting the word out in real time via Frank Social (social media) when they find out where and when their voting machines are connected to the internet.

    In addition, by virtue of Quantum computing through Omega4America, every ballot’s address can be compared in real time with real estate records and phony addresses such as hundreds of votes from a 7-11 or vacant lot can be identified and removed from the rolls. Jay Sullivan is working with state election commissions wherever he can to clean up state voting rolls in advance of the election. We know however that hundreds or thousands of fake voters are added to the voting rolls just prior to elections and then removed the day after. These will also have to be addressed.

    There are countless ways to commit fraud by means of electronic voting.

    It is not 100% clear that Trump supporters can prevent them all.

    However, those who are currently in power want us to feel it’s hopeless. Dr. Garcia wrote an article here:


    Saying that of all the conspiracy theories conservatives supposedly believe in, the worst conspiracy of all is that it’s all over, that there’s no way out.

    Yes we will have to stand up for freedom, for protecting our Bill of Rights, and for getting back those freedoms which the globalists and central bankers have taken from us. There will come a time when each of us will have to make a choice: a moment of courage or a lifetime of regret.

    We are going to have to save ourselves and rise to the occasion to challenge every effort made to destroy what remains of our freedoms. Sooner or later, we Americans won’t have much to lose and everything to gain.

    There are words from an old spiritual: Oh Freedom! Oh Freedom! Oh Freedom over me…but before I’ll be a slave I’ll be buried in my grave and go home to my Lord and be free!

  4. Vivek sounds very clever and he is young which is attractive.
    But the whole time he has seemed a shill somehow.
    His talk about disassembling the administrative state is attractive but maybe he is full of BS. The malfeasance and human rights tragedy of The Covid Response Disaster should cause Anger but he smiles.
    He wants to end chain migration but that is an attack on FAMILY which should be the cornerstone of any good society – Strong Family actually trumps merit in a healthy society.
    Fox News was pushing this guy from the beginning.
    He is too calculating and smiley and smooth.
    That means he is somehow establishment disguised as an outsider.
    He has all the right answers but somehow is all wrong.
    I’ll be happy for him to support legal migration, and 2nd Amendment, and other stuff as long as he loses.

  5. EvRe1 –

    I agree with your every word. The fact remains, however, that the massive fraud/cheating machine put in place to steal the 2020 election remains in place, with the sole exceptions of Florida and Texas, which went to Trump anyway. So no matter how the people vote, the globalists are in control and will “elect” whomever they want. We are so screwed…

  6. I think it is fair to say that the only MAGA candidate in the race is Donald Trump. The RNC and DNC are private clubs bought and paid for by billionaire globalists and central banks. These people hate everything Donald Trump stands for. Primarily they stand to lose if he becomes President because he is firmly protective of US Sovereignty. He will protect our borders. He is against wars that are not necessary for our national security. He wants to bring manufacturing back to the US, because he believes a strong economy is national security. He wants to protect individual freedom and liberty. He wants to clean up the swamp in DC and now he knows the full extent of the swamp.

    The others running in the Republican race are all running because they believe Trump will be knocked out of the race due to legal problems. None of them really want to run against him. Ramaswamy is intelligent and has some good ideas, but his connection to Soros seems sketchy, especially his attempts to scrub his Wikipedia page.

    De Santis is a total construct of the billionaire donor class of Never Trumpers. He never had true grass roots support. He recently said, “A movement can’t be about the personality of one individual. If all we are is listless vessels that’s just supposed to follow, you know, whatever happens to come down the pike on Truth Social every morning, that’s not going to be a durable movement.” I think he is 41 points behind Donald Trump in the polls.

    The rest of the field is in single digits. They too are supported by Never Trumper billionaires.

    The RNC and DNC are scared. Nothing they throw at Donald Trump works, and it’s worse: each time they slap him with another lawsuit Trump gains more financial support and more new voters, because Americans, if we have one thing in common, we are for fairness. And to Americans what is happening to Trump is not fair.

    There is plenty of time between now and the election for the billionaire class to cancel the election if they can’t prevent Trump from running. But I think that would be the last straw for Americans.