Radical Leftist New Israel Fund Booted from Taglit-Birthright

Extremist group behind pro-BDS NGOs announces its partnership with Birthright cancelled for trying to ‘influence Israeli policy.’

By Ari Yashar, INN

StopThe radical leftist group New Israel Fund (NIF) announced earlier this monththat its partnership with Taglit-Birthright Israel, Birthright Israel NEXT and Young Judea in which it guided trips to Israel for young American Jews has been cancelled.

NIF announced the development in a letter penned by the group’s director in the New York Tri-State area Stephanie Ives, which was obtained by Ron Torossian, CEO of the PR agency 5WPR and a regular Arutz Shevacontributor.

According to the group, they had been given three reasons for the cancellation, the first being that “Birthright Israel determined that [NIF’s] marketing of the trip was in violation of their policy because our NIF logo was slightly larger than the Birthright Israel logo.”

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The second reason given, according to NIF, was that NIF seeks “to influence policy in Israel.”

The last reason given was that “Birthright Israel decided to cancel a number of the New York UJA (United Jewish Appeal) trips because of recruitmentconcerns.”

NGO Monitor has shown the NIF to be closely associated with the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement against Israel. In addition, the NIF-funded web channel Social Television was revealed last August to beencouraging violent Arab riots.

NIF was co-chaired by US President Barack Obama’s erstwhile “peace talk” mediator Martin Indyk, who reportedly showed a “nasty” anti-Israel bias in a barroom rant in May – allegations he denied.

Indyk’s employer, the supposedly independent think tank Brookings Institute, was revealed in September to be funded by Qatar, which is its largest foreign source of funds – and also the largest source of funds for the terrorist organization Hamas that has vowed to destroy Israel.


November 26, 2014 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. @ yamit82:

    Aren’t you one of them? And Shmuel HaLevi? They do exist. You don’t have lavish foreign funding but your beliefs are what makes the country run.

    Just look around.

  2. @ yamit82:

    “Who are those Jews??? I don’t see em.”
    I think some of them post here, sir. I was kind of thinking about yourself, am I way off.

  3. NormanF Said:

    Jews can be their own worst enemies.

    Jews have always had amongst us 5th column Jews and or treasonous Jews. Always from day one. In a couple of weeks we will celebrate Chanukah when we commemorate the victory of the Jewish Zealots against the then Liberal assimilationist Hellenistic Jews of their day, a 23 year very bloody civil war.

    Zealots won and Judaism and the Jewish people prevailed. Believe me it was a very bloody civil war so bloody, the rabbis to this day don’t openly talk about it; so they invented the story of the oil that lasted 8 days.

    What we have today is child’s play by comparison.

    Fortunately, Jews who are concerned about Israel’s future are defending Zionism and the state and sweeping the Fifth Column filth out of their midst.

    Who are those Jews??? I don’t see em.

  4. @ SHmuel HaLevi 2:

    Jews can be their own worst enemies. Fortunately, Jews who are concerned about Israel’s future are defending Zionism and the state and sweeping the Fifth Column filth out of their midst.

  5. Excellent start to what must be a process of clean up.
    The Jewish people, as defined in the Torah and those that join us with goodwill must remove the Erev Rav, unJews, capos and such.
    The Islamic beasts allied with said renegades will see of our stern acts against their allies as a direct message to them as well.
    Mr. Rivlin. The political map is changing fast and you are way out of the pot. Severe changes will take place here and no one is exempt.
    We, the people, want a Jewish country de jure and fact.
    We do not want the hybrid created by Peres and his gangs.
    There may be here as many Muslims as Jews are in Jordan, etc. Not a one more.