Rabbi Herzog Tweets Warnings About Egypt, Syria, Oman, and Jordan

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July 4, 2024 | 3 Comments »

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  1. @Adam
    If you click on the tweet and then on the “Translate” link at the bottom, you will see the translation of Rabbi Herzog’s comments.

  2. I just found a translation of Rabbi Herzog’s tweet on his “X” site.However, it was done by Goodle tTranslate and therefore may not be entirely accurate. Could Mudar post his own, undoubtedly superior, translation this site?

    Rabbi Hezog is a fascinating personality, but I am having a hard time figuring out what to make of him/ He is a dual American and Israeli citizen. He is also a member of the Lubovitcher society. However, the Lubovitcher offoce in Jerusalem says that they have not recognized him as a Lubovitcher “shaliach” (emissary”) in Saudi Arabia. A sokesman for the Israeli government has also denied any connection with his activities in Saudi Arabia, although confirming that he is an Israeli citizen.

  3. It would be helpsull if Ted and Madar coulld sent us English translations of Rabbi Herzog’s warnings. Rabbi Herzog claims to be the Jewish rabbi of Saudi Arabia and seems to spend most of his time there. So far, however, the Saudi government has not recognized him as the Rabbii of saudi Arabia and has not legalized Jusaism, even though there are are said to be “expatriate” Jews who are more or less permanent residents of Saudi Arabia.

    What Rabbi Herzog’s relationship is to the other Arab countries mention in MUdar’s column, and what his relationship is with the Kingdom of Jordan, and I wish Ted and Mudar would post an explanation on this site.