Rabbi Herzog: Today and more information

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Today and more information:

Al Houthi received support from a Gulf state that we know well, and the big shot who rules it believes that he can play on the rope of Gaza, Sudan, Jordan, Lebanon and even Israel. By God, you will be imprisoned in your palace until death comes to you, defeated and regretful. The time of patting is over and we will not have mercy on a thug like you.

Deep sadness is spreading in the region and I will not elaborate.

Scandals in Sudan and proof of the involvement of Arab countries in arranging mass massacres against innocents. The Arab Rambo will try to act like a witness who saw nothing, but against whom? The issue will start at the end of the year and escalate until the summer of 2025 and international courts.

The battle with the Houthis is not over and we and the Americans will strike him again. Al Houthi will escalate and we will burn the strike with twenty thousand strikes in return. War is a debate and we are very patient.

Jordanian spies working with Jordanian intelligence were exposed, spying on an important Gulf state. The issue will be shrouded in secrecy and the King of Jordan will try to release some of them, to no avail. The time when the king could do whatever he wanted is over.

The health of the Emir of Kuwait, may God protect him, needs special attention, especially since the man has been tiring himself out a lot lately. We will see him in a moral and humanitarian scene soon. Mark my words.

The use of drones in new terrorist acts against Arab countries, against Israel, and against American targets. The Arab countries involved are behind the issue, not Iran. The masses of Arab countries will storm the royal palaces, bedrooms, and swimming pools. Remember these words well.

The Crown Prince of Morocco will be king in 14 (fourteen) months. Maybe before, but I don’t think he will be late.

A terrifying sedition in Morocco, and the devils of mankind and jinn are playing, and the hungry are revolting, and the rulers of Algeria are gloating on their television and blaming the ruling family. Our prayers are for Morocco, its rulers, and its people, but God is victorious, as they say. Demonstrators raise the slogan (Republic of Morocco).

His Highness Mohammed bin Salman donates huge sums of money to the Palestinians in Jordan due to their difficult financial circumstances. 50,000 Gazans will move to Jordan permanently in exchange for four billion dollars paid to the state.

Mahmoud Abbas will be in the hospital soon, but clings to power. Hussein al-Sheikh will take over sooner or later and then hand over all power to the bald falcon.

Radical and organizational changes in Tulkarm camp in particular and some in Jenin. Whoever opposes the coming regime will be sent to the sky.

All attempts to destabilize Bahrain have failed. And American soldiers in the kingdom are on alert for any attack.

The American army in Jordan is ready for wide-scale operations and redeployment and an additional number of them will arrive very soon. The Sarayra clan in Karak/Jordan will become the strongest clan in the south of the country and the most influential clan in Karak. Their secret is great and their lineage is noble but they do not know. The Majali and the Tarawneh are leaving history/Amalek as the Torah describes.

Change is coming to Jordan and whoever opposes it will disappear from existence. Howling and jumping in the manner of the Salbah and Shawaya clans is useless. Capital is thicker than a single F-15 bomb. The majority of Palestinians are satisfied and the caravan is moving. Do not commit suicide.

The price of gold will fall a little then rise. Don’t sell gold now unless you decide to buy more when it goes down again and then goes up again. Controversial new assassination in Syria!!

As my friend from an Arab ruling family advised, invest in medium-sized apartments in Budapest Hungary and residential complexes as their price will rise significantly.

July 23, 2024 | Comments »

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