Rabbi Herzog: The UAE and Cryptic Mention of Sinwar

See Tranlation below Translation:


The chronic inferiority complex of the President of the UAE, Mohammed bin Zayed, is the reason for his provocations against the major countries around him. President Mohammed bin Zayed is completely controlled by Mohammed Dahlan and his Palestinian advisor Abu Lulu. They play with the president like a puppet.

President Mohammed bin Zayed dreams of ruling the region and playing the lead role, while he is not even fit for a minor role.

The provocations and media incitements against major regional countries come from the “Arab Rambo.”

 The UAE’s electronic flies, in cooperation with the Jordanian king’s intelligence, incite from Abu Dhabi against the Gulf countries. They applaud Iran’s puppets like the King of Jordan and the Houthis. They incite a civil war in Jordan and the killing of ten million Jordanians of Palestinian origin. They also incite the continuation of the war in Sudan, the killing of civilians, and the slaughter of Muslims by each other. Additionally, they are planning a civil war in Libya.

The President of the UAE, Mohammed bin Zayed, has now taken on the role of the devil’s own agent. And I say to him, enjoy your last six months of control and rule. Mr. President Mohammed bin Zayed, the same thing will happen to you as what you did to your brother Khalifa. You will be incapacitated in your palace until your time comes. You will fall ill within months, and the day will come soon when you will be unable to work and will sit at home in an open prison.

And the rule will not go to your son, the Crown Prince, Mr. President, but rather to your brother Mansour, with the help of your brother Tahnoun. The lineage of President Mohammed bin Zayed will be stopped. No rule, no money, no good memory, and a severe reckoning from God for those who lost their families because of your political folly.

By the way, Mr. President Mohammed bin Zayed, if you think we will forgive your direct relationship with Hamas and Ismail Haniyeh in your project to pass on the rule of Gaza to Dahlan, you are mistaken.

Mark my words, a light tremor will come from the sky and the earth, affecting the UAE. You will see and hear it.

The manifestations of protests against Sisi will increase significantly. More videos and a declared popular anger against President “Balaha.” Let President Mohammed bin Zayed help you, if he can. What is the end of serving the invaders— a beating or what?

Before the end of the upcoming 2025, all the assets and properties purchased by the UAE in Jordan will be confiscated and nationalized. The Jordanian newspaper “Al-Ghad” (owned by Rambo) in Amman will be shut down. The UAE ambassador will be expelled, and the president will order the Jordanians to leave the UAE within two weeks. Mark these words.

Wait for big news about Sinwar on your televisions.

August 28, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. According to the information I have received. King Abdullah II, asked MBZ to approach Al Sisi to get his cooperartion in supporting the coming war in Gaza. MBZ paid him a hefty sum and bought him off if that was even necessary. That is why Abdullah, MBZ and Al Sisi are all doomed. and Rabbi Herzog, as the mouth piece of MBS, keep talking about it.