Rabbi Herzog: “The storm has started quietly in #Jordan”

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Translation :

The storm has started quietly in #Jordan . The King of Jordan will fall and Queen Rania of Jordan will be escorted to the door of the plane that will depart without return. You will not hear much about the King of Jordan after his fall and then his death will come, while the Queen of Jordan will completely lose her mind and will live poor, destitute and bereaved.

Dear Queen of #Jordan , understand that we know everything from the secret funds to your bedroom. And the advice of the kind Egyptian in your entourage is a spy on you, O Queen of Jordan, even though he seems weak. King Rania, I am sorry to tell you that the gold deposits and the billions of the cup that you put in the safes of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein are all out of your control. Forget this money and others. Queen Rania, let Prince Hashem live with his father for his own good and safety. You understand why very well.

Queen Rania, the money of your mother, Mrs. Elham, is destined to the same fate as your money.

My sadness for the Crown Prince of Jordan, Prince Hussein, a short life and an orphaned child. Unfortunately, no one listens to advice.

And give the Jordanians good news that the king and queen’s accounts, most of which are stolen from you, are now frozen and Queen Rania will not be able to collect a penny. The queen will leave with only travel expenses that will not last her two weeks and will call Arab rulers asking for help, but they will hang up on her.

The next president of Jordan, I have mentioned his name several times and I do not like to repeat myself. He has our full support and his destiny is to control Jordan and the Palestinians in the territories of Judea and Samaria.

Jordanian intelligence has become a threat to the entire region, it is involved with terrorists in the West Bank and supports terrorists in Iraq and Syria and strengthens extremists inside Jordan itself, and all of this with the support of King Abdullah and the Queen herself. Jordanian intelligence will be silenced forever until it is dissolved by the new president. The era of the thugs and bullies of Jordanian intelligence is completely over.

The #Jordanian army plays a balanced, national role and cooperates with the excellent international force. It all starts with a speech by a Jordanian general on television and you will witness it with your own eyes.

Watch what is happening in #Jordan because it is a rehearsal for what will happen in #Egypt. The same thing with one difference: all the current rulers of Jordan will go into exile while President Sisi will be imprisoned. Sisi is the last military president of Egypt. No military will rule Egypt after this. The Egyptian military regime will end, and before it ends, it will be taught a lesson with a defeat in Sinai. Where the great Egyptian army will turn its back and make a living.

To be clear, the fall of the Egyptian military regime is not now. It will take seven years. But there is a real civilian president coming now, and he is most likely Alaa Mubarak.

Mr. Alaa Mubarak, son of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, please take care of your half-sister Marwa Mohamed Hosni Mubarak. Enough scandals and enough stubbornness. Please do not respond to Mama Suzanne, the widow of the Egyptian president. Acknowledge the girl and appear humane to the Egyptian people.

Unfortunately, Mr. President Mohammed bin Zayed, you have bet a lot on the so-called Palestinian politician Mohammed Dahlan. The biggest mistake you made was that you expected Mohammed Dahlan to rule Gaza, and you even made a deal with Hamas that would allow Dahlan to return to Gaza after the war ends. Mr. President Mohammed bin Zayed, this politician will have neither a stake nor a share, and we will not allow him any position. This Palestinian politician has shadowed you enough.

President Mohammed bin Zayed, a final piece of advice for you: Stop trying to prevent the next president in Jordan and stay away from the King of Jordan. Especially since you have made a real enemy of the next president. What is the benefit of all this, Mr. President, or have Dahlan and Abu Lulu deceived you?

#Egypt and problems at sea, and I will not go into detail now, you will see.

A painful blow to the Houthis in Yemen, of a different kind than others, will not pass the end of this summer, but unfortunately the situation remains as it is.

A blow from the Houthis will come from Yemen to #Israel soon, as usual, without any real harm. Firecrackers and an Iranian show. The new Jordanian Republic is almost part of the Great Kingdom of #Saudi Arabia .

August 26, 2024 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. The King of Jordan has other assets besides the ones that are in Liechtenstein and Luxembourg. So, they have no money in Switzerland, the UK, the rest Europe, the Caribbean, Asia? Oh, please.

    How do I know this?

    A member of my family rented a small portion of a very expensive European property that he owns. Not the Kingdom of Jordan, He himself. Trust me, that particular property if sold would last anyone a lifetime. He wouldn’t need anything else. Don’t believe me?


  2. What a time we live in
    the Vilna Gaon share a Prophecy/Dream near his death
    When Rus, goes into Crimea
    Begin to get ready

    When Rus goes into Constantinople/Istanbul
    Put on your Shabbos Clothing and do not take it off.
    For then M is surely here.

    That was hundreds of years ago…