Rabbi Herzog: “The new Arab Spring has begun.”

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The new Arab Spring has begun. The first country is Jordan, where the regime will be overthrown slowly. Then Sisi will fall, followed by Bashar, the Libyan government, and then the Arab “Rambo.” The timeline for implementation is 30 months, starting with Jordan.

Jordan will become a republic with equality among citizens, similar to Israel, with no tribes or clans. Hundreds of billions will be pumped into Jordan, and everyone will be happy. In the future, it will unite with the Palestinian Arabs in Judea and Samaria.

More than 95% of Jordan’s population is Palestinian. We know this, America knows this, and all Arab countries know this. We don’t need a Jordanian opposition figure to reveal this; it’s in international reports. No matter how much you claim about “the million-person tribe” or “the billion-person tribe,” it’s all illusions.

For the last time, Jordan’s next president will be Mudar Zahran. This is what the Torah code said, what high-level sources said, and what I have seen in what God has shown me. Mohammed Dahlan has zero chance of ruling even a Yemeni Mandi restaurant in Atiqa. As for Bassem Awadallah, no one has bothered to get him out of prison. And as for the one called “Za’eet Nataat Al-Hayt” who thinks he will rule Jordan and sent me his tweet, his place is in a mental hospital, nothing more.

The name Manaf Tlass will be heard strongly at the beginning of next year and will rise. There will be no discussion of Syria’s future president before a significant change in Jordan and Egypt. It’s too early to talk about this.

A month ago, I told you there were disturbing issues in Germany related to Arabs and Muslims, and unfortunately, you saw what happened in the Solingen terrorist attack. We pray for everyone’s safety and caution in Sweden and Belgium.

Fighting in Gaza continues. No truce this year. No truce before the last Hamas member leaves for heaven.

I told you about major operations in the West Bank, Judea, and Samaria. And I tell you the issue will grow, and the operations will expand.

To the reckless and terrorists in these places, we will turn you into “Kabsa.” Jenin camp. Tulkarm camp. Balata camp. Bethlehem. Dura Hebron. This is just the first phase.

A significant decline in Abu Mazen’s health. I doubt he will be around a year from now.

Hussein al-Sheikh will manage the Palestinian Authority, and he and intelligence chief Majid Faraj will work on arranging a new situation for Palestinians with Jordan in 2025.

Yes, the thugs and terrorists from the camps in Judea and Samaria will be deported to Jordan. No one will be able to prevent this.

We are not worried about the Egyptian border; if the Egyptian army approaches, we will strike them with the old sandal. The Syrian border, Bashar, and the Russians are our friends now. We are working on the Lebanese border. The Jordanian border is protected by 10,000 American soldiers.

A major explosion in Iran will be seen on television. Both the attacker and the attacked will remain silent about it.

September 1, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Bottom line for me is that Jordan will becme a Republic with Mudar Zahran as its President. He also notes that “it will unite with the Palestinian Arabs in Judea and Samaria.” Yes, the PA will dissolve and Mudar will be responsible for the Palestinians there and I have said he will rule with an Iron fist.

    All as I foretold.