Rabbi Herzog: The Fate Of Gaza Is Clear

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July 9, 2024 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. @Adam
    Beyond the title, it goes on to explain that Hamas is ending while “we” will be continuing. He explains further that all those who opposed Israel will face the consequences in the carnage which began this month. He shares that the Iraqi militias will be destroyed and that Iran will no longer control Iraq, and that Isis will not be replacing Iran in that role either, contrary to media reports. He notes that there will be reports of stolen Iraqi oil and assets will soon be seen in the media. He goes further to explain that the leaders of Iraq and Jordan will face the consequences for their involvement in the terrorism at the Iraqi-Jordanian border. He ends by noting that Assad is eliminating all who might testify against him in court.

    This is just a brief summary of what can be garnered from the translation, by me in any event.

  2. @Sebastien

    Nothing about Gaza apart from the title.

    Actually, there is. The first sentence of the tweet is the title. Just FYI.

  3. My computer won’t publish the translation. It says “unable to fetch translation” when I try to read it. Could someone translate this cor us and post the translayion on this page?

  4. @Josephus Nothing about Gaza apart from the title. I’m reminded of the Georgie Jessel radio bit, one of my favorites, I remember listening to a recording of as a kid, that went:

    Who’s there?
    You don’t say.
    You don’t say.
    You don”t say! (with rising intensity.)

    Who was it dear?

    He didn’t say. 😀

    another phone bit at 1:58 from the 60s, I just discovered, that earlier one was from the 30s or 40s.

    He’s really funny. So is the host. Phil Harris. The Irish ending is moving. Fits the Gaza post. For our people and our friends, not our enemies or their friends..


  5. It doesn’t say which Gaza: the 3,100-year city of King David, or the Gaza of the British 2-State Mandate of 1948, or the Gaza now invaded by the Pretend Palestinians. Very confusing.

  6. @Vivarto
    Click on the tweet, or click on the “Show more” on the tweet. Either way, it will open the full tweet, at the bottom left of which you will see a “Translate Post” link which, once clicked, will provide the translation of the tweet. Alternatively, you can open the tweet in Chrome or Edge browsers and use the translate features to translate the tweet.