Rabbi Herzog: The End of Three Arab Rulers Has Begun Now

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The end of three Arab rulers has begun now. The end of the King of Jordan, President Sisi, and the Arab Rambo.

The King of Jordan will fall and disappear. The Queen of Jordan will be led by the Jordanian Guard, almost restrained, to the plane’s door and expelled from the country.

The Jordanian army is restless. The next ruler is hiding in the dungeons of London until his grand appearance. The flood is coming for the Jordanian royal family.

President Sisi will fall ill, followed by a coup, imprisonment, and then expelled to the heavens.

Listen to President Sisi’s speeches during his trial. Very funny comedy. A humbled man who was once powerful, and a powerful man who became humbled.

#Protected_Egypt under the leadership of President Sisi could not accomplish anything with Ethiopia.

Ethiopia is supported by Russia and others, while President Sisi is only supported by the First Lady, Intisar.

Yes, unfortunately, the dam will harm Egypt, but with a flood, not thirst. Remember my words.

After the coming flood in Egypt, crops will be ruined and famine will follow. Do not think that President Sisi was unaware; he was following orders from his masters in the East.

I warned you in previous tweets about the dangerous situation in #Germany.

You saw with your own eyes a radical opening fire on the Israeli consulate in Berlin. This is a precursor to igniting the situation and targeting Jews and Muslims together.

Unfortunately, I warn and expect that the German street will react like what happened in Britain. All these are premeditated, evil plans.

The deportation of Syrian refugees from Europe will be the slogan of the year 2025. Many who obtained passports will have them confiscated and will return.

The Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris has begun his phase of collapse in complete silence.

Naguib, the Egyptian billionaire, thought he was a state within a state and began dreaming that he would rule a Christian Egyptian state in the Delta. You won’t get anything, Mr. Billionaire. You will die poor after two decades of illness and oppression.

Some have warned you, Mr. Billionaire Naguib, including the clever, sharp-tongued Shahin who flies high. If you’ve forgotten, let me remind you.

Prince Faisal, brother of the King of Jordan. Be smart and leave on your own with your children. Stay away from your brother’s wife, Queen Rania, and her adventures; you know her well.

#Rabbi_of_the_Arabian_Peninsula #Blue_Yamama #Bin_Salman_and_only_him

September 7, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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